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101. RealTao Taoist philosophy in the modern world and Message Board. http://www.realtao.org.uk/ |
102. Reason In Revolt - Marxism And Modern Science Search this site Join our What s New? list! Reason in Revolt Marxism and modern Science. By Alan Woods and Ted Grant. Introduction. philosophy and Religion. http://www.marxist.com/rircontents.asp | |
103. Ends And Means Journal of the Centre for philosophy, Technology and Society at the University of Aberdeen, devoted to philosophical explorations of the social, moral and conceptual implications of modern technology. Selected archives, online article submission. http://www.abdn.ac.uk/philosophy/cpts/techno.hti | |
104. The Humanities Handbook modern philosophy. Existentialism, Language philosophy, Pragmatism, and Secular Humanism. Four Western philosophical positions have http://www.aug.edu/langlitcom/humanitiesHBK/handbook_htm/modern_philosophy.htm | |
105. Early Modern Themes: Religion, Science, Philosophy Readings in modern philosophy (J Carl Mickelsen) resources for philosophers from the sixteenth to the early nineteenth centuries, including Grotius, Hobbes http://www.earlymodernweb.org.uk/themes/scholars.htm | |
106. The Intellectual Viewpoint - Intellectually Honest & Opinionated Personal commentary addressing issues in modern society on politics, responsibility, behavior, philosophy, fitness, travel, literature, and films. http://www.theintellectualviewpoint.com/ | |
107. Solomon Feferman's Homepage Stanford University Proof theory,theory of computation, foundations of mathematics, philosophy of mathematics, history of modern logic. http://math.Stanford.EDU/~feferman/ | |
108. Buddhist Spirituality Versus Materialism - Essays On Modern Buddhism, Philosophy Buddhist Spirituality versus Materialism Essays on modern Buddhism, philosophy and Science. http://home.btclick.com/scimah/ | |
109. Modern History Sourcebook: Johann Gottfried Von Herder: Materials For The Philos From the modern History Sourcebook, an introduction and selected passages out of this 1784 work by Herder. http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1784herder-mankind.html | |
110. The Crisis Of European Sciences Excerpt from Husserl's basic methodological and epistemological work, The Crisis of European Sciences. Gives his interpretation of Locke, Berkeley, Hume and Kant. http://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/ge/husserl.htm | |
111. LIFE AFTER DEATH, NIHILISM, AND MODERN PHILOSOPHY LIFE AFTER DEATH, NIHILISM, AND modern philosophy. Yet almost all modern philosophers tell us that finite life can have meaning and value. http://ws5.com/nihilism/ | |
112. Circle Modern Dance Company, Knoxville, Tennessee Circle modern Dance was founded in the fall of 1990 to provide Knoxville audiences with an alternative to the current dance experiences available. The founders of Circle envisioned an atmosphere in which area choreographers and performance artists could display their artistic endeavors and recent works without being bound by the strictures of a dance company. Circle operates under the philosophy that everyone is a dancer and everyone has the right to dance. http://www.korrnet.org/circle/ | |
113. Homepage HISTORY OF modern philosophy © George MacDonald Ross. HOME PAGE Copyright Warning Unless otherwise stated, all materials on this http://www.philosophy.leeds.ac.uk/GMR/hmp/homepage.html | |
114. Borges - Influence: Andrés Useche The philosophy behind Andr©s Useche's films and comics, and its relation to Jorge Luis Borges' literature. http://www.themodernword.com/borges/borges_infl_useche.html | |
115. Philosophy In Cyberspace SECTION 1 EARLY modern TO 19TH CENTURY philosophy. Early modern philosophy http//jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu/~deschene/earlymod/earlymod.html. http://www-personal.monash.edu.au/~dey/phil/early.htm | |
116. Project Theophrastus And Electronic Scholarship An article on the role of electronic technology in the modern reconstruction of Theophrastus' writings and philosophy. http://www.ceth.rutgers.edu/projects/theophrastus/theophr.htm | |
117. The Modern Philosophers modern Trends in philosophy. 20 th Century. Islamist Philosophers. Abbas Mahmud alÂAqqad. Muhammad al-Bahi. Rachid Ghannoushi- MSA Scholarbase. Malik Ben Nabi. http://www.muslimphilosophy.com/ip/mdphilpg.htm | |
118. Ibn Khaldun And Our Age | Turnabout Paper by James Kalb giving a treatment of Khaldun's philosophy of society and its applicability in the modern day. http://jkalb.org/publications/ibn_khaldun_and_our_age.php | |
119. The Husserl Web A research project contributing to writing in the HusserlHeidegger-Gadamer line of modern philosophy. http://www.princeton.edu/~batke/phph/husserl/ | |
120. Sarva Darshana Samgraha A modern replica to the Madhva's Compendium of All Philosophies. Read profiles of the main trends and schools of Indian philosophy based on recent scholarly works. http://home.earthlink.net/~pushpasri | |
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