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161. History Of (Modern) Ethics philosophy 433 is a course in the history of ethics in the early modern period, somewhat arbitrarily beginning with Hobbes and ending with Nietzsche. http://www-personal.umich.edu/~sdarwall/Phil433.html | |
162. UBC Asian Studies Undergraduate and graduate degree programs in Asian Studies, encompassing Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and South Asian culture, including literature, linguistics, premodern history, religion and philosophy. http://www.asia.ubc.ca/ | |
163. Philosophy (1967) B 41 E5. The encyclopedia of philosophy. Supplement (1996) B 41 E5 1996. The Harper dictionary of modern thought. New and revised ed. (1988) AG 5 H28 1988. http://www.uleth.ca/lib/guides/subject/display.asp?Subject=Philosophy&Guide=17 |
164. The Office Of University International Relations The undergraduate certificate program can include courses in economics, history, political science, anthropology, modern languages and cultures, naval science, and philosophy. http://www.rochester.edu/diversity/internationalRelations.html | |
165. DIVISION OF PHILOSOPHY AND CULTURAL SCIENCES Master s Course Special Lectures Ancient and Medieval philosophy; modern philosophy; Contemporary philosophy; Logic; Ethics; Applied Ethics; Science of http://www.hokudai.ac.jp/catalog/02-03/f_g/03_01/03_01_18_036-036.html | |
166. Arnauld Index George MacDonald Ross's translation of a section on Method from the Port Royal Logic, anonymously authored by Antoine Arnauld and Pierre Nicole. With prefatory material. http://www.philosophy.leeds.ac.uk/GMR/hmp/texts/modern/arnauld/arnindex.html | |
167. CLA 3, QB. Philos, 0161, History of philosophy  Greek, 3, Philos, 0172, History of philosophy  modern, 3, Philos, 172, History of philosophy  modern, 3, http://www.temple.edu/bulletin/acad_programs/cla/pd_philo.htm | |
168. CHAPTER SIX Â MODERN INTERPRETATIONS OF CONFUCIUSÂS PHILOSOPHY Chapter Six Confucianism and Christianity modern Interpretations of Confucius philosophy. Colin Hoad. ÂConfucianism underlay the http://galileo.spaceports.com/~cjhoad/confuciusorguk/cc_modern.html | |
169. Philosophy And Modern Languages: Oxford University Undergraduate Course Informat Oxford University Undergraduate Course information philosophy and modern Languages. philosophy and modern Languages. What is philosophy and modern Languages? http://www.admissions.ox.ac.uk/courses/phmo.shtml | |
170. Philosophy And Religious Studies, Old Dominion University His course offerings at Old Dominion University include Contemporary Analytic philosophy, modern philosophy, Logic, philosophy of Religion, and Wittgenstein. http://www.odu.edu/al/phil/faculty.htm | |
171. Graduate Program Satisfaction of the course distribution requirement, which is as follows one course each in ancient Greek philosophy, modern philosophy, one history of http://www.uark.edu/depts/philinfo/gp.html | |
172. III. Philosophy. The Rise Of Modern Philosophy. By Professor Ralph Barton Perry. III. philosophy. The Rise of modern philosophy. By Professor Ralph Barton Perry. 190914. III. The Rise of modern philosophy. By Professor Ralph Barton Perry. http://www.bartleby.com/60/143.html | |
173. Modern Philosophy Course Page - Henderson State University modern philosophy Course Page. http://www.hsu.edu/dept/phi/courses/modern/modern.htm | |
174. Ingenta: All Issues -- Studies In History And Philosophy Of Science Part B: Stud Physics (General), Studies in History and philosophy of Science Part B Studies in History and philosophy of modern Physics, ISSN 1355 http://www.ingenta.com/journals/browse/els/13552198 | |
175. Continental Philosophy Forwarding Page This page has moved to http//pegasus.cc.ucf.edu/~janzb/continental/. You should be sent to the new site momentarily. If not, please click the above link. http://www.augustana.ab.ca/~janzb/continental.htm |
176. REDIRECTING THE WEBSITE OF GLOBAL (HELP) PROJECTS NGO Since 1996 and parallel with these and other humanitarian activities, a system* of philosophy was published on the Internet via the website of the NGO Global http://www.globalprojects.org/equiaeon/philo.htm | |
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