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Pigeons: more books (100) | |||||||||||
21. Birdie's Pigeon Loft Elevage de pigeons, conseils, et liens. http://www.fortunecity.com/greenfield/tree/67/index.html | |
22. BBC NEWS | UK | UK Pondered Suicide Pigeon Attacks Cold War spy chiefs considered training pigeons to fly into enemy targets carrying explosives, MI5 files reveal. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/3732755.stm | |
23. Iranian Highflyers Message forum, photo gallery, and information for Iranian Highflyer pigeons enthusiasts. http://www.iranianhighflyers.com |
24. BBC NEWS | UK | Pigeons Reveal Map-reading Secret Homing pigeons are finding their way around Britain by following roads and railways, zoologists claim. pigeons reveal mapreading secret. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/3460977.stm | |
25. Olympic Pigeons World Van Henk Peters Wetenswaardigheden over postduiven en vooral over fondduiven. http://www.powow.com/duiven/index.htm | |
26. Clay Pigeons (1998) Clay pigeons (1998) Cast, Crew, Reviews, Plot Summary, Comments, Discussion, Taglines, Trailers, Posters, Photos, Showtimes, Link to Official Site, Fan Sites. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118863/ | |
27. Pigeons Make Me Sick Includes a collection of links, news and information on urban pigeons. http://pigeonsmakemesick.tripod.com | |
28. Discovery Online, The Skinny On ... Why You Never See Baby Pigeons In addition to adapting flawlessly to the total naturefake of a human habitat, maybe pigeons have also adapted perfectly to life It doesn t make them die. http://www.discovery.com/area/skinnyon/skinnyon970905/skinnyon.html | |
29. Homepage Dedicated to the breeding and showing of pigeons and dogs. Includes forum and guest book. http://www.geocities.com/sdjbase/Homepage.html | |
30. Wait ... Home Movies Clay pigeons, Clay pigeons (1998). Clay pigeons DVD Price $19.98 $17.98 You save 10% As of Apr 10 537 CDT (details), http://www.reellife.com/claypigeons_tease.html | |
31. Welcome To Stromberg's Chicks & Gamebirds Unlimited Suppliers of adult birds, chicks, and eggs in standard and bantam chickens, turkeys, domestic and wild waterfowl, gamebirds, guineas, peafowl, doves, pigeons, and button quail; books, videos, posters, and plans; and supplies and equipment. http://www.strombergschickens.com/index.htm | |
32. Northern Ireland Provincial Amalgamation Of Racing Pigeons Includes race program, results and photos. http://www.niparacingpigeons.co.uk/ |
33. Racing Homing Pigeons / Homers «H ÃF / Ãà ÃF old). Welcome to the wonderful world of pigeon racing Janssen Hofkens World class pigeons from internationally known fanciers. My http://mywebpages.comcast.net/wanghui/hobby.htm | |
34. Roncella Pigeons - Allevamento Colombi Viaggiatori Felino,PR Galleria fotografica dell'allevatore, risultati delle gare, riproduttori e link. http://www.roncellapigeons.com/ | |
35. Joaquin Phoenix Interview (with Photos And Clips Where Possible) Joaquin Phoenix talks about his family and his career. http://www.rochestergoesout.com/mov/c/clasid.html | |
36. Veyx-Pharma UK Sales - Vitamins & Nutritional Supplements For Animals Manufacturers and suppliers of vitamins, minerals, herbal products and active nutrients for livestock, horses, pets, racing pigeons, reptiles, and birds. Includes product and company information. http://www.veyx.co.uk | |
37. Racing Pigeons Australia Racing pigeons Australia. Section One (1) is for the dedicated pigeon fancier who is only interested in viewing close up photography of pigeons eyes. http://members.ozemail.com.au/~nicky1/ | |
38. Russia II of breeds, photographs.......Devoted to Russian and Ukrainian breeds of domestic pigeons. http://rzhev.tripod.com/ | |
39. Pigeon Racing: Pigeons Pidgeons, Pidgins, United Kingdom Racing Pigeons Portal For fanciers and nonfanciers alike. Offers articles, history, and links to selected sites. http://members.madasafish.com/~pigeons/ | |
40. Olympic Pigeons World Van Henk Peters Olympic pigeons World Henk Peters. Homepage opgevangen duiven. anflieger. Lost pigeons. Lekker eten, stel zelf u menu samen. kira Oshima. email. http://www.powow.com/duiven/ | |
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