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41. Port Royal Privateers Membership is open to anyone 18 years of age or older who has aninterest in pirates, buccaneers, privateers and the like. Dues http://www.portroyalprivateers.org/ | |
42. Port Royal Privateers Membership Application World. Membership is open to anyone 18 years of age or older who hasan interest in pirates, buccaneers, privateers and the like. http://www.portroyalprivateers.org/appl.htm | |
43. Pirates In Paradise Festival, Key West Once again, Key West and The Florida Keys will play host to pirates, buccaneers,privateers and other nefarious Brethren of the Coast from around the world. http://piratesinparadise.com/entertainment/ | |
44. Virginia Romance Writers Pirate Links Page Legends pirates privateers The romantic pirates, buccaneers, and privateers wegrew up on may bear little resemblance to the reality, yet the myth that was http://www.virginiaromancewriters.com/Links/piratelinks.html | |
45. Research Unlimited - Order Toll-Free 1-800-345-8588 - Pirates A cross between genuine privateers who were commissioned to defend a country scoastline and outright pirates, American buccaneers roamed the seas from the http://research-unlimited.com/pirates.html | |
46. Napoleonic Books : Privateers And Pirates 1730 To 1830 : Osprey Military : Angus The tales of pirates and buccaneers have grabbed the attention of most at some stageor another, but the officially sanctioned use of privateers to destroy an http://www.napoleonguide.com/books_osp_privateers.htm | |
47. Gavvin's Keep: The Pirate's Cove pirates, privateers buccaneers General Info. pirates A Rogues Gallery; PyratesLife; Scurvy Dogs. pirates, privateers buccaneers - Specific. Blackbeard. http://www.applink.net/wolfpack/pirate.html | |
48. Books On Buccaneers With UKshelf.com Flying buccaneers ã3.95 By Steve Birdsall. pirates of the Caribbean buccaneers,privateers and Freebooters 1493-1720 - ã21.00 By Cruz Apestegui. http://www.hlebooks.com/UKSHELF/MARINE/buccan.htm | |
49. MERMAIDS PIRATES Art Prints Jewelry, Skull And Crossbones, JOLLY ROGER Tags, Car Collection. Welcome all ye Mermaids, Sea Nymphs, Sirens pirates,buccaneers, privateers Scalawags. Right this way Mates! Mermaid http://www.mermaids-pirates.com/ | |
50. By Topic: Maritime: Piracy pirates. Brief information on pirates, buccaneers and privateers includesinformation on a few famous pirates. Some artwork and graphics. pirates. http://www.puredirectory.com/Society/History/By-Topic/Maritime/Piracy/ | |
51. WebRing: Hub ). Mermaid Lexicon Mermaids. pirates of the Americas at Spirit of America BooksWhile the pirates, buccaneers, privateers corsairs of the XVIIth and http://d.webring.com/go?ring=piratewebring&id=2&next\ |
52. The UnMuseum - Pirates There was a danger in using privateers, though The English buccaneers liked attackingwith the dozen or so cannon on deck, while French pirates preferred hand http://unmuseum.mus.pa.us/pirate.htm | |
53. Research Guide M4: Pirates And Privateers: NMM PORT Cordingly, D, pirates An illustrated history of privateers, buccaneers and piratesfrom the sixteenth century to the present (Salamander 1996) 341.362.1 A15/19 http://www.port.nmm.ac.uk/research/m4.html | |
54. Tom Callinan - Shiver Me Timbers! TomThe-Pirate, performs and teaches chanteys (work songs) and sea songs about pirates,buccaneers, privateers, salty dogs, and a host of infamous nautical no http://www.crackerbarrel-ents.com/tom_pirates.htm | |
55. Pirate Theme Web Sites Roberts). 14. pirates, privateers, buccaneers http//www.columbia.edu/~tg66/piratepage.htm( Roberts, Bellamy, Blackbeard). 15. Pirate http://cougar.ccs.k12.in.us/main/activities/Pirate theme websites.htm | |
56. Universal Guide - Pirates pirates, .privateers, buccaneers (Tanuja Goulet) Here s a site with lots of informationon pirates, privateers, buccaneers, especially on Rules of Conduct http://universalguide.com/myth/myth-pirates-1.htm | |
57. Black Flag - Piracy For Re-enactors To recreate the lives and careers of privateers, buccaneers, pirates and militiabetween the period 1660 to 1730 through living history exhibits and displays http://www.pidham.vispa.com/lhr/blackflag.htm | |
58. 'Pirates Of The Americas' Page At Spirit Of America Bookstore While the pirates, buccaneers, privateers corsairs of the XVIIth and XVIIIthCenturies were often British or French or Spanish, the skulland-crossbones http://www.genordell.com/stores/spirit/pirates.htm | |
59. Surfing The Net With Kids: Pirates Do not miss the fun Pirate Treasure Hunt, complete with a certificateto print when you find the booty. pirates, privateers, buccaneers. http://www.surfnetkids.com/pirates99.htm | |
60. Jamaica -- History & Culture Part 2 For more on Port Royal, buccaneers, privateers and pirates, see Michael Pawsonand David Buisseret, Port Royal, Jamaica (Oxford, 1974 or 2d ed. UWI, 2000). http://www.it4biz.com/omnibus/Ja/jahc2.htm | |
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