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21. History Of Ancient & Medieval Lecture notes for a course taught by Dr. Charles Ess at Drury University. http://www.drury.edu/ess/History/Ancient/Overview.html | |
22. Jacques Maritain Center: St. Thomas Aquinas And Medieval Philosophy Thomas Aquinas and medieval philosophy. The Encyclopedia Press, Inc. 23 East FortyFirst Street. New York. 1919. Chapter I The Rise of Scholasticism St. Anselm (1034-1109) Scholasticism. What Scholasticism is not. What is philosophy? http://www.nd.edu/Departments/Maritain/etext/staamp0.htm | |
23. Medieval Sourcebook: Ibn Rushd (Averroës) (1126-1198 CE): Religion & Philosophy medieval Sourcebook Ibn Rushd (Averroës), 11261198 CE Religion philosophy, c. 1190 CE We maintain that the business of philosophy is nothing other than to look into creation http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/1190averroes.html | |
24. NetSERF: Philosophy NetSERF Features. medieval Glossary. PDA Version These topics are crossreferenced. medieval philosophy A select bibliography http://www.netserf.org/Philosophy | |
25. Medieval Philosophy Teaching Materials on medieval philosophy. John Kilcullen. Download 1. Download 2. Courses (no longer offered). Course description, medieval philosophy. http://www.humanities.mq.edu.au/Ockham/medph.html | |
26. Bibliography On Medieval Jewish Philosophy List of published books in this field, sorted by topic. http://www.ucalgary.ca/~elsegal/RelS_365/MedPhilBibl.html | |
27. Web Project Removal Notice the Ancient and medieval Internet (argos.evansville.edu) Hippias Limited Area Search of philosophy on the Internet http://argos.evansville.edu/ | |
28. Medieval Theories Of Analogy Entry in the Stanford Encyclopaedia of philosophy, by E. Jennifer Ashworth. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/analogy-medieval/ | |
29. Medieval Philosophy At Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base medieval philosophy at Erratic Impact's philosophy Research Base. Resources include thousands of annotated links and text resources for medieval philosophy research on the internet. in the field http://www.erraticimpact.com/~medieval | |
30. Philofreligion Resources in the analytic philosophical tradition, including religious epistemology, theistic arguments, medieval philosophy, and teaching resources and discussion groups. http://www.homestead.com/philofreligion/ | |
31. History Of Ideas: Medieval Philosophy University. lecture on medieval philosophy (thumbnails of multimedia slides). If you cannot read the text on these slides, click here. http://www.dcu.ie/~comms/philosophy/medieval.htm | |
32. Week 11: Medieval Elements In Descartes Part of lecture notes to a course on Later medieval philosophy by John Kilcullen at Macquarie University. http://www.humanities.mq.edu.au/Ockham/z3611.html | |
33. NINO B. COCCHIARELLA Abstract of an article by Cocchiarella published in volume 4 of Logical Analysis and History of philosophy. http://www.pla.uni-bonn.de/EnglishPages/Schaufenster/Volume4Frames/NINOB.COCCHIA | |
34. Literary Forms Of Medieval Philosophy last substantive content change OCT 17 2002. Literary Forms of medieval philosophy. 5. Development in the Literary form of medieval philosophy. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/medieval-literary/ | |
35. LA MORRA - Ensemble For Late Medieval Music Rediscover variety of late medieval music with ensemble La Morra. Concert programs, recordings, and philosophy. http://www.lamorra.info/ | |
36. History Of Philosophy 29 Short footnoted article on this medieval thinker and his place in history, summarizing four points of his doctrine. http://www.nd.edu/Departments/Maritain/etext/hop29.htm | |
37. Karaism Article by Dr. Daniel Frank on the relationship between medieval Karaite philosophy and the Muslim kalaam. http://www.muslimphilosophy.com/ip/rep/J052.htm | |
38. TheologyWebsite Internet Resources Index: Philosophy : Medieval TheologyWebsite.com, Internet Resources Index philosophy medieval. http://www.theologywebsite.com/internet/Philosophy/Medieval/ | |
39. James Luberda Essays by James Luberda on literary theory, composition, medieval studies, and the philosophy of mind. http://www.sp.uconn.edu/~jbl00001 | |
40. Steven Wolfe Books 151 Spiers Rd. Newton Centre, MA 02459 USA philosophyFrench philosophy-Greek philosophy-Hegel philosophy-Italian philosophy-Kant philosophy-logical-positivism philosophy-medieval philosophy-Nietzsche http://world.std.com/~shw/philosophy-Medieval.html | |
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