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81. Centre For Research In Modern European Philosophy In addition, 5 modules in modern European philosophy are taught as part of the BA in philosophy modern European philosophy 1 ; modern European philosophy 2 http://www.mdx.ac.uk/www/CRMEP/ | |
82. Maine State Spiritualist Association Of Churches The Spiritual nature of human kind brings forth the Science, philosophy and Religion of modern Spiritualism. http://members.tripod.com/mssac/spirit.htm | |
83. Modern European Philosophy Centre for Research in modern European philosophy, home page. compulsory. Download the MA modern European philosophy Pattern (mep.doc). http://www.mdx.ac.uk/www/CRMEP/progs/mep/ | |
84. Nazi Fascism And The Modern Totalitarian State Examples of such cult figures in modern history are Mao Tsetung (China) and Josef Stalin (Soviet Union), who led left-wing regimes The philosophy of Fascism. http://www.remember.org/guide/Facts.root.nazi.html | |
85. Portland Spiritualist Church, Westbrook Maine, USA The science, philosophy and religion of modern Spiritualism teaches that there is no death, but life everlasting. Mediumship and spiritual healing are the work of Spiritualist Mediums clairvoyants and clairaudients. http://members.tripod.com/portlandspiritualist/church.htm | |
86. Editors Of Dictionary Of Modern American Philosophy Dictionary of modern American Philosophers, 18601960. Editors. Publisher Rudi Thoemmes Thoemmes Press 11 Great George Street Bristol http://www.pragmatism.org/dmap/editors.htm | |
87. The Pre-Kantian Modern Philosophy Witch Project - Gottfried Leibniz Some basic notes on the structure of the Leibnizian system, presented by students at Covenant College. http://tjaguar.tripod.com/phi202/leibniz.html | |
88. 20th WCP: Modern Philosophy Archive of contributed papers in the subject area of modern philosophy. modern philosophy. modern philosophy. Author s Name, Affiliation, Paper Title. http://www.bu.edu/wcp/MainMode.htm | |
89. Ludwik Fleck Founder Of The Philosophy Of Modern Medicine A 1992 essay by Gershom Zajicek published in The Cancer Journal, noting the influence of Fleck's idea that no diseases exist in nature. http://www.md.huji.ac.il/special/cancer/19926.html |
90. MacMurray Philosophy And Religion Program in Introduction to Religion, Interpreting Christian Traditions, Twentieth Century Theology, Ancient philosophy, modern philosophy, philosophy of Religion http://www.mac.edu/academics/philosophy_religion.html | |
91. Website Disabled Devoted to studies designed to aid the modern seeker to a spiritual reorientation in the Light of the Ancient Wisdom. http://newagebible.homestead.com | |
92. Late Modern Philosophy Texts Online -- Ziniewicz Copyright © 1999, Tanya M. Ziniewicz. Late modern philosophy Online Texts. Friedrich Nietzsche. On the Use and Abuse of History for http://www.fred.net/tzaka/latemod.html | |
93. Modern Philosophy Texts -- Ziniewicz modern philosophy Online Texts. General Sites. Internet modern History Sourcebook Full Text Sources; The Online Books Page. Philosophers. Francis Bacon 1561-1626. http://www.fred.net/tzaka/modern.html | |
94. City Of Lights Home Page Discussion about the new age philosophy and modern society. http://www.webspawner.com/users/davara/index.html | |
95. Philosophical Hermeneutics, Or Theories Of Interpretation Sample syllabus of Dr. Harry Reeder's regularly taught (graduate undergraduate)course on hermeneutics this course will begin with a consideration of the background of philosophical hermeneutics (theories of interpretation) in modern philosophy (Descartes, Hume, Kant, Dilthey). Then it will follow the hermeneutic tradition in philosophy as it develops in the twentieth century, through a philosophical examination of the works of Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, Hans-Georg Gadamer, J¼rgen Habermas, and Paul Ricoeur. In addition, we will examine the independent yet in part parallel philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein. http://www.uta.edu/philosophy/faculty/reeder/HermSylSamp.html | |
96. IVC Library Videos Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 18441900. Sartre, Jean Paul, 1905- philosophy, modern 20th century. Existentialism. philosophy, modern - 20th century. Self. http://www.ivc.edu/library/vdetails.aspx?c=80 |
97. Philosophy An analysis of western and eastern philosophy, mysticism, psychology, and modern physics. http://lathief1.tripod.com | |
98. Roland Collection - Modern Literature Series Videos on modern Literature and philosophy. The Roland Collection includes some of the best series on contemporary literature and philosophy available on video. http://www.roland-collection.com/rolandcollection/modlit.htm | |
99. B'or Ha'Torah - Jewish English-language Journal For scientists, artists, teachers, philosophers, and students. Judaism and science, evolution, Bible codes, Jewish medical ethics, the Jewish woman and modern life, quantum physics and Jewish philosophy. http://www.borhatorah.org | |
100. Walk Like An Egyptian With Horoscope book, Walk Like An Egyptian, author Ramona Louise Wheeler brought the concepts of ancient Egyptian religion and philosophy into the context of the modern world http://members.aol.com/tokapu/Walkle01.htm | |
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