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61. Internet Public Library: Pathfinders 190 philosophers 921 biographies. starting points for research and link you to morespecific information. It has a direct link to philosophers throughout history http://www.ipl.org/div/pf/entry/48546 | |
62. Submarino Importados Biography Autobiography specific Groups LeRoy R. Hafen LeroyR. Hafen Utah State University Press biographies of prominent figures in the http://www.submarino.com.br/imports.asp?Query=&ProdTypeId=9&CatId=5328&PrevCatId |
63. Biographies from brief entries in biographic dictionaries to complete books on specific individuals Thatis, a dictionary of biographies of scientists would be in 509.2, of http://www-lib.nearnorth.edu.on.ca/biographies.htm | |
64. Philosophy Resources Wilson biographies Plus (under Online Reference Sources on Catalog using the nameof the philosopher. the Online Catalog under the specific topic, geographic http://www.pc.maricopa.edu/departments/library/guides/philosophy.html | |
65. NARA | ALIC | History Historians philosophers A collated web index this inspirational page gives biographiesof ordinary Selected specific Events The Declaration of Independence http://www.archives.gov/research_room/alic/reference_desk/history_links.html | |
66. The Worldly Philosophers of the noblesounding but bland Worldly philosophers . 6/10 General areas SocialSciences specific fields Economics Approaches Biography, History. http://www.sciencebookguide.com/book.html?book=36 |
67. Gale - Catalog Biography systematically presents career biographies and criticism of writersfrom all eras and all genres through volumes dedicated to specific types of http://www.gale.com/servlet/BrowseSeriesServlet?region=9&imprint=000&titleCode=D |
68. Gale - Catalog of Literary Biography American philosophers Before 1950. systematically presents careerbiographies and criticism through volumes dedicated to specific types of http://www.gale.com/servlet/ItemDetailServlet?region=9&imprint=000&titleCode=DLB |
69. Emory University, Political Theory Guide a listing of resources specific to American information on most major philosophersand philosophical Bibliographies, commentaries, and biographies (in addition http://web.library.emory.edu/subjects/socsci/polsci/political_theory.htm | |
70. PHIL 304 about the life and historical context of a specific philosopher. name of the individualto locate biographies and other look for books on a specific period (eg http://www.smcm.edu/users/cerabinowitz/phil304.htm | |
71. History Philosophy Of Psychology Web Resources Sites Dedicated to specific Historical Individuals. Founders of Neurology Brief biographiesof dozens of significant contributors Pantheon of Famous philosophers http://www.psych.yorku.ca/orgs/individ.htm |
72. Biography in the history of mysticism, poets and philosophers. and Women of the World Providesbiographies of great General and specific biographical titles of today s http://www.supercrawler.com/Reference/Biography/ | |
73. Monroe County (NY) Library System - Religion- Major site offers the writings of modern philosophers, with political Heidegger.org Biographyand philosophy. Others take Philosophy for a specific attitude which we http://www.libraryweb.org/religion/major.html | |
74. Biographies & Memoirs:Lots Of Good Books (Biography & Memoirs) this Category. PhilosopherScientist (Living philosophers Volume 7 http://biography.lotsofgoodbooks.com/us_bio-mode-books-page_num-1205-node-2-loca | |
75. A Dedication To Spinoza's Insights - Joseph B. Yesselman's Home Page Spinoza, Peter Landry peteblu@valueweb.net Excellent Short biographies of relatedPhilosophers. Spinoza Search, Hippias, a philosophyspecific search engine http://www.yesselman.com/ | |
76. Daniel Webster College :: Library :: Locating Biographical Information These are specific biographies that are Gabor, Andrea. The Capitalist PhilosophersThe Geniuses of Modern BusinessTheir Lives, Times, and Ideas. http://www.dwc.edu/Library/bio.shtml | |
77. History - Periods the making of costumes with specific sewing techniques of Vivaldi and others, biographiesof the to fulltext resources by philosophers, scientists, political http://www.csus.edu/indiv/m/martellc/PrimeSites-History/history5.htm | |
78. Seyla Benhabib: Taking Ideas Seriously irrelevant, 1 the study of philosophers lives continues to The fixation on biography,particularly when it is reckless mind is a specific interplay of http://bostonreview.mit.edu/BR27.6/benhabib.html | |
79. Gender-Related Reference Books Modern (16001900), and Contemporary Women philosophers (1900 on 3-volume set includesbiographies, events, issues, organizations, specific sports, topics http://library.westmont.edu/bibinst/SearchAids/GenderRefBks.html | |
80. LookSmart - Jean-Jacques Rousseau philosophy of education, with specific reference to Rousseau Association providesseveral biographies, the texts of links about the SwissFrench philosopher. http://www.looksmart.com/eus1/eus317836/eus317911/eus53880/eus67423/eus970517/eu |
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