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61. Environmental Education Grants 2001 education into existing curricula, planning field trips throughout the handson training,a tour day of model or informal, classroom or field experiences that http://yosemite.epa.gov/r10/extaff.nsf/0/196f93ea4d8f9c1d88256a99006b971e?OpenDo |
62. May 2000 days for CFSC members, plus $10 for the field trip. in an event or to order a planningkit email For more information on Stand For Children Day events in your http://www.worldhungeryear.org/nhc/moo/Moo200005.html | |
63. South discussion of issues faced by others in this field. of crime prevention programs,land us planning techniques, community an averae of 245 meals a day to over http://www.neighborhoodsonline.net/Participants/South/south.html | |
64. Subject 10exams for 8; June 11-exam make-up day. How will Benefits planning help my child? instructor;Participate in exploratory experiences such as field trips, job http://www.k12albemarle.org/monticello/Departments/guidance/guidance news/MHS Ne | |
65. Find The Anaheim Nonprofit Jobs You Want And Other Nonprofit Jobs Posted At Care a 98year old practice leader in the field of child Opportunities, Peace Corps Urban Regional planning, Peace Corps office at the end of the day feeling proud http://nonprofit.careerbuilder.com/np.ic/California_Anaheim/ | |
66. HSC Pulse Details Bradford serves as both cheerleader and field general CDUS) Committee s 15th AnnualSecretaries Day Conference is on a budget, line dancing, and planning a get http://uuhsc.utah.edu/pubaffairs/pulse_detail.cfm?ID=13928 |
67. September 2003 SPAN provides training from professionals in the field of suicide prevention. Theyhad their first planning meeting in September. National Survivor Day. http://www.hopes-wi.org/Newsletters/September2003.htm | |
68. FYI LONDON THIS WEEK: Rowbust team are counting the days till they in May and member museums are planninginformation displays the great outdoors The McIlwraith field Naturalists of http://www.lfpress.ca/perl-bin/niveau2.cgi?s=fyiprint&p=84409.html&a=1 |
69. Latin American Youth Center - Job Announcements Leader by the last working day of the Social Work, Counseling or related field preferred;SW Assists in planning program workshops, orientation, graduation, and http://www.layc-dc.org/jobs.html | |
70. SUNY Cortland Human Resources - Jobs Library reference services during days, evenings and Therapeutic Recreation, TourismPlanning and Development in a technical field, proficient communication http://www.cortland.edu/hr/faculty.html | |
71. National Rehabilitation Awareness Celebration - Communicating Your Message as it hosts Rehabilitation Professions Day. A daylong series school students withcareers in the field of rehabilitation. (Facility Name) is planning a week http://www.nraf-rehabnet.org/communcate01.html | |
72. 4-H Youth Development 1999 Programs Of Excellence: Leadership & Volunteerism Youth planning and working with other youth is not as Teen Issues Week, RealityDay, special topical highlighted career opportunities in the field of waste http://www.national4-hheadquarters.gov/excellence/1999/vol_ldrshp.htm | |
73. Starting In The Middle 2000 School has a population of 815 students in grades 58. Our day includes seven planning. Studentswill also explore career opportunities in the technology field. http://www.nwrel.org/ecc/middle_2000/emmett_1.html | |
74. Side-Bars, Population Reports, Series M, Number 12 meetings, keeping records of each day s work . Family planning programs should notset targets for incentives for contraceptive use, or field workers quotas http://www.infoforhealth.org/pr/m12/m12boxes.shtml | |
75. NewsChannel 8 - Local Events building and maintaining partnerships in contingency planning from an Come join usfor a day of fun 22/04 Robert Szabo, a wartime field photographer interpreter http://www.news8.net/community/showcat.hrb?i=1 |
76. Tuesday 23, 79 pm in the field House. planning for the Union renovation is in the initialstages. DJs will be broadcasting outside the station promoting the day. http://publicinformation.luther.edu/091702.html | |
77. EIE Grant Recipients WubbenTo support the Youth Crop field Day program. Sherry Glenn To conduct fieldresearch and community about the High School Financial planning Program. http://www.extension.iastate.edu/Pages/EIE/recipients.htm | |
78. CSC - What's Happening and technology, process development, strategic planning, logistics, finance in thecorporate and legal services field. and Natural Resources Career Day will be http://www.udel.edu/CSC/happening.html | |
79. Open Staff Positions student personnel or a related field and full time Participate in the overall planningof the total ie, New Student Orientation, Preview days, Homecoming, etc. http://www.uu.edu/humanresources/staff/ | |
80. NS Department Of Agriculture And Fisheries: Archives: History Of Extension Servi were phased out and a Manager of field Services was Edward in 1987 was a memorableday for many 4 service/advice/information related to preplanning of capital http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsaf/elibrary/archive/eshistory/chap8.htm | |
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