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161. Clark, Andy Prolific champion of connectionist and embodied approaches to understanding the mind. http://www.sussex.ac.uk/Units/philosophy/faculty/aclark.html |
162. YMCA Camp Belknap Since 1903, YMCA Camp Belknap on Lake Winnipesaukee has served as a source of growth and development for thousands of boys. Located in Tuftonboro, New Hampshire, Camp Belknap emphasizes leadership development with a rich tradition grounded in the philosophy of spirit, mind and body for each boy. http://www.campbelknap.org/ |
163. The Subjective Spirit for the simple thought forms of finitude, as the rest of philosophy will for this vanity shall appear as wickedness at that turning point when mind has reached http://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/hegel/works/sp/ssintrod.htm | |
164. What It All Means A Science of Consciousness the Semiotics of mind, and the Elements of Personal philosophy Steven Zenith's work in semiotics. http://www.what-it-all-means.com | |
165. ProtoSociology - An International Journal Of Interdisciplinary Research International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. Focuses on philosophy of language and mind, and social system theory. Annual with varying themes. Tables of contents and some papers available online. http://www.protosociology.de/ | |
166. The School Of Cooperative Individualism A website introducing visitors to the sociopolitical philosophy of cooperative individualism, as espoused by champions of individual liberty Thomas Paine, Henry George and others of like mind. The website also contains an internal search engine and extensive library of reference materials, readings, links to other websites and a discussion forum. http://www.cooperativeindividualism.org/ | |
167. Robertson, Leo Strauss On Early Modern Philosophy The Closing of the Early Modern mind Leo Strauss and Early Modern Political Thought by Neil G. Robertson http://www.mun.ca/animus/1998vol3/robert3.htm | |
168. Department Of Philosophy - University Of Stirling Department of philosophy Stirling, Scotland - BA (single and joint degrees), MLitt (joint program with University of St. Andrews), MLitt (Legal and Political philosophy), MLitt (Knowledge and mind), MPhil, PhD http://www.philosophy.stir.ac.uk/ |
169. Open Books UK based store offering books on alternative medicine, mind, body and spirit, and philosophy. http://openbooks.seekbooks.co.uk |
170. Department, Bethel College, St. Paul, MN Offers faculty, courses and words for the mind. http://www.bethel.edu/Majors/Philosophy/ | |
171. Ramana Maharshi - Sage Of Arunachala Hill Ramana Maharshi was the awe inspiring sage who's presence graced the renowned sacred Aurunachala hill during much of the 20th century. He taught the purest Advaitha philosophy, that each has within him the One Self that animates all. He encouraged people to inquire 'Who are we? Are we the body or the eternal awareness behind mind and thoughts? By persuing this inquiry to the end, mukti or liberation is achieved. http://www.cosmicharmony.com/Sp/Ramana/Ramana.htm | |
172. Ten Theses In Philosophy Of Mind http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/3616/mind.htm | |
173. Index Of /lei/mind Parent Directory 19May-2004 1841 - Templates/ 02-Dec-2002 1322 - awards......Index of /lei/mind. Name Last modified Size http://lgxserver.uniba.it/lei/mind/ | |
174. OUP Journals - Mind http://www3.oup.co.uk/mind/ | |
175. Concept-Fiber Theory Of Mind; Mind-1.1 AI Software; AI4U Textbook Get out or die. AI4U Theory of mind for Artificial Intelligence. II. Infrastructure mind Modules psidamp.html psiDamp. endamp.html enDamp. auddamp.html audDamp. http://www.scn.org/~mentifex/ | |
176. Www.antknee.com Poetry, writing, philosophy, manifestos and rants. The site provides a forum and hub for new logic and thinking. A resource for minds and hearts. http://www.antknee.com | |
177. Growing Minds Autism Programs Specializes in training parents whose children have autism. Information on philosophy, programs, clients' progress, and staff credentials. http://autism-programs.com | |
178. Università Degli Studi Roma Tre - Pagina Non Trovata http://www.uniroma3.it/kant/field/ | |
179. PhilosophyofMind.net : Philosophy Of Emotions Portal: 200+ Relevant Links Links to articles and bibliographies, most scholarly. http://www.philosophyofmind.net/ | |
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