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41. U Of M Website Can Help Diagnose Plant Diseases Early diagnosis of plant disease problems is the most critical step in managingplant pathogens and minimizing their impact, says Beckerman. http://www.extension.umn.edu/extensionnews/2002/PlantDiseases.html | |
42. Applied Genetics News: PCR Detects Plant Pathogens causing pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi, in 20 to 30 min. Untilnow, PCR tests have not been widely used for diagnosis of plant diseases, http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0DED/is_5_22/ai_81211904 | |
43. Plant Disease contains brief and timely reports of new diseases, new disease outbreaks, new hosts,and pertinent new observations of plant diseases and pathogens worldwide. http://www.nonprofitjournals.org/journals/plant_disease.htm | |
44. U Of A - Department Of Plant Pathology of important contemporary concepts relative to the genetics, physiology, biochemistry,and molecular biology of plant pathogens and plant diseases. http://www.uark.edu/depts/plntpath/graduate.html | |
45. Plant Pathology PLPA6503 Bacterial and Mycoplasmal plant pathogens (SP) plant pathogens bacteriaand mycoplasma, the types of diseases they cause, their identification, culture http://www.uark.edu/admin/urelinfo/CatalogofStudies/OLD_CATALOGS/98-99/bumpers/P | |
46. Threatening Plant Diseases Not Reported, Or Of Limited Distribution, In The U.S. Threatening plant diseases not Reported, or of Limited Distribution accepted commonnames A disease can be The forest pathogens were provided as a consensus http://www.na.fs.fed.us/aps_forestpath/threat/diseases_not_reported.htm | |
47. Coop Media "Plant Disease" Titles 1999, color. An introduction to plant diseases and pathogens and their control. Includesdiseases caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses, phytoplasmas and nematodes. http://www.uwex.edu/ces/media/catalog/plantdis.html | |
48. More People Are Getting Sick From Eating Fresh Fruits lack the appropriate facilities for working with human pathogens, which are management,that have worked well in controlling other plant diseases would likely http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2003-01/aps-mpa012703.php | |
49. Syllabus For PATH 3530 pathogenesis and the role of plant diseases in plant production. Using specific examples,the student will be introduced to all major types of plant pathogens. http://www.plant.uga.edu/Syllabi/3530scherm.htm | |
50. Books plant pathogens and plant diseases. Edited by JF Brown and HJ Ogle. ORDER FORM. plantpathogens and plant diseases. Contents. Part I. The agents that cause disease. http://www.australasianplantpathologysociety.org.au/Books/Books.htm | |
51. Real-time PCR And Its Application For Rapid Plant Disease Diagnostics Translate this page Rapid-cycle real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods may revolutionize themanner in which plant pathogens are identified and diseases are diagnosed. http://pubs.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/tcjpp/k02-043.html | |
52. OUP USA: Plant Pathologists' Pocketbook: J. M. Waller 9. Fungi as plant pathogens, JM Waller and PF Cannon. 10. Bacteria and plantdiseases, G. Saddler. 11. Virus diseases, Revised by JM Waller. 12. http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/LifeSciences/Botany/PlantPathology |
53. The BSPP - Archives - Biodiversity Symposium plant pathogens, through the diseases they cause, influence the distribution of individualsof a species, the genetic variation of that species with respect to http://www.bspp.org.uk/archives/biodiversity/ | |
54. Emergence Of Plant Diseases (5 March, 1997) populations in contact with populations that harbor pathogens without severe (plant)populations become more vulnerable to disease through drugs http://www.agnic.org/pmp/1997/epd9703.html |
55. PLP208 ECOLOGY OF PLANT PATHOGENS & EPIDEMIOLOGY OF PLANT DISEASES Concept Of Inoculum Potential In Soil And Critical Events In plant Infection. ModelingAnd Forecasting Root diseases. Control Of SoilBorne plant pathogens. http://www.plpnem.ucdavis.edu/plp/courses/PLP208/PLP208.htm | |
56. F830 Plant Diseases (General) insects or other arthropods as vectors of plant pathogens, use F821and appropriate plant disease category code, F830F833; nematodes http://laurel.nal.usda.gov:8080/agnic/cc/d_f830.html |
57. World Chocolate Production: The Impact Of Plant Diseases The disease is caused by a complex of species of Phytophthora (the genus namedby Anton de Bary in 1876 as Âplant destroyerÂ) (5). These pathogens are http://www.apsnet.org/online/feature/cacao/top.html | |
58. PLANT DISEASE DIAGNOSTICS Many ELISA diagnostic kits are available for use in the laboratory, however, andcan test for a wide range of plant pathogens. Examples of diseases ELISA kits http://www.nal.usda.gov/bic/Education_res/iastate.info/bio5.html | |
59. DNA Profiling: Guarding Against A Plant Disease Epidemic Ward recently joined O Donnell s laboratory to gain insights on how thescab pathogens developed their ability to cause plant disease. http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/AR/archive/aug00/dna0800.htm | |
60. Pathogens And Antagonists Cornell Univ Biological Control in North America; Weeden, Shelton, Hoffmann.pathogens and Antagonists of plant Disease and PostHarvest Decay. pathogens. http://www.nysaes.cornell.edu/ent/biocontrol/pathogens/pathintro.html | |
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