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1. Oatmeal Box Pinhole Photography By Stew Woodruff - How To Make And Take Pictures PinholeDay2004Logo.gif (4909 bytes). BACK HOME - NEXT. eiaward.gif (6357 bytes) recommendedsite.gif (8086 bytes) awardspike2000.gif (2408 bytes). http://users.rcn.com/stewoody/ | |
2. Pinhole News The Art of pinhole photography, May, 2004, Vol. 8 no. 5. News Announcements. pinhole photography. image, by Eric Renner List Price $39.99 Amazon Price $27.99. http://www.pinhole.com/ | |
3. The Pinhole Gallery Explains how pinhole photography works, provides directions for making a camera, offers tips for creative photography, and features dozens of pictures taken by these homemade cameras. http://www.pinhole.org/ | |
4. Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day - Home An international event to promote and celebrate the art of pinhole photography by encouraging people throughout the world to make a simple pinhole photograph http://www.pinholeday.org/ | |
5. Pinhole Photography Fine Art Photographers pinhole photography portfolio of photographer Thomas Hudson Reeve Handmade Pinhole Paper Cameras. Innovations in Camera Obscura Enter Photography Gallery. copyright © Thomas Hudson Reeve all http://www.papercams.com/ | |
6. Pinhole Photography pinhole photography History, Images, Cameras, Formulas. By Jon Grepstad. Introduction. ISBN 3-928126-60-1. Some pinhole photography Links. http://www.photo.net/photo/pinhole/pinhole |
7. Fine Art Photographers Pinhole Photography pinhole photography portfolio of photographer Thomas Hudson Reeve http://www.papercams.com/gallery/photos.html | |
8. Nick's Pinhole Photography Instructional materials on pinhole photography, with an emphasis on school settings, a collection of historical articles from the 19th and early 20th century, and a gallery of my own photographs. http://idea.uwosh.edu/nick/pinholephoto.htm | |
9. Pinhole Photography By Wanda Scott Pinhole photographs by Wanda Scott with instructions on how to make pinhole cameras, exposure formulas, and developing pinhole pictures. for her creative niche, she discovered pinhole photography. Now pinhole photography is the key to expressing her http://www.wandascott.com/ | |
10. Jon Grepstad - Pinhole Photography Jon Grepstad pinhole photography. pinhole photography  History, Images, Cameras, Formulas. By Jon Grepstad. ISBN 3928126-60-1. Some pinhole photography Links. http://home.online.no/~gjon/pinhole.htm | |
11. Pinhole Photography By Justin Quinnell pinhole photography by professional photographer justin quinnell including information on making cameras and images using a variety of different approaches. http://www.pinholephotography.org/ | |
12. Pinhole Photography Equipment. Classifieds. Travel. ezShop. Community. pinhole photography History, Images, Cameras, Formulas. By Jon Grepstad. Introduction. pinhole photography is lensless photography. A tiny hole replaces the lens. http://photo.net/photo/pinhole/pinhole |
13. Links To Pinhole Photography Sites Links to pinhole photography Sites. Malcolm s site is wellorganized and is recommended for anyone who is interested in pinhole photography. http://users.rcn.com/stewoody/linkspag.htm | |
14. Photography - Rietveld Academie - Architecture 2002 Photography by second year students in the Architectural Design Department, The Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam, 2002. Includes landscape, people, still life, pinhole photography, portraits, sequences, and installations. http://www.gerritrietveldacademie.nl/departments/architecture/photography/ |
15. Pinhole Resource Online Pinhole Resource a pinhole photography Archive, Pinhole Journal, the Pinhole Resource Gallery of Pinhole Photographs, retailer of pinhole products World's Largest Supplier of pinhole photography http://www.pinholeresource.com/ | |
16. SCKStefs Homepage Color, and black and white galleries by Germanborn French photographer. Darkroom, and pinhole photography information. http://www.sck-photo.de | |
17. Jon Grepstad: Oslo Pinhole Photographs Jon Grepstad pinhole photography pinhole photography is lensless photography. Oslo Pinhole Photographs I  III. I. II. III. © 2003 Jon Grepstad gjon@online.no. http://home.online.no/~gjon/pinholes.htm | |
18. Hyenaland Photographic Archives Table Of Contents Diana camera, Polaroid transfers SX70, night and pinhole photography. http://members.tripod.com/~crj | |
19. Pinhole Photography Ring Www.findon.com pinhole photography ring. Contents. Introduction. Welcome! This ring is a group of Web sites that contain information on pinhole photography. http://www.findon.com/photography/pinhole_photography/pinhole_photography_ring/p | |
20. Pinhole Photography Pointer Page Pointer to pinhole photography resources on the Web. GrayWolf Arts; La Porte d Aval with links to other pages. Pages with pinhole photography titles. http://www.skypoint.com/members/escargo/ppp.html | |
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