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41. UCSD Department Of Computer Science And Engineering - CSE240A This course will cover fundamental concepts in computer architecture. Topics include instruction set architecture, pipelining, pipeline hazards, bypassing http://www.cs.ucsd.edu/gradedu/courses/gradcoursedesc/CSE240A.html | |
42. UCSD Department Of Computer Science And Engineering - Computer Architecture And computer Arithmetic binary number systems, floatingpoint numbers, operations pipelining dependencies, data and control hazards, resolving hazards, forwarding http://www.cs.ucsd.edu/gradedu/advising/exams/masterscompexam/computerarchitectu | |
43. University Of Maryland Computer Science Technical Reports The symmetric hash join operator supports such pipelining, but it Institute for Advanced computer studies, Department of computer science, University of http://www.cs.umd.edu/TRs/authors/Michael_J_Franklin.html | |
44. Computer Science Graduate Course Descriptions computer ARCHITECTURE (3) Cache, pipelining, memory design, interconnection networks PROJECT (3) Research into a specific computer science problem, development http://cs.hbg.psu.edu/ms/mscourses.html |
45. WPI 2001-2002 Undergraduate Catalog - Computer Science Course Descriptions Intended audience computer science and computer engineering majors theoretical foundations, modern computer system components, pipelining of instruction http://www.wpi.edu/Pubs/Catalogs/Ugrad/2002/cscourses.html | |
46. BYU Computer Science Department - Courses - High Performance Computer Architectu computer science. BYU computer science Department. Summary Advanced topics in computer architecture, including pipelining, super pipelining, VLIW http://www.cs.byu.edu/courses/index.php?id=72 |
47. Drexel University Library - Computer Engineering And Computer Science Resource G for Sigma Xi, honor society of science and Engineering instruction set, fundamentals of assembly language, computer arithmetic, pipelining, and memory http://www.library.drexel.edu/research/guides/pdfs/compeng.html | |
48. College Of Information Technology: Computer Sciences Department computer science. Specialized study in a selected area of computer science. Topics include parallel computer systems, pipelining techniques, vector http://cit.georgiasouthern.edu/cs/grad.html | |
49. Computer Science, Rutgers University: [198:505 ] Advanced Computer Architecture Objectives Core material for computer science degree candidates. Advanced topics are covered such as pipelining, parallel architecture, and communication. http://www.cs.rutgers.edu/cs/academics/graduate/courses/node11.html | |
50. Computer Science undergraduate program has included a substantial computer science content will Poehlman Traditional performance enhancement techniques pipelining, RISC, VLIW http://www.mcmaster.ca/graduate/2000-2001/compsci.htm | |
51. Ãùú¿Ãçú¼ÃÃã¼¼ÃõÃþ¿Ãù :: Www.ICT.ac.cn 10(11),1987,()? · The Design and Implementatuon of a Very Fast Experimental pipelining computer. J. computer science and Technology http://www.ict.ac.cn/3-2-1.htm | |
52. Computer Science architecture, assembly programming, computer arithmetic, data architecture and control, pipelining, memory hierarchy biological, and social sciences solution of http://www.yale.edu/bulletin/html2003/grad/cpsc.html | |
53. VCU School Of Engineering -- Computer Science Selected topics in computer science such as theory of CMSC 605/ENGR 635 Advanced computer Architecture. memory design and management, pipelining and pipeline http://www.egr.vcu.edu/compsci/cs_courseinfo.html | |
54. University Of Warwick: Computer Science: Undergraduate: Modules Department of computer science logo. the performance analysis of both conventional computers and parallel system usage and architecture; pipelining and pipeline http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/undergraduate/modules/cg251.html | |
55. University Of Warwick: Computer Science: Research: Reports And Theses of computer science logo. J. Papay, MJ Zemerly and GR Nudd, pipelining the Givens Linear Solver on Distributed Memory Machines (November 1, 1995). Abstract. http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/reports/294.html | |
56. Software Engineering International Computer Science Series Textbooks & Books Pri A Code Mapping Scheme for Dataflow Software pipelining (Kluwer International Series in Engineering and computer science, 125) Hardcover Show all editions http://www.directtextbook.com/title/software-engineering-international-computer- | |
57. Ohio University Electrical Engineering And Computer Science Graduate Programs in the physical sciences, mathematics, computer science, or engineering SIMD, MISD, and MIMD computer organizations; parallelism versus pipelining. http://www.ohiou.edu/gcatalog/95-97/AREAS/engineer/ee.html | |
58. 3BA5 - Computer Engineering in the book section or the paper such as pipelining, superscalar, superpipeline paper copy of your essay to the office in the computer science Department before http://www.cs.tcd.ie/Michael.Manzke/3ba5.html | |
59. * Certificate In Computer Science CISC, pipelining, caches, I/O, virtual memory and related performance issues better in CS 2318 and CS 3409.); 6 hours of advanced computer science electives (CS http://www.cs.txstate.edu/Certificate.shtml | |
60. NYU Computer Science topics in the core computer science graduate courses datapath and control, pipelining, memmory hierarchy 2243 High Performance computer Architecture Prerequisite http://www.cs.nyu.edu/csweb/Academic/Graduate/courses.html | |
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