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121. See Sharp Press Home Page Publisher of rabblerousing books, pamphlets, bumper stickers, and e-texts in anarchism, atheism, music, philosophy, psychology, and modern (non-12-step) alcohol abuse self-help book. Reviews, submission information, online shopping, and related links. http://www.seesharppress.com/ | |
122. PHIL10003 Philosophical Texts 1: Hume's Dialogues .......PHIL 10003 Philosophical texts 1 Hume s Dialogues. First year, first semester,20034. Unit co-ordinator and lecturer Andrew Pyle. Course http://www.bris.ac.uk/Depts/Philosophy/UG/ugunits0304/PHIL10003.html | |
123. Kropotkin Reference Archive Short summaries and the texts of 3 Kropotkin's works (in English) Anarchism Its philosophy and ldeal (1898), Communism and Anarchy (1901), The Russian Revolution and the Soviet Government (1919). http://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/kropotkin-peter/ | |
124. The College Of Saint Thomas More A small, Catholic liberal arts college located in the university district of Ft. Worth; curriculum based upon classic texts in philosophy, literature, theology, the classical languages, and mathematics. http://www.cstm.edu/ | |
125. Condillac Section from Alfred Weber's 1908 History of philosophy. http://www.class.uidaho.edu/mickelsen/texts/Weber - History/Condillac.htm | |
126. Redirect Section from Alfred Weber's 1908 History of philosophy. Pays particular attention to Fichte's relation to Kant. http://www.its.uidaho.edu/mickelsen/texts/Weber - History/fichte.htm | |
127. Hegel - History Of Philosophy - Puffendorf Section dealing with this thinker, from Hegel's Lectures on the History of philosophy. http://www.class.uidaho.edu/mickelsen/texts/Hegel - Hist Phil/Puffendorf.htm | |
128. Philosophical Texts (Oxford Philosophical Texts) By Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, E Offering an invaluable introduction to Leibniz s philosophy,this volume collects many of his most important texts, beginning with...... 0198751532 Book http://www.mathbook.com/bio/l/Gottfried_Wilhelm_Leibniz/Philosophical_Texts_Oxfo | |
129. Hegel - History Of Philosophy - Wolff Section on the thinker, from Hegel's Lectures on the History of philosophy. http://www.class.uidaho.edu/mickelsen/texts/Hegel - Hist Phil/wolff.htm | |
130. Medieval Philosophy - Texts philosophy 2316 Medieval philosophy. University of Saint Thomas. ProfessorJoseph M. Magee. texts Augustine, Confessions, translated http://members.aol.com/JMageeMA/medvtext.html | |
131. Seneca Background information, other philosophers, and select texts. http://www.molloy.edu/academic/philosophy/sophia/Seneca/seneca.htm | |
132. Philosophical Texts, Activities, And Hosted Sites -- University Of Northern Colo Links to a variety of things philosophical texts, an online forum, hosted sites,and more in philosophy at UNC. UNC The University of Northern Colorado. http://www.unco.edu/philosophy/features.html | |
133. Alan Sondheim: Internet Philosophy And Psychology crisscross the texts. The resulting fragments and coagulations owe something toromanticism, deconstruction, linguistics, prehistory, the philosophy of science http://www.iath.virginia.edu/~spoons/internet_txt.html | |
134. :: Ez2Find :: Online Texts URL http//www.ilt.columbia.edu/publications/digitext.html; English Server PhilosophyTexts Site Info - Translate - Open New Window Links to canonical http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Society/Philosophy/Online_Te | |
135. Philosophy Of The GNU Project - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF) Translations of this page. philosophy of the GNU Project. This directory describes the philosophy of the Free Software Movement, which is The Free Music philosophy, by Ram Samudrala http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/philosophy.html | |
136. The Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy general editor. Call for Submissions and Volunteers IEP EditorsAbout the IEP. The Internet Encyclopedia of philosophy. © 2004. http://www.iep.utm.edu/ | |
137. Chinese Philosophical Etext Archive You will find three kinds of materials here Electronic versions of Chinesephilosophical texts created by the Confucian Etext Project;; http://sangle.web.wesleyan.edu/etext/ | |
138. Marxists Internet Archive Philosophy Resource Marxists Internet Archive philosophy Resource This "Minature Library of philosophy" provides a large set of short readings which together trace the history of the modern intellectual climate, http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philo |
139. Peter Suber, "Taking Notes On Philosophical Texts" Taking Notes On Philosophical texts. http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/courses/notes.htm | |
140. SparkNotes Classic Books Home Free Study Aids Classic Books philosophy, Beyond Good and Evil FriedrichNietzsche, Problems of philosophy Bertrand Russell, Protagoras Plato, http://pd.sparknotes.com/philosophy/ | |
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