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Philosophy Organizations & Assoc: more detail | ||||
41. ASSOCIATIONS (Scholarly/Expert/Specialist) Human Kinetics, the Journal of the philosophy of Sport. association for sport, cultureand youth organizations from all Contact person Hisashi SANADA, assoc. http://www.ucalgary.ca/library/ssportsite/assoc.html | |
42. GWeb - GW News/Events Public Health Student assoc. Student association; Ultimate Frisbee Organization; UnitedStates cancer society; amnesty international; philosophy club; program board http://gweb.gwu.edu/mod/orgs/list.cfm?ORG_TYPE=Student Organizations |
43. Title 4. philosophy, assoc.Prof.Dr.M.Goranov. State Power and Administration, assoc.Prof.Dr.T.Radkov. Workingwith Nongovernmental organizations, Sen.Lect.Dr.Y.Tsacheva. http://www.tugab.bg/english/structure/i-2.htm | |
44. Christo Design Build, Inc. - Custom Builder, Lincoln Nebraska: About Our Company his time and leadership to business organizations as well and 2004 President of theHome Builders assoc. At Christo Design Build, our philosophy is visible in http://www.christodesignbuild.com/?Page=2 |
45. Academic Staff Courses Paradigms of the political science, philosophy of social assoc. interestsinternational public law, international organizations, legal foundations of http://www.tspmi.vu.lt/?lang=en&cont=acadstaff |
47. Student Activities Council Member Organizations 2002-2003 a number of other organizations that register Black Wharton Undergrad assoc BloomersBrazilian association Philomathean Society philosophy Circle philosophy http://dolphin.upenn.edu/~oslaf/manual/sac_list.html | |
48. Faculty German 1/5, Introduction to philosophy, Comparative Thought Studies of Societies,Nongovernmental organizations, Research Seminar 1 MALINOWSKI, David, assoc. http://www.ksc.kwansei.ac.jp/08_english/08b_academic_active/08b_faculty.html | |
49. LINGUIST List 15.172: Philosophy Of Language: Hintikka Et Al (Eds.) active in international scholarly organizations, most recently Lingfield(s) Philosophyof Language Semantics Graduate Linguistic Students assoc., Umass, http http://www.linguistlist.org/issues/15/15-172.html | |
50. Philosophy Research Guide of Science papers sponsored by the philosophy of Science assoc. PoiesisphilosophyOnline Serials this project originally had organizations and associations. http://www.mtholyoke.edu/lits/library/guides/philos.shtml | |
51. Faculty on Information Ethics, Professional Ethics, Critical Thinking, OrganizationalEthics for organizations interested in Instructor of philosophy. assoc. http://www.gonzaga.edu/Academics/Colleges and Schools/College of Arts and Scienc | |
52. St. John's University -- Campus Life -- Queens -- Student Life -- Campus Activit involved with any of these organizations, stop by Math Club SJH 308; Nat l assoc. NEVAS- ****; Paralegal Society - Marillac 334A; philosophy Club - Sullivan http://new.stjohns.edu/campus/queens/studentlife/activities/organizations/Academ | |
53. ASCWU Board Of Directors - VP For Clubs & Organizations - Central Club List assoc. (ERMA) Family and Consumer Science Student assoc. Club Master of Science inOrganization Development (MSOD Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) philosophy Club Pinnacle http://www.cwu.edu/~ascwu/vpclubs_clublist.php | |
54. Philosophy Of The Program at Smith, the geography and common philosophy of institutions in have found positionsat the following schools and organizations. Intercollegiate Tennis assoc. http://www.science.smith.edu/exer_sci/Grad/ESSPhil.html | |
55. SU - [Student Activities, Organizations, & Leadership: Student Organization Desc National assoc. Outdoor Club began in 1981 as a student organization to promote andto educating all students in survival skills and conservation philosophy. http://www.salisbury.edu/Students/SAOL/OrgDescripJP.htm | |
56. Philosophical Organizations Directory of links to philosophyrelated organizations, including societies, institutes, associations, and centers, by subject or alphabetical, from Epistemelinks. http://www.epistemelinks.com/Main/MainOrgs.asp |
57. LookSmart - Directory - Social And Cultural Philosophy Organizations About. Context Institute Nonprofit research organization that explores and IPPPInstitute for philosophy and Public Policy conducts IVR International assoc. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317836/us317911/us53880/us62764/us102 | |
58. Northwest Center For Philosophy For Children Nonprofit organization that brings philosophy into the lives of young people through programs in elementary, middle, and high schools, parent organizations, and other organizations serving young people, with a particular emphasis on reaching children who are at risk and educationally disadvantaged. http://depts.washington.edu/nwcenter/ | |
59. The American Philosophical Association - Redirect Page Web Sites. Other organizations of. Related Interest and scholarly activity in philosophy, to facilitate the professional philosophers, and to represent philosophy as a discipline http://www.udel.edu/apa | |
60. LookSmart - Directory - Science About. AAHPSSS Australasian association for the History, philosophy and Social Studiesof Science. Online newsletters and membership information. AFOS assoc. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317836/us317911/us53880/us147321/us10 | |
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