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61. Harman: Trichoderma For The Control Of Plant Pathogens in sufficient numbers to cause disease. Once the pathogens are established on thefoliage, the soilapplied biocontrol agent no longer can protect the plant. http://www.nysaes.cornell.edu/ent/bcconf/talks/harman.html | |
62. Bio-5--Plant Disease Diagnostics The diagnostic kits are based on a method that uses proteins called antibodiesto detect diseasecausing organisms of plants (plant pathogens). http://www.biotech.iastate.edu/biotech_info_series/bio5.html | |
63. Stop Ornamental Diseases Before They Start This article discusses ornamental plant diseases and ways to manage plant diseases. Information on foliar diseases is also given. Ornamental plant diseases can significantly affect the aesthetic http://www.grounds-mag.com/ar/grounds_maintenance_stop_ornamental_diseases | |
64. Biotechnology In Agriculture set of tools that can be used in plant disease diagnostics is to that of the DNA orRNA of the pathogen. the probes can be used to identify specific diseases. http://www.isaaa.org/kc/Publications/htm/agribiotech/dignostics.htm | |
65. Articles On Plant Disease, An Online Guide To Plant Disease Control, Oregon Stat pathogens and Pesticides. http://plant-disease.ippc.orst.edu/article_index.cfm | |
66. Plant Clinic Information, An Online Guide To Plant Disease Control, Oregon State Chemotherapy Treatment of disease by chemicals (chemothera-peutants) working directlyor indirectly on the pathogens without injury to the host plant. http://plant-disease.ippc.orst.edu/glossary.cfm | |
67. Plant Diseases Web by the Department of Botany and plant Pathology at or searched, and the recordfor each disease provides information on the pathogen or causal http://agrifor.ac.uk/browse/cabi/aa906de43543947c04b8ead23cb4d30b.html | |
68. Exercises In Plant Disease of Populations of Airborne pathogens; Determining Sample Spread Models; Simulationof Disease Spread and of Sanitation, Vectors and plant Susceptibility for http://www.shopapspress.org/42244.html | |
69. Plant Industry Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratory physical and chemical disease management measures designed to eliminate the sourceof the disease, stop the spread and prevent escape of plant pathogens. http://www.agriculture.state.pa.us/plantindustry/cwp/view.asp?A=3&Q=124239 |
70. HortFACT - Glossary Of Terms Relating To Plant Diseases systemic pertaining to a disease in which the pathogen (or a single infection)spreads generally throughout a plant; pertaining to chemicals that spread http://www.hortnet.co.nz/publications/hortfacts/hf205021/disgloss.htm | |
71. PLANT DISEASE AND PLANT DISEASE DIAGNOSIS To do this, plant pathologists study such factors as mechanisms that pathogens useto cause disease, and interactions between pathogens and host http://scarab.msu.montana.edu/Diagnostics/DiseaseDiag.htm | |
72. Natural Disease Control—A Common-sense Approach To Plant First Aid Most garden diseases are caused by fungi more than 8,000 species are known plantpathogens and either inhabit the aboveground portions of plants or are http://www.bbg.org/gar2/topics/sustainable/handbooks/naturaldisease/leasttoxic.h | |
73. Rural Farmers Explore Causes Of Plant Disease interactions and limited access to information in rural areas, Central American farmersdo not know about the causes of biotic plant disease plant pathogens. http://www.ileia.org/2/11-1/11-1-20.htm |
74. BBSRC Features - Plant Disease Diagnostics Come Of Age (April 2001) It is now possible to detect plant disease agents with a higher degree of We canalso quickly determine particular genetic properties of pathogens, such as http://www.bbsrc.ac.uk/news/features/01apr/01_04_plant.html | |
75. BBSRC Features - New "DeTechtor" For Plant Disease(July 2000) These problems highlight the need for disease diagnostic techniques that can be Antibodybasedmethods for the identification of plant pathogens are not new http://www.bbsrc.ac.uk/news/features/00jul/00_07_detechtor.html | |
76. Crop Rotations For Managing Plant Disease residue free of cereal leafspot pathogens for minimum of a possible increase in leafspotdiseases (Table 1). stubble unless all volunteer wheat plants in that http://www.ext.nodak.edu/extpubs/plantsci/pests/pp705w.htm | |
77. Welcome To ISPPWeb should be used for all similar diseases of different hosts when the pathogen is the B)To approve common names of plant diseases considered to be appropriate. http://www.isppweb.org/names_common.asp | |
78. Plant Disease Proceedings . . 109 The major plant pathogens occurring in ecosystems of southwestern Australia. . . 123 The ecological impact of plant disease on plant communities. http://members.iinet.net.au/~cwills/rtwpldis.html | |
79. Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratory / Gilat Research Center an integral part of the plant Pathology Unit Yearround disease diagnosis for allcrops Quantitative diagnosis of pathogens (bacterial, fungal, nematodal, and http://molcho.org.il/maamatz_english.html | |
80. SOMETIMES SOURCES OF PLANT DISEASE CAN HIDE IN PLAIN SIGHT has infected stock plants, the cuttings taken from those plants will carry thedisease as well especially if the pathogens are found inside the plant. http://aginfo.psu.edu/News/april00/disease.html |
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