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61. Spinoza: The First Modern Pantheist. Outline of pantheism in Spinoza's philosophy. http://members.aol.com/Heraklit1/spinoza.htm | |
62. MPhil (Master Of Philosophy) Modern Languages MPhil (Master of philosophy) School of modern Languages at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. http://www.ncl.ac.uk/sml/postgrad/mphil.php | |
63. Tommaso Campanella Links to various resources on this thinker, and an online excerpt from Weber's History of philosophy. http://www.class.uidaho.edu/mickelsen/Campanella.htm | |
64. On The History Of Modern Philosophy Critique of Hegel from On the History of modern philosophy (18334) by Friedrich Schelling. Friedrich Schelling, (1833-4). On the History of modern philosophy. http://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/ge/schelli3.htm | |
65. Indian Philosophy And Anthropic Cosmological Principle Traditional Indian anthropology is analyzed at the background of ancient physics traditions of Vaisesika, Jaina, and Buddhism, modern quantum mechanics, and manyuniverses idea. http://www.orientalia.org/article589.html |
66. Pine Grove Spiritualist Camp The science, philosophy and religion of modern Spiritualism teaches that there is no death, but life everlasting. Mediumship and spiritual healing are the work of Spiritualist Mediums. http://members.tripod.com/pinegrovecamp | |
67. A1-Termpaper 1-800-Termpaper Modern Philosophy Termpaper Termpapers Term Paper T Inventory of prewritten reports on the subject of modern philosophy for academic research for students needing model termpapers dissertations essays themes http://www.a1-termpaper.com/phi-mod.shtml | |
68. Jacques Maritain: Modern Philosophy In The Tradition Of St Thomas Aquinas Intellectual profile by E.J. Borich. http://www.ad2000.com.au/articles/1999/jul1999p13_332.html | |
69. Modern Philosophy modern philosophy Descartes to Kant. Both readings are to be found in FE Baird, W. Kaufmann, eds., modern philosophy, Prentice Hall (4th edition or later). http://www.uri.edu/personal/szunjic/philos/modern.htm | |
70. TELESTERION Esoteric Psychology, Philosophy, Self-development, Enlightenment, Ma A new look at esoteric psychology and philosophy. Selfdevelopment and enlightenment for modern humans. http://www.telesterion.com | |
71. Modern Philosophy - Academic Info Questia Online Library Better Grades Academic Info modern philosophy. http://www.academicinfo.net/philmodern.html | |
72. Pythagoreanism Information about the arguments in this book written by Eric Steinhart, including overview and chapter abstracts. Interprets pythagoreanism in modern terms, as a philosophy radically opposed to Platonism. http://www.wpunj.edu/cohss/philosophy/faculty/esteinha/PYTHAG.HTM | |
73. Philosophy - Academic Info Online Resources Sections include Digital Library ; General Links ; Ancient philosophy ; Medieval philosophy ; modern philosophy ; Existentialism ; philosophy http://www.academicinfo.net/phil.html | |
74. Redirect An appendix to Royce's 1892 work, The Spirit of modern philosophy. Lays particular stress on the distinction between the universality of the understanding and the universality of reason. http://www.ets.uidaho.edu/mickelsen/texts/Royce - Hegel Apend C.htm | |
75. The Beginnings Of Modern Philosophy The Beginnings of modern philosophy. His major contribution, for which he will forever be known as the father of modern philosophy, is the method of doubt. http://www.ship.edu/~cgboeree/modphilbegin.html | |
76. Leo Strauss's Platonism Essay by Neil Robertson. Argues that Strauss anachronistically ascribed modern concerns to premodern philosophy. http://www.mun.ca/animus/1999vol4/roberts4.htm | |
77. Modern Biblical Scholarship, Philosophy Of Religion And Traditional Christianity Truth Journal. modern Biblical Scholarship, philosophy of Religion and Traditional Christianity. Professor Eleonore Stump. In recent http://www.leaderu.com/truth/1truth20.html | |
78. Philosophy Links Page - School Of Humanities & Social Sciences Department of philosophy Staffordshire, England - BA, MA (modern Continental philosophy), MPhil, PhD http://www.staffs.ac.uk/philosophy | |
79. ScienceDirect - Studies In History And Philosophy Of Science Part B: Studies In LII Results for philosophy, modern http//www.humanities.mcmaster.ca/~bertrand/ Subjects Russell, Bertrand, 1872-1970 Philosophers philosophy, modern People Created by de - last updated http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/13552198 | |
80. Towards A Philippine Philosophy An attempt to outline some common thoughts and ideas in the belief and wisdom systems of the precolonial Filipinos and the modern Filipino tribal beliefs. http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/9845/philo.htm | |
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