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1. Planetariums Aberdeen Planetarium. Abrams Planetarium. AdelaideÂs Planetarium. Adler Planetarium Astronomy Museum Albert Einstein Planetarium. http://www.kidskonnect.com/Museums/Planetariums.html | |
2. Southwest Association Of Planetariums Text Only Version. Southwest Association of planetariums. Current SWAP officers. planetariums in the SWAP service area (Active SWAP members are in bold.). Arkansas. http://www.tyler.cc.tx.us/SWAP/ | |
3. Loch Ness Productions: Planetarium Web Sites A directory of worldwide planetariums. http://www.lochness.com/pltweb/pltweb.html | |
4. ENC Online: Web Links: Science Topics: Planetariums and activities; information about local astronomy clubs and planetariums; and a collection of resources and links for You Are Here ENC Home Web Links Science Topics planetariums http://www.enc.org/weblinks/science/0,1578,1-Planetariums,00.shtm | |
5. Planetariums & Observatories In NJ sponsor. NJ planetariums Observatories. County College of Morris Planetarium. 214 Center Grove Rd. Randolph. 973328-5076 973-328-5755 They are one of only 60 planetariums in the country participating in StarStation One, which introduces http://www.funnj.com/leisure/planet | |
6. Planetarium Page Of Stargazing Net planetariums. AlphaCentaure 1.XX. Multipurpose planetarium. One of the best around, and still getting better http://www.stargazing.net/AstroTips/english/planetariums.html | |
7. Planetariums Hawaiian Astronomical Society. Planetaria Travel into Space without leaving Earth. Astronomical Society of the Pacific List. Great List of Museums and planetariums. List of Planetaria on the web http://www.hawastsoc.org/Pltium.html | |
8. MMI Corporation : Planetariums MMI Corporation supplies portable and permanent planetarium installations and Astronomy Geology teaching materials for college/high school educators. http://www.mmicorporation.com/plm/plm.html | |
9. ASP List Of Planetariums - Old Location The ASP list of planetariums has moved. We apologize for the inconvenience. For the time being, use the alternative link to the ASP list of planetariums. http://www.physics.sfsu.edu/asp/planetarium.html | |
10. CNN.com - Space - Planetariums Find Niche In Multimedia Age - August 14, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/TECH/space/08/14/planetariums.ap/index.html | |
11. 350 Planetarium Links Planetarium and Space Theater The Hummel Planetarium, which houses the Hummel Space Theater, is one of the largest and most sophisticated planetariums in the http://www.mysteries-megasite.com/main/bigsearch/planet-1.html | |
12. Additional Space Science Education Resources Includes links to NASA Affiliated sites, Professional Organizations and Standards,Schools/Museums/planetariums, and more, from the Space Science Data Operations Office of NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center http://ssdoo.gsfc.nasa.gov/education/resources.html | |
13. IPS: Welcome To The International Planetarium Society committees, and our worldwide affiliate societies, current job openings and internships in planetariums, etc. take the IPS Survey of the World´s planetariums ( download a copy in http://www.ips-planetarium.org/ | |
14. Planetariums - MuseumSpot.com MuseumSpot planetariums. Adler Planetarium Check out the galleries via webcam. Albert Einstein Planetarium Weekly sky happenings and show information. http://www.museumspot.com/categories/planetariums.htm | |
15. GAMBATO Costruzioni Per Astronomia Italian manufacturer of observatories, planetariums and geodes. Offers observatory structure maintenance services. http://www.gambato.it/ |
16. VH/Planetariums . About Us . . Contact . . Magyarul . planetariums. Budapesti Planetarium 1101 Budapest, Nepliget Tel. 2650725; 265-0996; 263-3104 http://virtualhungary.com/lists/planetar.htm | |
17. Goto Optical Mfg. Co. Manufacturer of big and scholar planetariums. http://www.goto.co.jp |
18. AccuMall - Planetariums planetariums designed to be educational, interesting and intriguing to the budding astronomers! Home and Outdoors. planetariums. Binoculars. Weathervanes. Sundials Home and Outdoors planetariums. planetariums. Educational and fun, this celestial navigator helps to learn about the http://www.accumall.com/categories/Planetariums.phtml?category_id=73&categor |
19. G4techTV - The Screen Savers Free Desktop planetariums, Also on This Episode, · Dark Tip Cain Abel · Free Desktop planetariums · PlanetSurfing With Your PDA All about this episode . http://www.techtv.com/screensavers/downloadoftheday/story/0,24330,3602990,00.htm | |
20. Lasersmith Light Show Systems Home: Professional Laser Shows And Laser Show Syst Lasersmith provides laser entertainment for trade shows, conventions, hotels, theme parks, casinos, product launches, sporting events, concerts, museums, planetariums, holiday celebrations, fund raisers or your own creative needs. http://www.lasersmith.com/ | |
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