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1. Kent State University - Libraries And Media Services - Discussion Groups On The Return to the Philosophy main page. Discussion Groups on the Internet Philosophy. The first two resources listed below provide access to collectiions of philosophy discussion groups. http://www.library.kent.edu/subjects/philos/phigroup.html | |
2. Ephilosopher :: Ephilosopher Forum Index Administration FAQ and announcements **** Introduction to philosophy discussion groups Moderator Adimantis, 1, 1, Jul 03, 2003 1006 AM adimantis View latest http://www.ephilosopher.com/bb.html&c=2 | |
3. Common Folk Discuss Philosophy With 'Socrates' Phillips, who six years ago abandoned a journalism career to pursue his first love, cultivates philosophy discussion groups called Socrates Cafes around the http://www.azcentral.com/ent/arts/articles/0314socrates14.html | |
4. Colloquium.html University of Haifa philosophy discussion groups last updated 11I-2003. Discussion Group for the History and Philosophy of Science Announcements. http://research.haifa.ac.il/~mluz/colloq.eng.html | |
5. IRC Philosophy Research Resources jweins; Religion and philosophy discussion groups http//wwwscfn.thpl.lib.fl.us/menus/production/reltalk.html. RESOURCES. ^ ^ ^ Top. http://www.internationalcollege.edu/irc/humphilosophy.htm | |
6. Medieval Academic Discussion Groups Here is a listing of medieval academic discussion groups you may want to join along with the mdvlphilsubscribe@egroups.com Medieval philosophy and (web http//www.egroups.com http://www.towson.edu/~duncan/acalists.html | |
7. Usenet Groups :: Discussion :: Philosophy @ Department of philosophy web site at the University of Liverpool. Here you will find one of the largest philosophy based resources on the net. http://www.liv.ac.uk/Philosophy/usenet.html | |
8. Philofreligion Resources in the analytic philosophical tradition, including religious epistemology, theistic arguments, medieval philosophy, and teaching resources and discussion groups. http://www.homestead.com/philofreligion/ | |
9. Listserv :: Discussion :: Philosophy @ For theology, consult the list of EMail discussion groups for Theologians at Durham, in addition to resources mentioned in the philosophy @ large List of http://www.liv.ac.uk/Philosophy/listserv.html | |
10. Zarathushtra ---- (Zoroaster) Dedicated to the Spiritual philosophy of Zarathushtra and Zoroastrianism. Includes a Zoroastrian CyberTemple, articles and discussion groups. http://www.zarathushtra.com/ | |
11. TRICOS: The Door To Cosmic Consciousness - Index Page Attempts to provide a community for those wishing to experience the TRICOS philosophy, by means of information, discussion lists, encounter groups, and recreation centers. http://www.tricos.org/ | |
12. NovusSpiritusEastCoast Open discussion Beliefs are based on the Gnostic philosophy of The Society of Novus Spiritus and the teachings of Sylvia Browne. http://groups.msn.com/NovusSpiritusEastCoast | |
13. University Of Toronto Buddhist Community Home Page Buddhist students, UTBC is a community of students, alumni, faculty, staff, retired professors, visiting scholars and friends who share an interest in Buddhism its philosophy, meditation methods, culture and art. Main activities are lectures, group meditation and discussion. All are welcome. http://www.campuslife.utoronto.ca/groups/buddhist/ | |
14. Announcement: Ephilosopher "Discussion Groups" :: Ephilosopher :: Philosophy New Ephilosopher is a web community dedicated to philosophical thinking. We offer philosophy research tools, articles news forums and information for students. 9th Annual Brown University Graduate Student philosophy Conference. Not Getting the Job I'm pleased to announce a new feature at ephilosopher " discussion groups". What is it? http://www.ephilosopher.com/article526.html | |
15. Intro To Philosophy Bhattacharjee Discussion Groups PHH 2000 Introduction to philosophy discussion Sections By participation in discussion groups I mean asking questions and contributing to the proceedings with wellconsidered http://www.cas.usf.edu/philosophy/sp2003syllabi/phh2000sp03bhattacharjee.htm |
16. Newsgroups And Lists The main alternatives to Usenet groups are Listservtype mailing-list discussion groups. out more about them from Polyhymnia s List of philosophy Mailing Lists http://users.ox.ac.uk/~worc0337/usenet.html | |
17. Corporate Power Group Welcome to the Corporate Power and Political philosophy discussion group homepage. The group met from time to time in 2001 and 2002. http://users.ox.ac.uk/~magd1368/groups/corporate/ | |
18. Homepage a full and varied programme of philosophy and inter disciplinary events in the UK. Our events range from conferences, discussion and reading groups to seminars http://www.philosophy-forum.org/ | |
19. Discussion Groups of ancient philosophy. To subscribe write to listserv@liverpool.ac.uk with the message subscribe sophia your name. . TALAROS is a discussion group for http://www.tlg.uci.edu/~tlg/index/listservs.html | |
20. Psychological Discussion Groups - PsychNet-UK to this mailing list by emailing the message, subscribe grouppsychotherapy . HOPOS-L A forum for discussion of the History of the philosophy of Science. http://www.psychnet-uk.com/discussion_groups/index_discussion_groups.htm |
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