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41. SOCTP :: Society Of Online Christian Theology And Philosophy :: Publications SOCTP membership; new web site resources for scholars, instructors and students ofChristian theology and philosophy; listing of recent publications of interest http://www.quodlibet.net/soctp/publications.shtml | |
42. Plum Publications: Martial Arts Newsletter, Books & Videos Books, tapes, articles on Chinese Arts. Plum Branch Newsletter. Wushu, internal work, philosophy, diet. Santa Cruz, California. http://www.plumpub.com/ | |
43. :: Filozofski Fakultet DruÂbe Isusove U Zagrebu :: Zagreb studies course information, history, degree program highlights, and admission requirements. Faculty contact and society publications resources. http://www.ffdi.hr/ | |
44. Institute For Philosophical Research - Department Of History Of Philosophy - Pub History of philosophy publications. Milkov, N. - ÂA Case for SocialismOn the Use of Theoretical philosophy in Political Theory http://www.philosophybulgaria.org/en/Sekcii/IstoriaNaFilosofiata/Publikacii.php | |
45. Merkos Publications Publishing division of ChabadLubavitch featuring works on Chasidic philosophy, mysticism, biographical information, education, and stories for children. More than 2,000 titles to choose from. http://www.kehotonline.com/ | |
46. Indology Net | Indian Philosophy, Religion, Science, Technology & Culture: News, Indological studies past and present academic Indology publications and forum discussions of topics in the history of Indian philosophy, religion, science and culture. http://www.indology.net | |
47. Pawe³ Kawalec Home Page Private website of Pawel Kawalec, a philosophy researcher at the Catholic University of Lublin, with information about his publications, research projects and favourite links. http://pk.kmn.webpark.pl/ | |
48. Clark, David Anthony Tyeeme Intellectual and professional interests; Includes his curriculum vita, statement of teaching philosophy, course syllabi, and excerpts from forthcoming publications and works in progress. Professor in American Studies at the University of Kansas. http://people.ku.edu/~tyeeme/ | |
49. Spirit Teaching The publications and philosophy of spirit, through trance voice medium Mick Avery and trance physical medium, Sylvia Avery. http://www.spirit-teaching.com | |
50. Pragmatism Archive A research resource offering information on famous pragmatists, directories of centers and societies, philosophy lists, conferences, and publications. http://www.pragmatism.org/ | |
51. Robert G. Meyers Selected publications from the Professor of philosophy, University at Albany, New York. http://rgm95.tripod.com/homepage/ | |
52. Institute For History And Foundations Of Science Masters program in History and philosophy of Science, faculty and contact information, links to publications. http://www.fys.ruu.nl/~wwwgrnsl/ |
53. Eric Scerri Summary Leading researcher on history and philosophy of chemistry, especially of the Periodic Table. Contains list of publications and research interests. http://www.chem.ucla.edu/dept/Faculty/scerri/ | |
54. Summy-Birchard Shinichi Suzuki The Man And His Philosophy Closeout (Publications SummyBirchard Shinichi Suzuki The Man and His philosophy (publications) StringsBand Orchestra Strings Musical Instruments - Your one stop shopping place http://www.electronicsplaza101.com/electronics/search/res/r2602582.html | |
55. The Aesthetic Realism Of Eli Siegel Teaches the philosophy founded by educator, poet, and critic Eli Siegel through public presentations, consultations, and publications. http://www.aestheticrealism.org/ | |
56. David A. Reidy philosophy professor, University of Tennessee. Includes research, politics, courses, curriculum vitae, online publications. http://web.utk.edu/~dreidy/ | |
57. Unisa Online - Philosophy : Publications philosophy publications. Accredited Journals Other Journals Books Chapters in Books Published Papers Published Research Reports http://www.unisa.ac.za/Default.asp?Cmd=ViewContent&ContentID=4508 |
58. Mental Stirrings Portal features articles and links for philosophy, literature, religion, history and art. Offers categories devoted to education, publications, as well as museums and specialty bookstores. http://www.mentalstirrings.com | |
59. Philosophy Documentation Center A nonprofit organization that produces and distributes a variety of high-quality publications, including philosophical directories, bibliographies, scholarly journals, and instructional software for philosophers. http://www.pdcnet.org/ | |
60. Philosophy philosophy. The African Origin of Greek philosophy An Exercise in AfrocentrismInnocent C. Onyewuenyi 9782299308 320pp. Foundations of African philosophy. http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/Publications/BCphilos.html | |
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