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41. Practical High School Physics Lessons Useful applications of physics knowledge. Basic and advanced discussions of fairly common questions which can be addressed by physics considerations. http://mb-soft.com/public/phys0.html | |
42. Advanced Physics Forums - advanced physics Forums » advanced Math physics, go to bottom. advancedphysics Forums » advanced Math physics, go to top. Copyright http://www.advancedphysics.org/forumdisplay.php?fid=16 |
43. BLACK HOLE LINKS A set of links to numerous black holes resources on the Web. A great starting point to finding some advanced papers on the topic. http://web.mit.edu/afs/athena.mit.edu/user/r/e/redingtn/www/netadv/bh.html | |
44. Grade 12 Advanced Physics Lesson plans for various topics may be downloaded in Word format. http://quark.physics.uwo.ca/~harwood/sph4a1/main-fr.html |
45. Math And Science Calculator Workshops, Teacher Training, Content Math and Science workshop training for high school and middle school teachers using graphing calculators. Topics include CBL, Algebra, Calculus, physics, Computers Linking and APPS. http://www.calcsolutions.com | |
46. Physics & Advanced Technologies Directorate The physics and advanced Technologies Directorate at Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratory executes and supports programs that apply cutting edge physics and http://www-pat.llnl.gov/ | |
47. TAMA Project. A fiveyear (1995-2000) project involving almost all gravity physics researchers in Japan. It adopts a Fabry-Perot Michelson Interferometer (FPMI) with recycling. The aim of this project is to develop advanced techniques needed for a future km-sized interferometer and catch gravitational waves that may occur by chance within our local group of galaxies. http://tamago.mtk.nao.ac.jp/ | |
48. Physics 512 Home Page A set of online notes for a graduate level quantum mechanics class. http://pauli.physics.lsa.umich.edu/p511/ | |
49. CMLabs Simulations: Welcome To CMLabs Critical Mass Labs realtime advanced physics technology - stable and accurate physics software that can help you achieve more realistic prototyping and other simulations with a shorter development cycle. Our libraries can calculate rigid-body dynamics, collision detection, spring recreations and multiple-node joints http://www.criticalmasslabs.com | |
50. ADVANCED TECHNIQUES IN SCA COMBAT Tromp L'oeil proposes to teach and analyze SCA heavy combat using concepts from sleight of hand, juggling, physics, and psychology. The book is available from Duke Patrick Devilin of DarkWrath Keep, KSCA. http://www.spookyfx.com/book/tromp.html | |
51. Advanced Placement Digital Library In Biology, Phy advanced Placement* (AP) teachers and students will find resources linked to theAP content outlines, published by the College Board, in biology, physics, and http://apdl.rice.edu/DesktopDefault.aspx |
52. SISSA - Home Page Sectors include mathematical physics, functional analysis and statistical mechanics. http://www.sissa.it/ | |
53. PhysicsWeb - Advanced Site Search At Kluwer, we publish researchlevel academic content across the fullrange of academic disciplines, including physics. Visit us http://physicsweb.org/search | |
54. Second Announcement - NATO Advanced Research Workshop At Eilat NATO advanced Research Workshop. Eilat, Israel. 25 February 1 March 2001. http://www.mat.uniroma2.it/~cilibert/workshop.html | |
55. SPL Space Plasmas Description The Space physics Laboratory (LMSPL) is a Department within Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space Company's advanced Technology Center. http://www.spasci.com/projects/sp_descrp.html | |
56. EFieldTheory.COM :: Homepage eFieldTheory.com is a theoretical physics eJournal with PDF formatted articles in advanced fields of research such as, quantum field theory, string theory, statistical physics, nuclear physics and more. http://www.efieldtheory.com | |
57. NASA Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Program HOME-PAGE Breakthrough Propulsion physics Project is managed by Marc Millis of the Glenn ResearchCenter (GRC), and was sponsored by the advanced Space Transportation http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/bpp/ | |
58. Rijnhuizen Main lines of research Thermonuclear plasma physics, plasma chemistry, physics and application of advanced radiation sources. http://www.rijnh.nl/ | |
59. Chronology Of Milestone Events In Particle Physics - Advanced Search advanced Search by Author, Build a query with all of these words Build a querywith some of these words And none of these words. Language English, http://dbserv.ihep.su/compas/search.html | |
60. David Tomanek's Home Page Professor of theoretical condensed matter physics at Michigan State University. Is actively involved in research of fundamental properties of nanostructured materials using advanced numerical techniques. http://www.pa.msu.edu/~tomanek | |
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