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1. Page Not Found Or Moved Database of fungal pathogens on trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants. Search by pathogen, host or recording authority. http://www.landcare.cri.nz/science/nzpddb/ | |
2. List Of Diseases Submitted From An Individual State R = Reemerging pathogens associated with chemical resistance or Return to Newand Emerging diseases Home Page Go to NCSU plant Disease and Insect http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/ent/clinic/Emerging/kentucky.htm | |
3. Plants, Pathogens And People Resources, activities and dialogue relating to the biology, history, economic importance, and other aspects of plant diseases. Developed by University of Illinois, U.S. http://nautilus.outreach.uiuc.edu/ppp/ |
4. Common Names Of Plant Diseases a committee to develop listings of plant pathogens and the diseases they incite Standardization of Common Names for plant diseases continually updates this list, publishes http://www.apsnet.org/online/common | |
5. Nonindigenous Plant Pathogens Threaten U.S. Crops And Forests list. An ad hoc committee of APS was formed in 1999 to address theissue of emerging plant diseases and threatening pathogens. This http://apsnet.org/online/feature/exotic/ | |
6. CABI Publishing Print and online journal on diseases of crop plants, ornamentals and forest trees caused by range of pathogens, nonparasitic diseases and mycorrhizas. Includes content search, abstracts (1992 to present), and registration form for a free trial subscription. http://www.cabi.org/Publishing/Products/JOURNALS/Abstract/RPP/Index.asp | |
7. Nonindigenous Plant Pathogens Threaten U.S. Crops And Forests Losses due to plant diseases have been estimated to be as high as $30 billion per year (20 the issue of emerging plant diseases and threatening pathogens. This article, written http://www.apsnet.org/online/feature/exotic | |
8. Integrated Crop Management - Complete Plant Diseases Index plant. diseases. Complete plant diseases Index. plant diseases Stand reductions in corn due to fungal pathogens and insects( Jun http://www.ipm.iastate.edu/ipm/icm/indices/plantdiseases.html | |
9. An Online Guide To Plant Disease Control, Oregon State University The Online plant Disease Database of over 1 200 plant diseases, images, and control recommendations from the Oregon state University's 2001 Pacific Northwest plant Disease Management Handbook. plant Pathology slide collection, as well as photographs taken by our colleagues. Additional articles from the handbook have been incorporated into the "pathogens http://plant-disease.orst.edu/ | |
10. ARS Plant Diseases National Program (303): Program Component Definitions : of how and where pathogens survive on plant parts and seeds is essential for developingmethods to reduce the domestic and international spread of diseases. http://www.ars.usda.gov/research/programs/programs.htm?np_code=303&docid=795 |
11. A Mysterious Foe This article discusses the mysteries of plant pathogens and the diseases they cause. plant pathogens often are more difficult for grounds managers to deal with than other types of some light http://www.grounds-mag.com/ar/grounds_maintenance_mysterious_foe | |
12. Plant Diseases On The Forage Information System Common Names for plant diseases. CropNet diseases. diseases and pathogens of the Small Forage Crop diseases. Institute for plant diseases and plant Protection. The OnLine Guide http://www.forages.css.orst.edu/Topics/Pests/Diseases | |
13. Plant Diseases Announcements Browse/searchable archive database of emerging plant diseases with potential impact on food safety announced by ProMED (Program of Emerging diseases) of the Federation of American Scientists ProMEDmail. plant diseases Announcements ( Chronological) 10 Jan 2002) Quarantine plant pathogens, Food Crops - Spain http://www.agnic.org/pmp/chron.html |
14. Midwest Biological Control News pathogens. In some cases, siderophore production and competitive success in acquiringFe3+ is the mechanism by which biocontrol agents control plant diseases. http://www.entomology.wisc.edu/mbcn/fea303.html | |
15. Cornell University's Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic Homepage plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic. C O R N E L L U plant diseases. Our services include analysis of plant material and soil for bacterial, fungal, viral, and nematode pathogens http://plantclinic.cornell.edu/ | |
16. Midwest Biological Control News Slide Set on Biological Control of plant pathogens. A Pictorial Guide to BiologicalControl of plant diseases, compiled by JE Loper and LJ Stowell and http://www.entomology.wisc.edu/mbcn/rev504.html | |
17. Ohio State | Plant Pathology | 201: Social Impact Of Plant Diseases What is junk science? Begin a Series of Four General Studies on SelectedPlant diseases and pathogens legal and political issues. 4. April 25. http://plantpath.osu.edu/courses/201-cal.php | |
18. Ohio State Plant Pathology | Faculty | Laurence Madden public understanding of the impact of plant diseases on food production worldwide,and draw realistic attention to the threat of plant pathogens as weapons http://plantpath.osu.edu/faculty/madden.php | |
19. PLANT PATHOLOGY DEFINITION OF plant PATHOLOGY. The study of plant diseases is known as plant pathology.Infectious diseases are caused by living organisms called pathogens. http://www.hcs.ohio-state.edu/mg/manual/path.htm | |
20. Plant Pathogens The Biocontrol of plant diseases Laboratory (BPDL) is based at the Beltsville discoverand improve methods for biological control of plant pathogens and weeds http://agrifor.ac.uk/browse/cabi/920d83863a69a2d3a2c00e1b388cbb6e.html | |
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