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21. Edequity On Line: Re: Philosophy Texts Re philosophy texts. Suzanne F. Franks (sfranks@galois.nmr.fccc.edu) Thu, 16 May1996 145628 0400 Next in thread Shawn MacDonald Re philosophy texts . http://www.edc.org/WomensEquity/edequity96/0104.html | |
22. Edequity On Line: Philosophy Texts philosophy texts. edeqmod Previous message Marylin Hulme NCSEE CONFERENCE ;Next in thread Suzanne F. Franks Re philosophy texts . A http://www.edc.org/WomensEquity/edequity96/0101.html | |
23. Links To Spiritual/Philosophy Texts Author, Topic Links to Spiritual/philosophy texts (Read 15 times). http://www.magickalkingdom.com/thread6700.htm | |
24. Georgetown Philosophy Department Offers an undergraduate major and minor and a graduate program. Focuses include epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, logic, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind and philosophy of science. Course descriptions, degree requirements, 200203 lecture series, and links to online philosophy texts. http://www.georgetown.edu/departments/philosophy/ |
25. Introductory Philosophy Texts Unfortunately, most introductory philosophy texts are very thin on the feminist/peopleof color side, and supplemental material reinforces the marginality of http://www.ukans.edu/~philos/thepage/altintbks.html | |
26. TBW Rare Books Rare and scholarly philosophy texts. http://tbrookswilder.com/index.html | |
27. Internet Resources - Philosophy Texts . philosophy texts. The American Philosophical Association GopherResources The American Philosophical Association Web Resourses http://www.santarosa.edu/philosophy/texts.html | |
28. Alex Catalogue Of Electronic Texts Collection of public domain documents from American and English literature as well as Western philosophy. http://www.infomotions.com/alex/ | |
29. Su Tzu's Chinese Philosophy Page the purpose of organizing the resources on Chinese philosophy that can be found in the 'cyberspace'. It is This site contains several electronic texts of Tao Teh Ching and I http://mars.superlink.net/user/fsu/philo.html | |
30. Classic Texts And Manuscripts In Educational Philosophy Archive of etexts in philosophy of education. Maintained at Colorado University, Denver. http://carbon.cudenver.edu/~mryder/itc_data/etexts.html | |
31. Epicurus And Epicurean Philosophy Offers ancient texts, history, bibliography, related links, and email discussion group. http://www.epicurus.net/ | |
32. Philosophy And Theology philosophy and Theology. Primary texts. On Medieval Philosophers. From the Maritain Center at Notre Dame U Catholic Encyclopedia articles on Abelard. Albertus Magnus. Bonaventure. Scotus and Scotism. Thomas Aquinas. Thomism. Text Databases The Perseus Project ( Classical Greek texts) Early Patristic Writings (via ICLNet) http://www.georgetown.edu/labyrinth/subjects/philosophy/phil.html | |
33. Philosophy E-texts A number of etexts of famous philosophers. http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/5883/philosophy/philosophy.html |
34. Kamat's Potpourri: Hinduism Potpourri Articles on Hindu culture, philosophy, sacred texts, and customs.Includes pictures of deities, holymen, and discussions of such topics as death, initiation, and weddings. http://www.kamat.com/kalranga/hindu/ | |
35. PhilosophyOnline - Home - Site News Contains online study materials, revision notes, and annotated online texts, related to the study of philosophy. Especially useful for AS and A2 students (UK) and undergraduates. http://www.philosophyonline.co.uk/ | |
36. Hegel.Net - Homepage Essays and links to help understand, rethink, explain, sublate, and live the philosophy of G.W.F. Hegel. Includes bibliography, biography and texts. http://www.hegel.net/ | |
37. EpistemeLinks.com Philosophy Electronic Texts: Main Page EpistemeLinks.com electronic texts section, provides over a thousand categorizedlinks to freely available philosophy etexts, mostly classics from the field. http://www.epistemelinks.com/Main/MainText.aspx | |
38. Steven Schroeder: Resources In Humanities And Social Sciences Teaches at Roosevelt University in Chicago. Site includes online texts, resume, information on his poetry and philosophy. http://faculty.roosevelt.edu/schroeder/ | |
39. Philosophy Pages Aids to the study of philosophy, including study guide, dictionary, timeline, discussion of major philosophers, and links to etexts. http://www.philosophypages.com/ | |
40. Page Of Ancient Philosophy And Literature Ancient philosophical and literary texts, some links to ancient sites, libraries, maps; pictures of ancient philosophers. http://www5.50megs.com/mkv/classpage.html |
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