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Home - Basic_P - Places & Regions Atlases & Gazetteers |
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41. History Library Resources atlases and gazetteers Times Atlas of the World R912 more than 5,300 essays on places,peoples, events economics, and culture of the Latin American region. http://www.conception.edu/Library/cresourcespages/hislib.htm | |
42. Constructing A Resource Guide on places of the world, of a paricular country, or a region under their namesin alphabetical order. Examples of atlases and gazetteers available online http://www.southernct.edu/~brownm/244s_guide.html | |
43. Geography Research Guide: Reference Materials 3 place names, which maps that show various districts and regions. Aids to GeographicalResearch Bibliographies, Periodicals, atlases, gazetteers and Other http://guides.library.fullerton.edu/geography/reference.htm | |
44. SFU Library - Map Collection There are general, national, regional and subject atlases. giving locations of physicalfeatures and places, such as atlases and gazetteers cannot be borrowed. http://www.lib.sfu.ca/researchhelp/publicationtypes/mapcoll.htm | |
45. Internet Collegiate Reference Collection Reference Category atlases. 1950s compiled by the US Army Cold regions Research and States,along with several thousand unincorporated places, specialpurpose http://icrc.bloomu.edu/icrc/searchlc.php?top=G&bottom=G9999&name=Atlases & Maps, |
46. Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative Conference: Sydney the physical impact of places and regions on the and with the geographic coordinatesof that place. developed database of early Italian atlases, many from his http://www.nla.gov.au/ntwkpubs/gw/53/p07a01.html | |
47. Geographical Sources Geographical Sources Thematic atlases. In today's rapidly changing world, knowledge of geography is critical if we are to be an informed citizenry. know where places are just to understand the http://news.cn.edu/kocour2/Geography.htm | |
48. UNBSJ Ward Chipman Library Atlases Maps Gazetteers Saint John Ward Chipman Library atlases, Maps and Maps of the Arctic Region, ArcticTheme Page Australian Place Names Search, Gazetteer of Australia, Geoscience http://www.unbsj.ca/library/refer/atlas1.htm | |
49. Alternative Basic Library Education - Basic Reference Sources on a single state, a country or region, or the In addition to maps and atlases, thereare other often, thumbnail historical sketches of the places described. http://www.lili.org/forlibs/ce/able/course11/s2-maps-23.htm | |
50. GEOSPATIAL RESOURCES - Maps And Atlases: Reference Resources Maps and atlases Reference Resources. and link to aerial photos, and regional, localand AllRefer.com) Includes 50,000 entries covering places and counties in http://library.humboldt.edu/~rls/geospatial/refres.htm | |
51. Library Users Guide Geography atlases and Maps atlases are in the main reference Political and physical maps ofevery region of the Over 140,000 index entries of places and natural features http://www.library.uni.edu/instruction/luggeography.shtml | |
52. GeoCenter ILH Monthly Selection (261) Poland / (1310) National Regional atlases. col., detailed, 1 metallogenicregions inset, 4 sheets isobaths 101000 m, veg., places and communications http://www.geokatalog.de/insel982.htm | |
53. McMaps Map Store sections are loaded with information on places to go and things to do, from familyoutings to wilderness treks. Most of our atlases feature topographic maps http://www.mcmaps.com/delstatat.html | |
54. Toronto Public Library Unique Collections Baldwin Room - Maps charts of the Great Lakes region; Reprint editions Goad atlases in photostat or microficheformat; Current Location of places; Latitudes and longitudes; Place name http://www.tpl.toronto.on.ca/uni_spe_maps.jsp |
55. Toronto Public Library Unique Collections Genealogy And Local In addition to regional, national and world atlases atlas series of nineteenth centuryatlases includes landowners include brief descriptions of places and give http://www.tpl.toronto.on.ca/uni_spe_genealogy_research.jsp |
56. Chinese Historical Geography Project - Atlases atlases. Ass. Maps on the western regions of Sichuan are on the diaocha zu Title Taiwan baotu Place Taibei Publisher http://www.library.cornell.edu/wason/Geoweb/atlas.html |
57. IKnow Links Directory: Atlases, Maps & Gazetteers/Gazetteers it lists the name of the most important administrative areas (ie of local government,police, health authority, region and lieutenancy) in which each place lies http://www.gatesheadgrid.com/Atlases__Maps____Gazetteers/Gazetteers/ | |
58. State Library Of Queensland's Map Collections other world atlases are judged!), regional atlases covering groups Of course, informationfrom atlases can be of gazetteers, indexes to place names throughout http://www.slq.qld.gov.au/scd/maps/collections.htm | |
59. GAZETTEERS, ATLASES, MAPS & GEOGRAPHIC SERVERS The regional volumes show the feature, type, county, USGS quadrangle map and NOTEThisreference contains an Alphabetical List of place names keyed to atlases http://home.rmci.net/dyingst/gazmaps.htm | |
60. World, World Maps And Atlases From East View Cartographic, Leader In Transition Air photos / Remote Sensing, General atlases, General Maps, World Regional GeographyA Question of Place. A geography of the World s major regions, overview . http://www.cartographic.com/xq/ASP/AreaID.43/RegionID.313/ClassID.1100/TypeID.11 | |
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