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61. English Books > Philosophy > Ancient English Books philosophy ancient listing of 1310 titles. An Introduction To ancient philosophy. Armstrong, AH Paperback; ; ISBN 0822604183. http://book.netstoreusa.com/index/bkbpg200.shtml | |
62. Menippus [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] Concise entry on this ancient writer and his legacy. http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/m/menippus.htm | |
63. Website Disabled Devoted to studies designed to aid the modern seeker to a spiritual reorientation in the Light of the ancient Wisdom. http://newagebible.homestead.com | |
64. Angel City Books: Philosophy, Ancient And Classical philosophy, 20th Century. philosophy, 21st Century. philosophy, ancient and Classical. philosophy, Medieval and Renaissance. Photography (all). http://www.angelcitybooks.com/cgi-bin/acb455/scan/fi=products/st=sql/co=yes/tf=t | |
65. Ancient Greek Philosophy Outline of the major schools, including primary sources. For a course taught by Barry Smith at Atlantic Baptist University. http://www.abu.nb.ca/Courses/GrPhil/IndexGrPh.htm | |
66. Vedah Or Veda In Hinduism : Facets Of India : Ancient And Modern Facets of India ancient and Modern. http://www.geocities.com/dipalsarvesh/indexVedah.html | |
67. Welcome To The SCIOTS Web Site! Grand, govenring body for all Sciots groups. History, philosophy, local bodies, officers. http://sciots.org | |
68. Greek Philosophy [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] Presocratics. Our western philosophical tradition began in ancient Greece in the 6th century BCE. The first philosophers are called http://www.iep.utm.edu/g/greekphi.htm | |
69. Women In Roman Philosophy Essay excerpting ancient sources and their intepretation of women by Roman philosophers. http://www.lamp.ac.uk/~noy/romanphi.htm | |
70. Ancient Greek Skepticism [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] . (1992), Plato the Sceptic , in J. Klagge and N. Smith, eds., Oxford Studies in ancient philosophy, Supp. Vol., 4372. . http://www.iep.utm.edu/s/skepanci.htm | |
71. The Art Of Arrangement - Interior Redesign And Home Staging Applying the principles of traditional design, borrows from the ancient Chinese philosophy Feng Shui, to create a new room arrangement. http://www.theartofarrangement.com | |
72. Greek Philosophy, Ancient Greek Philosophy, Early Greek Philosophy Watch resources for greek philosophy, ancient greek philosophy, early greek philosophy, aristotle greek philosophy plato socrates. http://www.watcheducation.com/greek-philosophy.html | |
73. THE ROOTS OF THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT - New Age In Ancient History- Gnosticism - Alc New Age philosophy is based on ancient traditions, alchemy, gnosticism, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry. Its roots are explored in Eastern and Western traditions. http://www.xs4all.nl/~wichm/newage3.html | |
74. Chinese Philosophy, Ancient Chinese Philosophy, Chinese Food Philosophy Watch resources for chinese philosophy, ancient chinese philosophy, chinese food philosophy. chinese philosophy, ancient chinese http://www.watcheducation.com/chinese-philosophy.html | |
75. Aaiyyan Information on the philosophy of Aaiyyanism which is based on ancient Hindu teachings. http://www.aaiyyan.org/ | |
76. Ancient Greek Philosophy At Rice University ancient Greek philosophy. Delphi, photo by C. Freeland. History and philosophy of ancient Astronomy. A gallery of Greek Philosophers Portraits. http://www.uh.edu/~cfreelan/courses/riceanc.html | |
77. Ancient Greek Philosophy At The University Of Houston ancient Greek philosophy. See also OnLine Resource Texts in ancient philosophy (from Voice of the Shuttle; good source but slow to load; be patient). http://www.uh.edu/~cfreelan/courses/anc.html | |
78. Europe, Greece And Philosophy To 500 BCE World History Europe and Greece to 480 BCE; An overview of events and personalities of ancient Greece. Philosophers from Thales to Anaxagoras. http://www.fsmitha.com/h1/ch07.htm | |
79. Internet Ancient History Sourcebook: Greece See WEB History of ancient philosophy At U Washington and ancient Greek philosophy At Rice Complete online courses with lecture notes on the major figures http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/asbook07.html | |
80. A Routledge Journal: The British Journal For The History Of Philosophy Quarterly journal concerned with the history of philosophy and related intellectual history from the ancient world to the early decades of the 20th Century. Edited by G. A. J. Rogers, and published by Routledge. Includes contents since 2000. http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/09608788.asp | |
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