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Pierce Franklin Us President: more detail |
41. U.S. Presidents - An English-Zone.Com Reading Activity 14, 1853 1857, franklin pierce, William R. King, Democrat. 32, 1933- 1945, franklinD. Roosevelt, John N. Garner (1933 16. How many times in history did the us have no http://www.english-zone.com/reading/president.html | |
42. President Franklin Pierce Gravesite Name franklin pierce. Categories 14th president of the usA us Senatorfrom New Hampshire. us Congressman from New Hampshire. Burial http://www.thecemeteryproject.com/Graves/fdp-grave-pierce-franklin.htm | |
43. .: US News :. .: All American Patriots :. Biographies of us Presidents Biographies of us Presidents George Washington (1789 1849 1850) Millard Fillmore (1850 - 1853) franklin pierce (1853 - 1857 http://www.allamericanpatriots.com/m-wfsection index category-163.html | |
44. Today In History: November 23 franklin pierce, 14th president of the United States, was born on pierce, whose fatherhad been governor of New Hampshire 18291833) and in the us Senate (1837 http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/today/nov23.html | |
45. The Franklin Pierce Quiz . 1. franklin pierce was president Choose an answer . 7. pierce was theonly us president to Choose an answer http://www.mindspring.com/~dbholzel/pierce/quiz.html | |
46. My Shared Ancestry With The 14th & 43rd U.S. Presidents & 41st U.S. First Lady Bush. White House Biography, 14th us president, franklin pierce. WhiteHouse Biography, 41st us First Lady, Barbara pierce Bush. White http://freepages.family.rootsweb.com/~soakbear/president.htm | |
47. PBS VIDEOIndex Online Chapter 14th us president from 18531857When franklin pierce s name was raised at the1852 Democratic convention, deadlocked over the issue of slavery, few people http://videoindex.pbs.org/program/chapter.jsp?item_id=17773&chap_id=1 |
48. Religious Affiliation Of U.S. Presidents Denomination. Number of presidents, Percent of presidents, Percent of CurrentUS Pop. Ratio % of Pres. , president, Religion. 14, franklin pierce, Episcopalian. http://www.fundraising-ideas.org/orgs/churches/presidents.htm | |
49. Presidents Places: Franklin Pierce These lovely photographs are of places relating to us president FranklinPierce. All prices us dollars; shipping priority mail included in us. http://www.mind.net/dlmark/buy_PPpierce.htm | |
50. Franklin Pierce Homestead U.S. Historic Sites President Franklin Pierce Birthpla franklin pierce Homestead us Historic Sites president franklin pierce Birthplacein A recommended NH attraction from NH Living.com - All About New Hampshire. http://www.nhliving.com/attractions/franklinpiercehome/index.shtml | |
51. Barbara Pierce (Bush) Barbara pierce (Bush) is the wife of former us president George HW BusH, and net/TMN),Vol.1, No.2, pg.5 (October 1991) president franklin pierce is Barbara http://www.bearhaven.com/family/cousin/barbara.html | |
52. Creative Quotations From Franklin Pierce (1804-1869) He was the 14th us president, 185357; tried unsuccessfully to end sectionalcontroversy over slavery. Search millions of documents for franklin pierce. http://www.creativequotations.com/one/1477.htm | |
53. Books About US President Franklin Pierce franklin pierce, 14th president of the United States Fern G. Brown, Richard G. Young(Editor) / Library Binding / Garrett Educational Corporation / April 1989 http://www.presidentialmuseums.com/Books/14.htm | |
54. Famous People Clipart ETC Revolutionary war. pierce, franklin (18001874) us president 1853-1857.pierce, franklin (1800-1874) United States president 1853-1857. pierce http://etc.usf.edu/clipart/galleries/people/famouspeoplen-p.htm | |
55. American President Fact file and comprehensive biographical sketch based on PBS series. Includes section for teachers. http://www.americanpresident.org/history/franklinpierce/ | |
56. Welcome To The American Presidency Encyclopedia Americana (1786-1853), 13th vice president of the United States. He was born in Sampson county, N.C., on April 7, 1786. The Democratic vice-presidential nominee elected with franklin pierce in 1852, King never presided over the Senate as vice president. Ill with tuberculosis, he was in Havana, Cuba, on Inauguration Day, where, by an act of Congress, he took the oath of office. Returning to his home near Cahaba, Ala., he died the next day, April 18, 1853. http://gi.grolier.com/presidents/ea/vp/vpking.html |
57. ThinkQuest : Library : A Presidential Exploration Wise counsels, like those which gave us the Constitution franklin pierce was bornin New Hampshire pierce became the dark horse Presidential candidate after 48 http://library.thinkquest.org/11492/cgi-bin/pres.cgi/pierce_franklin | |
58. The Franklin Pierce Pages | Countdown To The Bicentennial Of President Franklin A tribute to the man who has been called America's most obscure president. http://www.mindspring.com/~dbholzel/pierce/pierce.html | |
59. US Presidents: Lists And Records cousin four times removed of franklin pierce, seventh cousin Note Several presidentswere allegedly of mixed and African ancestry, which by us reckoning would http://www.heptune.com/preslist.html | |
60. Biographies Of The Presidents HistoryHistory and Government—us Presidents Biographies of the Presidents. GeorgeWashington. John Adams. Millard Fillmore. franklin pierce. James Buchanan. http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0760585.html | |
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