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21. PROJECT GUTENBERG OFFICIAL HOME SITE - HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY - history AND philosophy OF PROJECT GUTENBERG. etexts targeted a bit on the bang for the buck philosophy. . audience we have targeted, 99% of the general public http://promo.net/pg/history.html | |
22. General Christian Apologetics And Worldview Evangelical Protestant general Apologetics. EXTERNAL LINKS. Chronological Snobbery history of Ideas, Socratic philosophy, Christian Worldview, Scientists http://ic.net/~erasmus/RAZ157.HTM | |
23. ClayGate 900 : History Historical research Historiography history (general), history dictionaries Europe Military history News Paleontology philosophy of history Timelines Western http://library.bendigo.latrobe.edu.au/irs/webcat/900.htm | |
24. History Of Physics And Astronomy general Guides Center for history of Physics by AIP (Excellent!); Physics Timeline 585 to 1999; history and philosophy of Physics Research activities http://www.physlink.com/Education/History.cfm | |
25. Hegel: Philosophy And History As Theology. (philosophy of Religion, 369). God is the substance, energy, material and final goal of the universe. history in general is . . . http://members.aol.com/pantheism0/hegel.htm | |
26. BUBL LINK / 5:15: Humanities history egyptian history, environmental philosophy epistemology european geography history ancient history - british - general history - british http://bubl.ac.uk/link/hum.html | |
27. CEFILNI - Centro De Filosofia Para Niños Y Niñas Mexican centre on philosophy for Children (P4C) with general information, history and resources. http://www.cefilni.com/ |
28. History Philosophy Of Psychology Web Resources history philosophy of Psychology Web Resources. Go to main page Last updated 22 May 2004. general Archives, Collections, Additional Links. http://www.psych.yorku.ca/orgs/archcoll.htm |
29. Philosophy Of History Arhive fields of historical study including the history of philosophy, literature, the natural and social sciences, religion, the arts, and culture in general. http://www.nsu.ru/filf/pha/hist/ | |
30. Introductory Texts / General History Of Philosophy - Department Of Philosophy - Home Undergraduate info Campus philosophy Club Suggested Reading Introductory Texts / general history of philosophy. general history of philosophy. http://www.uofaweb.ualberta.ca/philosophy/nav04.cfm?nav04=20796&nav03=15355&nav0 |
31. Internet Public Library: Philosophy Topics; Newsgroups; Discussion Lists; Events; Publishers; Jobs; Humor; general philosophy. in the fields of English, history, philosophy, history philosophy http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/hum70.00.00/ | |
32. Project Gutenberg - About Project Gutenberg history and philosophy of Project Gutenberg. etexts targeted a bit on the bang for the buck philosophy audience we have targeted, 99% of the general public http://www.gutenberg.net/about | |
33. Leeds HPS With general information, programs offered, links to staff pages and contact details. http://www.hps.leeds.ac.uk/ | |
34. Conference Announcements Conferences in 2001. general Conference Pages. Boston University philosophy Calendar of Events, including the Center for philosophy and history of Science http://www.liv.ac.uk/Philosophy/meetings.html | |
35. Graduate Study In Philosophy ancient philosophy is complemented by Penn s strong programs in the classics and its strength in the history of modern philosophy by Penn s general strength in http://www.phil.upenn.edu/graduate/brochure.html | |
36. Philosophy At Penn: Links Philosophers) Alex Catalog of Electronic Texts general collection of online texts; Classics in the history of Psychology Works in philosophy and psychology; http://www.phil.upenn.edu/links.html | |
37. General Chemistry Online: FAQ: History Of Chemistry: Where Can I Find Out More A Antoine Lavoisier s experimental philosophy? From a database of frequently asked questions from the history of chemistry section of general Chemistry Online. http://antoine.frostburg.edu/chem/senese/101/history/faq/lavoisier-experimental- | |
38. History Of Muslim Philosophy Online S. Mahdihassan; Chapter 66 Natural history by Seyyed Chapter 77 Renaissance in Iran general by Abdul Copyright 2001 2002 by Islamic philosophy Online, Inc. http://www.muslimphilosophy.com/hmp/default.htm | |
39. McGraw-Hill - Philosophy History & Problems With Free Philosophy PowerWeb Line McGrawHill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages Related Titles by Category  philosophy history Surveys / general  philosophy general http://books.mcgraw-hill.com/cgi-bin/pbg/0072878282.html?id=FNZHV5EL |
40. Filo.htm is a subject in the Norwegian upper secondary school (two lessons a week) The subject covers the entire history of philosophy, from general philosophy Pages http://www.saltdal.vgs.no/filoeng.htm | |
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