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61. Pigeons Of Russia Situated outside Moscow an extensive breeding nursery for mainly Russian breeds of fancy pigeon and also racing pigeons. News about competitions, exhibitions and publications. http://www.pigeons-of-russia.ru | |
62. The Doo Doo Lounge Learn About Chinese Pigeon Whistles!! pigeons Helped The Allies Win World Wars I and II. pigeons performed other duties besides delivering important messages. http://www.ris.net/~tony/pigeon.html |
63. The Morning News - The Pigeons Are Illuminated 12 November 2002 NEW YORK, NEW YORK The pigeons Are Illuminated. No one in New York sleeps easily on Sunday night, so where better http://www.themorningnews.org/archives/new_york_new_york/the_pigeons_are_illumin | |
64. Gerrit Lahuis Race Pigeons. Gerrit Lahuis uit het Drentse dorpje Sleen. http://www.geocities.com/llahuis |
65. Underappreciated - The Fanlisting For Pigeons http://fans.fuzzypinkslippers.com/pigeons/ |
66. Bird-x - Your Complete Source For Bird And Pest Repellents Online. For birdcontrol problems such as pigeons, geese, and other pest birds. http://www.birdxbusiness.com/ | |
67. Pigeons were kept for food in the Middle Ages and are resident in this country, but many escaped from the dovecotes and their descendants are the feral pigeons seen in http://www.the-piedpiper.co.uk/th9a.htm | |
68. Pinewood Poultry Farm Waterfowl, showbantams, production chickens, pigeons/doves, peafowl, turkeys, guineas, hatching eggs, watering systems and equipment, message board. http://www.talbottenterprises.com/ | |
69. Register At NYTimes.com Extinct Dodo Related to pigeons, DNA Shows This Story Animals Nature. Related Sites Stories. - E-mail this story. Sponsored in part by. Extinct Dodo Related to pigeons, DNA Shows http://www.nytimes.com/2004/03/18/opinion/18THU1.html | |
70. National Countrysports Fair August. Fair features hunting, fishing, shooting, gundogs, clay pigeons, wildlife, terriers, lurchers, rural crafts, and country food. Information about exhibitors, accommodations and bookings. Gilford Castle Estate, Co Down. http://www.irishfieldsports.com/ncf/ | |
71. Free Online Games - Clay Pigeons Clay pigeons, Free Online Games. GamesLinks.net. Free Online Games - Clay pigeons. Games Home Game Rooms. Clay pigeons. Game Hosted At http//www.0catch.com. http://games.1afm.com/free/online/games/clay-pigeons.html | |
72. UK Animal Products UK based company selling herbal health products and vitamin supplements for pigeons, horses, and aviary birds. Includes product catalog and upcoming shows. http://www.ukanimalproducts.com |
73. Defra, UK - Disease Surveillance And Control - Notifiable Diseases - Paramyxovir Paramyxovirus in pigeons. Introduction. Paramyxovirus (PMV) of pigeons is a virus belonging to the Newcastle Disease (ND) Groups, group 1 paramyxoviruses. http://www.defra.gov.uk/animalh/diseases/notifiable/disease/pigeons.htm | |
74. Russia Station: Featuring The Rzhevski Startailed Turmani Pigeons. Photos, Artic Devoted to Rzhevski Startailed Turmani pigeons. Photos, standards of the breed, contact information. http://members.tripod.com/russiastation/ | |
75. Welcome To Pigeons World Wide, THE Racing Pigeons Site pigeons World Wide is an interactive site with the best news for racing pigeons (Dutch and English). I dont t know where pigeons go. http://www.pww.nl/ | |
76. Haith's Wild Bird Foods & Bill Oddie's Tips And Advice Also Bird Feeder, Peanut, Feed for ducks, geese, poultry, gamebirds, and pigeons. Also offers feeders, houses, and accessories. http://www.haiths.com/ | |
77. Pigeons http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/UW117 | |
78. Hostellerie Des 3 Pigeons à Paray Le Monial En Saône Et Loire : Hôtel 2 étoi H´tel restaurant situ©e en centre ville,  deux pas des principaux monuments historiques et religieux. Accueil de s©minaires. Photos, tarifs et plan d'acc¨s. ParayLe-Monial. http://www.h-3-p.com/ | |
79. Jack Prescott:Â Pigeon Home For Tipplers And Other Highflyers Articles about tipplers and highflying pigeons. http://www.tipplers.com/Jack/ | |
80. Pigeons Origin Do you know the origin of pigeons? You might want this information if you are considering raising them. pigeons origin. Do you know the origin of pigeons? http://okok.essortment.com/pigeonsorigin_rihy.htm | |
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