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41. Saadya [Saadiah] Detailed study of this medieval thinker, from the Stanford Encyclopedia of philosophy. By Sarah Pessin. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/saadya/ | |
42. Paul Of Venice Lengthy study by Alessandro Conti of this medieval Italian scholar, from the Stanford Encyclopedia of philosophy. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/paul-venice/ | |
43. PHIL252, PHIL360 PHIL252 medieval philosophy PHIL360 Later medieval philosophy. For the pages formerly used in these courses go to Teaching materials on medieval philosophy. http://www.humanities.mq.edu.au/Ockham/0pge5260.html | |
44. John Scotus Eriugena Outline of this medieval scholar's life and philosophy, by Siegbert W. Becker. Available in PDF or RTF format. http://www.wls.wels.net/library/Essays/Authors/B/BeckerScotus/BeckerScotus.htm | |
45. Angel City Books: Philosophy, Medieval And Renaissance philosophy, medieval and Renaissance. medieval and Renaissance Studies. Metaphysical. Miscellaneous Subjects. Music. Mythology and Folklore. philosophy. Photography. http://www.angelcitybooks.com/cgi-bin/acb455/scan/fi=products/st=sql/co=yes/tf=t | |
46. Godfrey Of Fontaines Stanford Encyclopedia of philosophy article on this medieval scholar, by John Wippel. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/godfrey/ | |
47. KUN Center For Medieval And Renaissance Natural Philosophy It is embedded in the Department of Ancient and medieval philosophy of Nijmegen University, whose faculty library houses the largest collection of books on http://www.kun.nl/phil/center/ | |
48. Virtus Sermonis And The Trinity Marsilius Of Inghen And The Semantics Of Late Fo Brief abstract of this article by Maarten Hoenen, from the journal medieval philosophy and Theology. Subscribers may view the full text online. http://titles.cambridge.org/journals/journal_article.asp?mnemonic=MPT&pii=S1 |
49. Protestant Ecclesiology & Epistemology Is Always Ultimately Self-Defeating European medieval and Renaissance Culture, Art, Architecture, History, philosophy, Science, Religion http://ic.net/~erasmus/RAZ33.HTM#Science and Learning/ | |
50. Humanities: Philosophy : Medieval - Subject Guides - Enoch Pratt Free Library, B Humanities Subject Guide philosophy medieval The Cambridge History of Later Greek and Early medieval philosophy. London Cambridge University Press, 1967. http://www.pratt.lib.md.us/subjects/subjectguide.cfm?cid=217&sid=18&pid=215 |
51. Wesleyan University - Medieval Studies Program Interdisciplinary program for students who wish to study the European Middle Ages with a concentration in either art history and archaeology, history, language and literature, or philosophy and religion. http://www.wesleyan.edu/medistud/MDST.html | |
52. CAMDEN BOOKS: Antiquarian, Rare And Scholarly Books In Bath, United Kingdom - In Deals in antiquarian, rare and scholarly books in architecture, civil engineering, economics, philosophy, physics and mathematics, classical, medieval and Byzantine studies and history of art. http://www.camdenbooks.com/ | |
53. Antiquarian And Rare Books Sellers of antiquarian, secondhand, out of print and remainder books on the Humanities, including Early Printing, Classical, and medieval studies, History, philosophy and Social Science, Literature and the Arts. http://www.unsworths.com/ | |
54. Mellen Subject Area: Philosophy - Medieval Displaying 1 to 10 of 18 Books in philosophy medieval in order of Publication Year, Next 10 Records. Sort By Year Title Author Last Name. http://www.mellenpress.com/emp/mellenpress.cfm?catkey=75&pc=8 |
55. Powell's Bookstores Chicago Used, rare and outof-print bookstore near the University of Chicago. Scholarly books especially classics, archaeology, philosophy, medieval history, art, architecture and Photography. http://www.powellschicago.com/ | |
56. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Society > Philosophy > History Of Philosophy > Med Browse, Sites in medieval (15). Philosophers (9). Renaissance (6). medieval philosophy Research medieval philosophy at the world s largest online library. http://www.alexa.com/browse/categories?catid=219721 |
57. Cambridge Journals Online - Journal Home Page My CJO Index, My CJO Homepage medieval philosophy and Theology, You are medieval philosophy and Theology Show Back Volumes. FULLTEXT http://journals.cambridge.org/jid_MPT | |
58. Rivendell Is Moving Athenian philosophers, antique and medieval philosophers, rationalists, and modern philosophers, from the rivendell educational archive by Leigh Denault. http://www.watson.org/rivendell/philosophy.html | |
59. Cambridge Journals Online - Journal Home Page My CJO Index, My CJO Homepage medieval philosophy and Theology, You are medieval philosophy and Theology Show Back Volumes. Editor(s http://journals.cambridge.org/journal_MedievalPhilosophyandTheology | |
60. Medieval Theories Of Modality Article at the Stanford Encyclopaedia of philosophy. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/modality-medieval/ | |
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