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142. Main.chinesephilosophy.net This site draws together a list of Chinese philosophy resources available on the Internet. http://main.chinesephilosophy.net/ | |
143. Philosophical Texts EFTS (Electronic FullText Sources) Philosophical texts. What s NewInteLex Past Masters (UofC-Access Only). Locally Networked Databases. http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/e/ets/efts/Philosophical.html | |
144. MIA Philosophy Resource From Andy Blunden Full text of Wittgenstein's 193233 lectures on philosophy. http://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/ | |
145. Books On-line: Call Numbers Starting With B-BD Irvine); Bergson and His philosophy by John Alexander Gunn (Gutenbergtext); A New philosophy Henri Bergson by Edouard Le Roy, trans. http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/subjectstart?B-BD |
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147. Ontology And Theory Of Knowledge up. E. Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German philosophy byFriedrich Engels (text files at Colorado); Engels, Friedrich Anti http://www.philosophy.ru/library/lib1.html | |
148. Online Full Philosophical Texts - AntiSpecies.com Online Philosophical texts. AntiSpecies.com features a library ofphilosophical texts that are available for online reading. Feel http://www.antispecies.com/texts.php | |
149. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding Designed to be used by both casual and serious students of philosophy, this editioncontains the text of Humes Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (EHU) and http://www.phil-books.com/An_Enquiry_Concerning_Human_Understanding_Oxford_Philo | |
150. Spinoza: Ethics Spinoza Ethics (Oxford Philosophical texts). Spinoza Book SpinozaEthics (Oxford Philosophical texts) Customer Reviews Average http://www.phil-books.com/Spinoza_Ethics_Oxford_Philosophical_Texts_0198752148.h | |
151. Readings In Modern Philosophy text only version. to Bruno, Giordano Bruno (15481600). to Bacon, Francis Bacon(1561-1626). in. Modern. philosophy. Political Maps Europe 17th-19th Centuries. http://www.class.uidaho.edu/mickelsen/readings.htm | |
152. Past Masters Series - R. G. Collingwood: Philosophical Texts RG Collingwood Philosophical texts. RG Collingwood Philosophical texts ·$195.00 Windows Mac Is this your first purchase of a Past Masters Title? http://www.pdcnet.org/pmcollingwood.html | |
153. MU Press: Mediæval Philosophical Texts In Translation Recent View complete list of the Mediæval Philosophical texts in Translation Series. DominicusGundissalinus. (Mediæval Philosophical texts in Translation 37) $50. http://www.marquette.edu/mupress/medrecent.html | |
154. From Mathematical Classification To Thematic Analysis Of Philosophical Texts classification function, he can explore many different themes found in DescartesÂphilosophy. This hypothesis or strategy is then applied to the entire text. http://www.nyu.edu/its/humanities/ach_allc2001/papers/meunier/ | |
155. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (Oxford Philosophical texts).An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (Oxford Philosophical http://www.edu-books.com/An_Enquiry_Concerning_Human_Understanding_Oxford_Philos | |
156. HJG: Online Reviews: Primary Sources: Philosophical Texts Lesher, JH, ed. The Greek Philosophers Selected texts from the Presocratics,Plato, and Aristotle. London Duckworth, 1998. Reviewed http://www.history-journals.de/reviews/hjg-revprim-018.html | |
157. Yuan, N.: Classical Chinese (Supplement 4): Selections From Philosophical Texts. The main text and its four supplementary volumes together represent the most comprehensiveand authoritative textbook on the language, literature, philosophy, http://pup.princeton.edu/titles/7783.html | |
158. G W Leibniz Philosophical Texts (Oxford Philosophical Texts) GW Leibniz Philosophical texts (Oxford Philosophical texts). Author orArtist GW Leibniz. Title Philosophical texts (Oxford Philosophical http://www.welsh-breaks.co.uk/G-W-Leibniz-Philosophical-Texts-Oxfo-920-214-751-8 | |
159. Philosophy Books :: Books By Philosophers, Cheap New Or Used. Designed to be used by both casual and serious students of philosophy, this editioncontains the text of Hume s Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (EHU http://www.ephilosopher.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=PNAmazon&file=index2&asi |
160. OUP USA: Oxford Philosophical Texts A History of US; Higher Education Textbooks; ESL; BLACK HISTORY MONTH; Reference;Atlases; Music. Series Oxford Philosophical texts. Oxford Philosophical texts. http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/series/OxfordPhilosophicalTexts/?view=usa |
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