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121. Weiss Associates - Environmental Science, Engineering, And Management Services Environmental risk management, pollution prevention, regulatory compliance, waste management, litigation support, and expert testimony. Company profile and philosophy, services listing, job opportunities, contact details, and publications. http://www.weiss.com/ | |
122. Lifeline Publications Philosophy philosophy. For over a decade we have been producing a range of publicationsaimed at different groups engaged in various types of drug use, as well as http://www.lifeline.org.uk/publications/philosophy.html | |
123. Hidy Ochiai Washin Ryu Karate Traditional Martial Arts Traditional Japanese martial art. Includes profile of the master, philosophy, publications, upcoming events, branch schools and contact details. http://www.hidyochiai.com/ | |
124. Centre For Social Philosophy - University Of Pavia Translate this page About the Centre for Social philosophy. publications, Calendarof events, Methexis, International Justice and Human Rights, http://cfs.unipv.it/welcing.htm | |
125. Ibn Khaldun And Our Age | Turnabout Paper by James Kalb giving a treatment of Khaldun's philosophy of society and its applicability in the modern day. http://jkalb.org/publications/ibn_khaldun_and_our_age.php | |
126. Garry Geer (716) 232-2393 Commercial photographer explains philosophy, provides portfolio of people and product images for corporate publications. http://www.geerphoto.com/ | |
127. Christopher Hill: Publications Home Faculty Staff Christopher Hill publications Of Bats, Brains, andMinds, philosophy and Phenomenological Research XXXVIII (1977), 100106; http://www.brown.edu/Departments/Philosophy/Publications/Hill.html | |
128. Montreal City Mission A Christian social justice ministry of the United Church of Canada located in the urban core struggling against poverty and social isolation alongside lowincome people. Profile, programs, philosophy, and publications. http://www.montrealcitymission.org/ | |
129. Mary Louise Gill: Publications publications Mary Louise Gill publications Books eds. Readings in AncientPhilosophy From Thales to Aristotle (Hackett, 1994). Articles http://www.brown.edu/Departments/Philosophy/Publications/Gill.html | |
130. Humanities Certificate programs in publications and Theatre and degree programs in Art, English, French, Music, philosophy, Spanish and Theater. http://www.trcc.commnet.edu/Acad_Depts/Humanities/Index.htm | |
131. Selected Publications - Physical Sciences And Philosophy - Mark F. List of selected publications by Mark F. Sharlow in philosophy and in the physicalsciences. Selected publications Physical Sciences and philosophy. http://maxpages.com/markphilosophy/Publications |
132. HP Architects, PC Designer of commercial, urban, and residential buildings; includes philosophy, portfolio, and publications. http://www.hparchitects.net/ |
133. Osage Hills School | MAIN School pictures, publications, philosophy, and pictures, staff, board of education and contact information. PK8. http://www.osagehills.k12.ok.us/ | |
134. Wauu.DE: Society: Philosophy: Philosophy Of Education: Publications molloy.edu/academic/philosophy/sophia/TOPICS/education.htm. philosophy of EducationSociety Yearbook Online publication of the philosophy of Education Society. http://www.wauu.de/Society/Philosophy/Philosophy_of_Education/Publications/ | |
135. Ingenta: Publications By Subject -- Philosophy FIRST BACK, publications 1 to 50 of 92 FORWARD forward LAST last. 1. African PhilosophyCarfax Publishing, part of the Taylor Francis Group current issue Vol 13 http://www.ingenta.com/isis/browsing/BrowseBySubjectName/ingenta?name=Philosophy |
136. Philosophy - News News and publications Most computer users might not know that there are http://www.buzzle.com/chapters/philosophy-and-religion_news-and-publications.asp | |
137. Center Faculty Claudia Mills Ph.D. Princeton, 1991 Assistant Professor Ethics, Applied Ethics,Political philosophy; publications include Values and Public Policy (Harcourt http://www.colorado.edu/philosophy/Center/Faculty.html | |
138. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Humanities - Philosophy - Journals - 7. Monist, The http//wings.buffalo.edu/philosophy/publications/Monet/ Internationalquarterly journal of general philosophical inquiry lists contents of http://zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=574890 |
139. Institute Of Philosophy SRC SASA publications of the Institute. Filozofski vestnik (ISSN 03534510) is edited andpublished by the Institute of philosophy of the Scientific Research Centre of http://www.zrc-sazu.si/fi/page-5.htm | |
140. IAPC: OTHER PUBLICATIONS THINKING THE JOURNAL OF philosophy FOR CHILDREN. Thinking is a highlyrespected academic periodical, published quarterly by the IAPC. http://www.montclair.edu/pages/iapc/thinkingjournal.html | |
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