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21. Physical Therapists require experience as a volunteer in a physical therapy department of a hospital or clinic. Further, young people will need physical therapy as technological advances save the http://stats.bls.gov/oco/ocos080.htm | |
22. About Physical Therapy And Rehabilitation By A Physical Therapist More results from physicaltherapy.about.com physical therapy The Web Space (Physio / Physiotherapy)physical therapy / Physiotherapy site by therapists for therapists. New physical therapy Forum START A DISCUSSION IN THE NEW FORUM! http://physicaltherapy.about.com/health/physicaltherapy/mbody.htm | |
23. Physical Therapy Veterinarians in Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Hampshire who practice physical therapy for horses. http://www.justhorses.com/88.html | |
24. Physical Therapy - The Web Space - RELATED SITES This section of physical therapy The Web Space attempts to present a comprehensive list of other physical therapy and related sites. http://automailer.com/tws/other.html | |
25. KEN-TON PHYSICAL THERAPY - Therapist owned private clinic in Buffalo, New York. Offering traditional and complimentary approaches for spine, sports and orthopedic injuries. Includes details about the staff, mission statement and treatment plans. http://kentonpt.com/ | |
26. Software For Physiotherapy Physical Therapy, With Management And Diagnosis The solution to computerize all patient documentation and handling, simplifying the practice of physical therapy. (desktop and handheld version available) Demo online. http://www.physiographic.com | |
27. Alaska Division Of Occupational Licensing The State physical therapy and Occupational Therapy Board is staffed by the one physician, three physical therapists or physical therapy assistants, two occupational therapists http://www.dced.state.ak.us/occ/pphy.htm | |
28. Kin Com Physical Therapy ; Rehab World, Pre Owned Isokinetic Medical Equipment physical therapy and rehabilitation equipment, product sales, service repairs, free technical support. Located in Harrison, Tennessee. http://www.rehabworld.biz/ | |
29. The Federation Of State Boards Of Physical Therapy Licensing authorities and their Federation of State Boards of physical therapy strive to protect the public by providing service and leadership that promote http://www.fsbpt.org/ | |
30. Just Stoppin' By Companion / Rehabilitation Services Home health agency located in Aarasota FL offering companion services, physical therapy, occupational therapy, personal training, aquatic therapy, certified arthritis foundation aquatic exercise, and home safety evaluations/seminars. http://hometown.aol.com/juststoppinby1/myhomepage/business.html | |
31. ScienceDirect - Physical Therapy In Sport - List Of Issues Pediatric physical therapyThe first and only peerreviewed journal devoted to this specialty, this journal presents articles http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/1466853X | |
32. Andrews University Physical Therapy Department AU physical therapy Connects. Andrews University physical therapy Department Berrien Springs MI 491040420 1.800.827.2878. Last modified May 22 2004 071125. http://www.andrews.edu/PHTH/ | |
33. Physical Therapy Corner: Thoracic Outlet Syndrome physical therapy Corner Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. More than just a pain in the neck. Thoracic outlet syndrome is actually a collection http://www.nismat.org/ptcor/thoracic_outlet/ | |
34. Physical Therapy In Sport Home Journals physical therapy in Sport, You are not logged in Log in Register now. physical therapy in Sport. ISSN 1466853X. Volume 5. http://www.harcourt-international.com/journals/ptsp/ | |
35. Welcome To The Nicholas Institute Of Sports Medicine And Athletic Trauma Research and clinical center providing education on exercise programs, musculoskeletal physical exam, sports training advice, nutrition, heart disease and physical therapy. http://www.nismat.org | |
36. Welcome To The New York Physical Therapy Web Site more news. National Updates Are you interested in what is going on nationally with the physical therapy Profession? Continuing Competence in physical therapy. http://www.nypta.org/ | |
37. BillWell Medical Billing And Collection Agency - Services In New York Area, Elec Medical billing and collection services specializing in physical therapy and rehabilitation. http://www.BillWell.com/ | |
38. ADVANCE For Physical Therapists And PT Assistants Main . Sign up now and receive this exclusive biweekly news and information resource just for physical therapists and PT assistants. . physical therapy Links. http://www.advanceforpt.com/ | |
39. Orthosport Physical Therapy physical therapy office offering the Pilates method in Culver City , CA. http://www.orthosportpt.net | |
40. Welcome To Our Website! - Physical Therapy Board Contact Us physical therapy Board 1418 Howe Ave., Suite 16 Sacramento, CA 958253204 Phone (916) 561-8200 Fax (916) 263-2560. Welcome To Our Website! http://www.ptb.ca.gov/ | |
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