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81. About The Cognitive Science Concentration about meetings of the Cognitive Science Symposium and discussion Group will be Rutgers University Department of philosophy and the Rutgers University Center http://web.gc.cuny.edu/cogsci/ge.htm | |
82. Lists A list of 17 listservs including Canadian SW, Feminist SW, philosophy of SW Child Welfare Resource Center An email discussion group for anyone involved in the http://www.cahs.colostate.edu/sw/lists.html | |
83. Center For Inquiry Metro New York - Events 7 pm. MAY 18. philosophy discussion group, Rothstein residence, Patchogue, NY 730 pm RSVP 631.363.8216 or by email. MAY 19. WBAI http://www.centerforinquiry.net/metrony/events.html |
84. The Spinoza Net. Joint Internet Symposium On Philosophy And Public Management. We invite Spinoza scholars to pose questions on Spinoza for debate and discussion. of it (if there is one) requires considerable philosophical, textual, and http://spinoza.net/TSNExchange/TSNExNo1-08-2002.htm | |
85. Existentialism Philosophy: Discussion Of Existentialism Quotes, Jean Paul Sartre Join the Wave Structure of Matter (WSM) discussion Group. The recently formed Wave Structure of Matter Group consists of philosophers, physicists, artists http://www.spaceandmotion.com/Philosophy-Existentialism.htm | |
86. Main Page For The Programming Language JOY 4. Mailing group concatenative . There is also a discussion group dealing with Joy and related topics. To browse previous messages http://www.latrobe.edu.au/philosophy/phimvt/joy.html | |
87. Wauu.DE: Society: Philosophy: Chats And Forums http//www.geocities.com/askthephilosof. British Mensa Philosophical discussion Group Mensa membership forum for debate on any issue from a philosophical http://www.wauu.de/Society/Philosophy/Chats_and_Forums/ | |
88. MIT Philosophy Reading Groups Friends and Eminees Reading Group A reading group to discuss working papers in metaphysics and epistemology broadly construed (including philosophy of mind http://web.mit.edu/philos/www/read_groups.html | |
89. Guide To The Theological Discussion Group Papers (Record Group No. 43): Finding Theological discussion Group, the Chicago Ecumenical discussion Group, the American Theological Society and the Conference on Science, philosophy and Religion http://webtext.library.yale.edu/xml2html/divinity.043.con.html | |
90. PACE Programs These groups discuss selected readings on a particular students, mentored by two philosophy professors (Dr and Dr. James Hatley), facilitate these discussions. http://www.salisbury.edu/community/pace/Programs.html | |
91. E-Mail Discussion Lists DILLO. The Texas Studies Gopher discussion group. listserv@ricevm1.rice.edu. DISTED. EDPHIL. Educational philosophy discussion. listproc2@bgu.edu. EDPOL. http://www.ibiblio.org/edweb/lists.html | |
92. IRAS Discussion Group Page - Resources given Wright s dual interests (and expertise) in science journalism and natural philosophy, it is no wonder that the group reported an excellent discussion. http://www.iras.org/discussion/resources.html | |
93. Sophists Philosophy Forums,psychology News,discussion which they evolve. Their survival is dependent on the survival of the individuals and the groups hosting them. Creativity the http://www.sophists.org/ | |
94. New Quest City Discussion Group Forums 29 users are registered to the New Quest City discussion Group forum. There are currently 121 messages in the database. New Messages Religion and philosophy, http://www.buyersusa.com/fusetalk/ | |
95. Resources For Undergraduates - Department Of Philosophy - University Of Washingt the department. SUPS sponsors an email discussion group, phildisc, for informal discussion of philosophical issues. Contact the http://depts.washington.edu/philweb/undergraduate.resources.html | |
96. Philosophy 269 Home Page I have also setup a (usenet) class discussion group. The course discussion group (su.class.phil269) is available through usenet. http://ist-socrates.berkeley.edu/~fitelson/269/ | |
97. Kerlins.net > Research Discussion Lists and methods in the social and human sciences and the philosophy of the Subscribe to GOVTEVAL A discussion group on Public Sector Program Evaluation based at http://kerlins.net/bobbi/research/qualresearch/lists.html | |
98. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Society > Philosophy > Chats And Forums AndStuffWiki Wikiwiki philosophy discussion board. Silken Tiger Fuzzy Frolics Online discussion group,place for wisdom exchange,lively interaction, fun http://www.alexa.com/browse/general?catid=27054&mode=general&order=traffic&page= |
99. European Studies -- Programs -- Nanovic Institute For European Studies -- Univer The group s aims are twofold to pursue research goals goals that emerge in the course of discussions. Languages), Cyril O Regan (philosophy), George Piggford http://www.nd.edu/~nanovic/programs/fac_discgroups.html | |
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