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1. Philosophy Links to canonical philosophic texts available for viewing. http://eserver.org/philosophy/ | |
2. Philosophy Etexts On The Web By Ziniewicz Primary Source philosophy texts on the World Wide Web. Welcome to thepoor philosopher s virtual philosophy library. I have intended http://www.fred.net/tzaka/leaves.html | |
3. Guide To Philosophy On The Internet (Suber), Etexts A comprehensive collection of online philosophy resources. Wellorganized, easy to navigate, regularly updated. the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. philosophy texts. Philosophy division of http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/gpi/etexts.htm | |
4. Philosophy Books (book Reviews) Reviews of thirty philosophy books, mostly popular and with a focus on sciencerelated areas. http://dannyreviews.com/s/philosophy.html | |
5. Course Texts Texts of Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Leibniz and Pascal. http://www.lancs.ac.uk/users/philosophy/texts/ | |
6. American Philosophy Texts -- Ziniewicz Scraps. Crosswords. Frankie. WWWLinks. Phil Etexts. The Author. Return to PhilosophyLibrary. American Philosophy Online Texts. General Sites. Native American Thought. http://www.fred.net/tzaka/american.html | |
7. Guide To Philosophy On The Internet (Suber) A comprehensive collection of online philosophy resources. Wellorganized, easy to navigate, regularly updated. in this guide, plus many more, and only sites in philosophy. Unless you want to browse, then, you searching of a database of online philosophy texts. The future of scholarly http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/philinks.htm | |
8. Electronic Texts In Philosophy CETH Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities; Chinese Text Archive - manychinese philosophy texts, requires a chinese character enhanced browser. http://www.epistemelinks.com/Main/MainText.asp |
9. Philosophy Texts Online philosophy texts ONLINE. From Tom Stone (trstone@rpa.net), this page provideslinks to electronic philosophy texts, arranged alphabetically by author. http://people.brandeis.edu/~teuber/textsonline.html | |
10. Lexicon lexicon of foreign words in philosophy texts. ab initio (L) fromthe beginning acte gratuit (F) free action actio (L) action ab http://www.ai-studio.com/joshwood/lexintro.html | |
11. Electronic Philosophy Texts Electronic Texts and Resources. The OnLine Books Page (Over 180 electronic philosophytexts). Confucius. Works by Confucius. Plato. Works by Plato. Aristotle. http://www.fordham.edu/philosophy/links_e-texts.htm | |
12. Rhodes: Academics: Library: Subject Guides: Philosophy Oxford Text Archive Perseus Project / Tufts Primary Source philosophy texts onthe World Wide Web / Ziniewicz Project Gutenberg Project Libellus Classics http://www.rhodes.edu/public/2_0-Academics/2_5-Library/2_5_2-SubjectGuides/2_5_2 | |
13. ACCESS AND LINKS TO OTHER PHILOSOPHY TEXTS / ACESO Y CONEXIONES CON OTROS TEXTOS ACCESS AND LINKS TO OTHER philosophy texts. Texts on CDROM. AncientGreek Texts General guides to philosophy texts on the Internet http://www.zubiri.org/general/linkstotexts.htm | |
14. MARTINUS NIJHOFF PHILOSOPHY TEXTS|KLUWER Academic Publishers Bookseries » MARTINUS NIJHOFF philosophy texts. MARTINUS NIJHOFF philosophy texts.Add to cart. Volumes published in MARTINUS NIJHOFF philosophy texts. http://www.wkap.nl/prod/s/MNPT | |
15. Philosophy In Cyberspace From Tom Stone (trstone@rpa.net), this page provides links to electronicphilosophy texts, arranged alphabetically by author. English http://www-personal.monash.edu.au/~dey/phil/etext.htm | |
16. Skills4Study Website mastering philosophy. reading philosophy texts As you may already have discovered,reading philosophy texts is not the same as reading novels or history books. http://www.palgrave.com/skills4study/html/subject_areas/philosophy/philosophy_re | |
17. LookSmart - Directory - General Collections Of Online Philosophy Texts General Collections of Online philosophy texts Access Web-based textsof great books of philosophy and other important philosophy tracts. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317836/us317911/us53880/us147551/us16 | |
18. EBooks4free.net - Download Free Philosophy Texts Philosophy Free eBooks Full Index. Links, Links. News. News. FAQ, FAQ.Add to Book Marks. Search this site for free eBooks. Language English http://www.ebooks4free.net/Philosophy.htm | |
19. Squashed Philosophers- Condensed Plato Aristotle Augustine Descartes Hume Marx F Condensed editions of 21 classic philosophy texts, with study notes and glossary. http://www.btinternet.com/~glynhughes/squashed/index.htm | |
20. ETexts :: Text-related :: Philosophy @ Alternately, users can download the whole collection of American or Englishliterature or philosophy texts and the tools to search the texts. http://www.liv.ac.uk/Philosophy/etexts.html | |
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