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121. FB Physik International Master And Doctoral Programme Imaging biology, bioelectricity and biocybernetics, medical physics), mathematical principlesof imaging, modern and applied physics, advanced laboratory courses http://besch2.physik.uni-siegen.de/~imaging/imaging_details.html | |
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126. The INSTITUTE For ADVANCED PHYSICS STUDIES ( The STEFAN UNIVERSITY ) Founded 1989. I A P S. The INSTITUTE for advanced physics STUDIES La Jolla, CA920382946. Copyright 2002, IAPS Site Design by WEBTRON webmaster. ENTER. http://www.stefan-university.edu/IAPS-1.htm | |
127. University Of Sydney Library. Exams 2001. Physics 019325, Intermediate physics (advanced) Paper 2, Semester 1, 2001. 019334,PHYS 2902, Intermediate physics (advanced) Paper 1, Semester 2, 2001. http://www.library.usyd.edu.au/exams/exam01/Physics01.html | |
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130. Physics 308: Advanced Classical Mechanics, Haverford College Below are links to web pages for various editions of physics 308 AdvancedClassical Mechanics at Haverford College. Fall 2004 physics http://www.haverford.edu/physics-astro/course_materials/phys308a/phys308.html | |
131. [physics/0205026] Towards Advanced-fuel Fusion: Electron, Ion Energy >100 KeV In Authors Eric J. Lerner Comments 36 p., 2 figures Subjclass Plasma physics Controlledfusion with advanced fuels requires average electron and ion energies http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0205026 | |
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134. Physics 219 Course Information . Class Meetings. Instructors. Course Requirements. Prerequisites. References. Course Overview of information theory and computer science should be sought in quantum physics......Course Information for. physics 219/Computer Science 219. Quantum Computation ( Formerly physics 229) John Preskill. 200001. Contents. Course http://www.theory.caltech.edu/people/preskill/ph229 | |
135. Advanced Mechanics TOP Information Messing Around Core Project Extensions Concepts. http://hop.concord.org/amu/amu.main.html | |
136. PhysicsWeb - Homepage physicsWeb, The web site for physicists, physicsWorld, Institute of physics, Electronic Publishing, online products and services http://physicsweb.org/ | |
137. Interactive Physics And Math With Java Interactive physics and Math with Java The Interactive physics and Math with Java Web site is provided by Sergey Kiselev and Tanya YanovskyKiselev. The page contains over twenty introductory and http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.lightlink.com/sergey/java/&y=02F |
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140. The Physics Applications Of High Brightness Electron Beams Picture of the Group at the Conference(click for a larger view). Talks from ICFAWorkshop, Chia Laguna July 16, 2002 Publication Info as of July 16,2002. http://www.physics.ucla.edu/AABD/ |
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