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81. Starmen.Net Message Forum: General Discussion => The Planets Thu, 06 May 2004 1725 Go to previous message. Re The planets. http://forum.starmen.net/index.php?t=msg&goto=21485 |
82. HubbleSite - Planets Related Links 1996+34 Hubble Monitors Weather on Neighboring planets (1995) http//hubble.stsci.edu/news_.and._views/pr.cgi.1995+17top Neptune general Information Gallery http://hubblesite.org/discoveries/hstexhibit/planets/links_planets.shtml | |
83. B Fuller Master Index: Phon-Pm , , Index/Tuck in a Plane. PLANET planets. general, Synergetics 2, sects 791.01,792.51; fig 791.01 (3), -, -. Earth, 06-95, Earth Pics, etc; San Diego, CA, USA. http://buckminster.info/Index/Phon-Pm.htm | |
84. ThinkQuest : Library : Think Space general There are nine planets in our Solar System, and each is very unique. Lookat the data table below for more general information on all the planets. http://library.thinkquest.org/26220/solarsystems/ | |
85. Life On Other Planets Kevin J. Anderson Dune (Imaginary place) Fiction Life on other planets Robots Science fiction Fiction Science Fiction Science Fiction - general . http://topics.practical.org/browse/Life_on_other_planets | |
86. Remote Sensing Of Planets Department - General Information Mail address Department Remote Sensing of planets , Astronomical Observatoryof Kharkov National University Sumskaya, 35 61022 Kharkov Ukraine http://www.univer.kharkov.ua/astron/rsp/rsp_info.htm | |
87. Plabpc.csustan.edu/astro/planets/SolarSystem.htm What Is The Drake Equation?small logo general Information R* = The rate of formation of suitable stars(stars such as our Sun); f p = The fraction of those stars with planets. http://plabpc.csustan.edu/astro/planets/SolarSystem.htm |
88. Orbits In Strongly Curved Spacetime more than could be explained by the influence of the other planets. In 1915, AlbertEinstein s general Theory of Relativity extended Newtonian gravitation http://www.fourmilab.ch/gravitation/orbits/ | |
89. General Relativity & Black Holes However, the effects of the known planets cannot account for all of Mercury s Einsteinapplied his general Theory to the motion of Mercury and found that the http://cassfos02.ucsd.edu/public/tutorial/GR.html | |
90. Skewl Sites - Site Index - SCIENCE - General SCIENCE general. Nasa s Observatorium, A site that has pictures of the Earth, planets,stars, and other cool stuff, as well as the stories behind those images http://www.skewlsites.com/science.htm | |
91. General Considerations For A Mars Mission general considerations for a Mars Mission. Eccentricity According to Kepler s Laws, the planets revolve in elliptical orbits in which the Sun is at one of its http://www.marsacademy.com/traj/traj2.htm | |
92. General Astronomy: Lecture Notes: 5 Eudoxus (408355 BC) physical model with compound circular motion for planets. Generalissue raised How does one decide which data are important, which http://www-astro.physics.uiowa.edu/~lam/teaching/general/05.html | |
93. Introduction To The Nine Planets A Blockbook of Medieval Popular Astrology; The Basics of Spaceflight from JPL; includesa nice general astronomy tutorial; GUSTAV HOLST The planets .aiff sound http://www.physics.louisville.edu/nineplanets/intro.html | |
94. Planets, Carnegie Library Of Pittsburgh Resource Guide general Sites. Exploratorium Your Weight on Other Worlds A java applet that calculatesthis for you The Nine planets A multimedia tour of the solar system by http://www.carnegielibrary.org/subject/homework/planets.html | |
95. General Information: Free Planets Alliance Military Ranks Fleet Admiral, Field Marshal, Field Marshal, Fleet Admiral, n/a, general of theAir Corps, Notes. The Free planets Alliance rank system is not directly based onany http://www.logh.net/fparanks.htm | |
96. GLY 4045: Moons, Planets And Meteors addressed and solved in our exploration of the Moon and other planets. in ClassicalGreece and the Renaissance, reflects the history of science in general). http://www.cas.usf.edu/~jryan/planets.html | |
97. Links For Sites With Information Relevant To The Darwin Space Infrared Interfero Pulsar planets Penn State. Known Planetary Systems Willman at Princeton.Lunar and Planetary Institute Solar System planets, general info. http://ast.star.rl.ac.uk/darwin/links.html | |
98. Newsgroups Sci.astro,sci.answers,news.answers Subject [sci.astro In general, but certainly more vaguely, the last century of astronomy has providedmany eg, where metals come from, why the Sun shines, why there are planets). http://sciastro.astronomy.net/sci.astro.2.FAQ | |
99. TSN: General BB Post: Alignment Of Planets.... Search the general bulletin board Main general Bulletin Board Post Followup FAQ Next by Date Alignment of planets . http://www.saabnet.com/tsn/bb/general/?bID=132316 |
100. General Planetary Science -- From Eric Weisstein's Encyclopedia Of Scientific Bo general Planetary Science. Beatty, J. Kelly and Chaikin, Andrews (Eds.). Cattermole,Peter. Earth and Other planets Geology and Space Research. 1995. http://www.ericweisstein.com/encyclopedias/books/GeneralPlanetaryScience.html | |
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