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161. The Wesleyan Physics Clusters Hardware and software details, links to projects using the cluster, and links to other resources. http://weswulf.org/ | |
162. The Northwestern Virtual Physics Lab The Department of physics and Astronomy presents. The Department of physics and Astronomyat Northwestern University is pioneering the use of the WorldWide-Web http://www.physics.nwu.edu/ugrad/vpl/ | |
163. 5th International Conference On Clifford Algebras And Their Applications In Math IxtapaZihuatanejo, Mexico; June 27-July 4, 1999. Abstracts and proceedings. http://math.tntech.edu/rafal/mexico/mexico.html | |
164. Department Of Nuclear Physics At Faculty of Mathematics and physics Address, email contacts, achievements. Some english links point to slovak documents. http://www.dnp.fmph.uniba.sk/ | |
165. American College Of Medical Physics An organization devoted exclusively to the professional activities of medical physicists. http://www.acmp.org/ | |
166. CpSURF: Home Page About Science I Mechanics II Matter III Heat IV Sound Light V Electricity Magnetism VI Atomic Nuclear physics NextTime Question of the Week http://www.phschool.com/science/cpsurf/ | |
167. CPRS, Ltd. :: HOME CPRS (in Maryland) provides medical physics services to the radiation oncology community including full and part time onsite physics; quality assurance, acceptance and commissioning services; physician peer review; online treatment planning and Brachytherapy. http://www.cprsltd.com | |
168. Health Physics Instrumentaion Museum Directory Photos and descriptions of radiationrelated items from the past, including dosimeters, electroscopes, ionization chambers, radioactive sources, safety posters, quack cures, geiger-mueller counters, fluoroscopes used to fit shoes, and x-ray apparatus. http://www.orau.com/ptp/museumdirectory.htm | |
169. New Page 1 Radford University. Welcome to the physics Section of the Departmentof Chemistry and physics. For more information about the physics http://www.radford.edu/~chem-web/Physics/ | |
170. Center For Theoretical Atomic, Molecular, And Optical Physics Top/Reference/Education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/Colorado/University_of_Colorado/Boulder/Research http://condon.colorado.edu/~leland/CTAMOP/ | |
171. International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) This program combines resources and scientific communities on an international scale using a complement of several missions, along with complementary ground facilities and theoretical efforts, to obtain coordinated, simultaneous investigations of the SunEarth space environment over an extended period of time. http://www-istp.gsfc.nasa.gov/istp/ | |
172. ThinkQuest : Library : Learn Physics Today Next Chapter, Write Us. Mirror Site About Learn physics Today Write Us .1. Basic Skills. Please choose a calculator (see the status bar for explanation) http://library.thinkquest.org/10796/ | |
173. Department Of Physics Of The Royal Military College Of Canada Canadian Preparatory Chemistry physics International Academic Olympiad. The physicsdepartment supports programmes in Continuing Studies to further this aim. http://www.rmc.ca/academic/physics/index_e.html | |
174. The Laser Physics Group Redirect Page Describes laserbased research on trace-element detection, microsurgery and cooling and trapping. Includes current group members, details of vacant positions, and links to other atom trapping and cooling groups. http://www.phys.umu.se/laser/ |
175. Vizionary's Server - Temporarily Down Due To Massive Hardware Failure... Source of news to the real time graphics programming community. http://gordie.dyndns.org:8080/ | |
176. Department Of Physics & Engineering Physics Burchard Building. About us Contact us. Traveling Directions. News, Announcements.Conferences. Seminars. Undergraduate. Graduate. Undergraduate. Graduate. http://attila.stevens-tech.edu/physics/ | |
177. Exploratorium: Sport Science Housed within the walls of San Francisco's Palace of Fine Arts, the Exploratorium is a collage of 650 science, art, and human perception exhibits. This web section concentrates on the physics underlying sports. http://www.exploratorium.edu/sports/ | |
178. Molecular Expressions Microscopy Primer: Physics Of Light And Color Light and Color Java Tutorials Difficult concepts in the physics of light and thescience of optics are much easier to understand with the aid of interactive http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/lightandcolor/ | |
179. Data Design Corporation Designs and manufactures instruments and specialised computer equipment for the physics and engineering markets including CAMAC based instruments and SCSI connected. http://www.datadesigncorp.net/ | |
180. Department Of Physics The University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Faculty of ScienceDepartment of physicsHome Pages University Faculties Science physics Useful links Back. http://www.strath.ac.uk/physics/ | |
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