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Pipelining Computer Science: more books (15) | ||
21. Computer Science: Pipelined Processor Topic computer science. will the size of the data bus affect the speed of the computer? pages 1.www.nuvisionmiami.com/books/asm/3rd/workbook/pipelining.htm 2 http://experts.about.com/q/3197/3227527.htm | |
22. UCR: Computer Science Parallel and Distributed Processing. (4) S. Prerequisite(s) computer science 161 or equivalent. Parallel programming languages. pipelining and supercomputing. http://www.students.ucr.edu/9697catalog/cs.html | |
23. Computer Science Courses and timing, instruction pipeline design, arithmetic pipeline design, and superscalar pipelining. 3 CSCI 381 Special Topics in computer science 381.1381.4 http://www.cs.qc.edu/undergrad/courses/description.shtml | |
24. GW Bulletin | COMPUTER SCIENCE Theoretical foundations of computer science. Introduction to highspeed computer architecture Principles of pipelining and vector processing, pipeline computers http://www.gwu.edu/~bulletin/grad/csci.html | |
25. ECS 154B, Department Of Computer Science to RISC philosophy, and interactions with pipelining, orthogonal instruction sets, etc. computer Usage Engineering science 2 units Engineering Design 2 units. http://www.cs.ucdavis.edu/courses/exp_course_desc/154B.html | |
26. Selected Graduate Courses, Graduate Group In Computer Science WithinCPU parallelism, through pipelining. Offered in alternate years. ECS 289A-M - Special Topics in computer science Special topics in http://www.cs.ucdavis.edu/graduate/grad-crs.html | |
27. Institute Of Computer Science: Courses: Graduate Associative processor architectures; parallel processing and pipelining; multiprocessors; multi CMSC 391, Special Topics (3). Special topics in computer science. http://www.ics.uplb.edu.ph/courses/grad.shtml | |
28. Institute Of Computer Science: Courses: Undergraduate Mathematical Structures in computer science II (3 3). Advanced topics in computer systems organization of view multiprocessing, pipelining, array processors http://www.ics.uplb.edu.ph/courses/ugrad.shtml | |
29. Computer Science Course Listing assemblers and assembly language programming, memory hierarchies, caches, RISC architectures, and pipelining. Prerequisite computer science 127 or consent of http://www.mathcs.carleton.edu/courses/cs.html | |
30. Computer Science Department CCNY computer science Department CCNY. set architecture,. Representing instructions in the computer,; pipelining. Pipelined datapath; Pipelined control; Control and data http://www-cs.engr.ccny.cuny.edu/~gertner/Cs342Spring2004/ROOTCs342/MainSyllabus | |
31. Computer Science At Bard College // Courses Topics include instruction sets, pipelining, instructionlevel parallelism, caches, memory Corequisite computer science 142, with Physics 212 recommended. http://inside.bard.edu/academic/division/science/computer/courses/ | |
32. Research Papers Available in SpringerVerlag Lecture Notes in computer science Series. Improving Software pipelining with Unroll-and-Jam , S. Carr, C. Ding and P. Sweany, in http://www.cs.rochester.edu/~cding/publications.html |
33. UTD Computer Science Course Descriptions (30) S CS 5330 computer science II (3 semester hours) Basic concepts of computer organization Numbering generation process, CPU datapath, pipelining, RISC vs http://www.utdallas.edu/student/catalog/grad02/CS-EE-TE/CS/4.CScourse-desc022802 | |
34. Department Of Comptuer Science| Saint Louis University systems; protection mechanisms for accessing jobs; pipelining and parallelism Project (3) Prerequisite Senior Standing in Applied computer science or computer http://cs.slu.edu/cscourses.html | |
35. Computer Science-Course Catalog Bucknell University Switching theory, processor design, pipelining, cache and storage systems. 376. computer science Honors Thesis (I and II and S; R) Half to full course. http://www.bucknell.edu/Academics/Academic_Offices_Resources/Course_Catalog/Cour | |
36. IEEE Symposium On Foundations Of Computer Science -- 1989 pipelining computations in a tree of processors (preliminary version). In 30th Annual Symposium on Foundations of computer science , pages 184189, Research http://theory.lcs.mit.edu/~dmjones/FOCS/focs89.html | |
37. CUA Electrical Engineering / Computer Science Suitable for computer science, mathematics, engineering, and CSC 691 Advanced computer Architecture 3 Advanced pipelining and instruction level parallelism http://engineering.cua.edu/eecs/courses/courses_csc.cfm | |
38. Home Page For David Lowenthal Kartek Balasubramanian, MS in computer science, August 1999. ``Efficient Support for pipelining in DistributedShared Memory Systems (Current employment http://www.cs.uga.edu/~dkl/ | |
39. Electronics Engineering And Computer Science level knowledge in computer science and engineering. 3. computer Architecture and Digital Design. Datapath and Control; pipelining (pipelined control, hazards http://fens.sabanciuniv.edu/doktora/CS.htm | |
40. UMASS Boston Department Of Computer Science University of Massachusetts, Boston computer science Colloquium. Monday, 12 March 2001, 230 PM S/2/063. pipelining LU Decomposition Automatically Transforming http://www.cs.umb.edu/News_Events/Lectures_Seminars/Colloquiums/talk03-12-01.htm | |
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