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81. BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF FUNGAL AND BACTERIAL PLANT PATHOGENS of biocontrol agents; Combination of biocontrol with other disease control measures; studybiocontrol agents and their interaction with pathogens and plants. http://www.agri.gov.il/Depts/IOBCPP/IOBCPP.html | |
82. Pathogenesis & Host Specificity In Plant Diseases, Histopathological, Biochemica covering the mechanism of host specificity and pathogenesis in plant diseases. asfacets) and host specificity in important plantpathogen systems representing http://www.cplpress.com/contents/C114.htm | |
83. UCONN IPM: Integrated Pest Management:Greenhouse:Plant Diseases: Bacterial Disea system (xylem) of the plant causing the leaves to wilt while the roots remain healthy.However, water stress, root rot disease, or a fungal pathogen such as http://www.hort.uconn.edu/ipm/greenhs/htms/gerbacdis.htm | |
84. CSIRO PUBLISHING - Books & CDs knowledge of the health and diseases of eucalypts change from many surveys of pathogensof particular for forest and plantation managers, plant pathologists and http://www.publish.csiro.au/nid/18/pid/2484.htm | |
85. Plant Pathology 369 - Schedule 2003 18, Oct. 6, Ch 3, How pathogens Attack Plants Toxins, Cell Membranes MitochondiaCell Metabolism Respiration, Southern Corn Leaf Blight Victoria disease of oats. http://plantpath.unl.edu/peartree/homer/sched03-369.html | |
86. Plant Pathology -- This Is The Web Site For Introductory Plant Pathology (PLPT36 the study of the plant Pathology supported by the Textbooks plant Pathology, FourthEdition, by GN Agrios or plant Pathology and plant pathogens, 3 rd edition http://plantpath.unl.edu/peartree/homer/public.html | |
87. Interior Business Online :: Article :: Plant Rx: Plant Disease 101 disease than just this  thereÂs testing, diagnostics and many different pathogens.But understanding these key areas will lead to healthier plants and http://www.interiorbusinessonline.com/articles/article.asp?Id=2280&SubCatID=14&C |
88. Mechanisms Of Resistance To Plant Diseases|KLUWER Academic Publishers Contents and Contributors. Review(s) `The work is an excellent and advanced textbookon resistance mechanisms to plant diseases and hostpathogen interactions. http://www.wkap.nl/prod/b/1-4020-0399-4 | |
89. EUROPA - EU-Agrinet - EU-funded Agricultural Research Portal - One-step Diagnosi potatoes and potato plants. This will test the method for later application to allthe pathogens in the directive. The potato pests and diseases were chosen as http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/agriculture/project_showcase/diagnostic_chip. | |
90. Can Viruses That Infect Bacteria Fight Plant Disease? situations, it is likely that phage therapy against bacterial plant pathogens willnot and negative effects of using phages to fight plant disease are the http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2003/11/031107055930.htm | |
91. McKenzie & Dingley--New Records Of Fungal Pathogens New Zealand Journal of Botany abstract. New plant disease recordsin New Zealand miscellaneous fungal pathogens III. EHC McKENZIE. http://www.rsnz.org/publish/nzjb/1996/135.php | |
92. Plant Disease Information Notes plant Disease Information Notes If you have trouble viewing this menu, try thetext only (one page) version. North Carolina plant Disease and Insect Clinic. http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/pp/notes/ | |
93. G6202 Disease Prevention In Home Vegetable Gardens related plants within the garden from season to season lessens the chance that plantdiseases will build up. This is especially true of pathogens which survive http://muextension.missouri.edu/explore/agguides/hort/g06202.htm | |
94. Publications And Newsletters At Botany & Plant Pathology, Purdue University plant Disease 87 10721076. Lapaire, CL, and LD Dunkle. 2003. Cloning and analysisof the mating-type idiomorphs from the barley pathogen Septoria passerinii. http://www.btny.purdue.edu/Pubs/ | |
95. Forest Pathology - Concepts And Names persistent and their interaction with plants fits most It applies even to diseaseswhere environment is especially important or multiple pathogens are involved http://www.forestpathology.org/concepts.html | |
96. Research (Alternate Crops And Systems) between pathogens and their host plants, biocontrol control agents, and othercontrol measures on a molecular level allowing for optimization of disease http://www.arsusda.gov/acsl/research/cropsim.html | |
97. Cucurbit Yellow Vine Disease, Etiology - USA In this disease, the bacterial pathogen resides in the plant s phloem,a rather unusual place for phytopathogenic bacteria to lodge. http://www.agnic.org/pmp/2002/cyv070402.html |
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