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1. Biographies biographies, concise country statistics literature, as well as specific information on authors from Jane...... philosophy and philosophers. 67. LexisNexis Academic Reference. http://www.lib.depaul.edu/eresource/infotype_subject_search.asp?MaterialID=4 |
2. Information Research On Internet: Techniques Strategy And Resources - Searching Searching Personal Information, biographies and other person specific information Gallery of Achievement. Historians and philosophers. India Great Indians http://in.geocities.com/samdarshipali/library/personsearch.htm | |
3. Kimmy's Atheist Site - Biographies This section contains brief biographies of famous atheists, both living and dead. It also features links to websites and books with extended information. Here you will find minibiographies of famous atheists, agnostics including philosophers, authors, actors, singers, and all types of people. If you have someone specific you would http://www.positiveatheist.com/Writings/biographies.shtml | |
4. Biographies specific Group Pages 2) Black Heritage http of great theologians, philosophers, poets,composers of websites containing biographies, autobiographies, narratives http://42explore.com/biographies.htm | |
5. UNLV Libraries: Selected Internet Resources On Philsophy NATURAL PHILOSOPHY / ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS. philosophers' biographies. EASTERN PHILOSOPHY Includes general sites, reference tools, and specific disciplines. Philosophy Around the Web http://library.nevada.edu/subjects/philosophy_internet.html | |
6. UNLV Libraries: Selected Internet Resources On Philsophy The Center for Applied Ethics page on environmental Ethics; check out the Publications and specific Topics sections. philosophers biographies. http://www.library.unlv.edu/subjects/philosophy_internet.html | |
7. Www.educentral.org - Biography Knowledge Base Links This is an EduCentral biography general reference and educational resource. Education KnowledgebasesTM. biographies. General specific Topics. General Encyclopedia Of Biography Quotations - Includes biographies Of Poets, philosophers, amp; Mystics http://www.educentral.org/s/s_biography.htm |
8. Introduction -Shankaracharya biographies of Great Indians Hindus. One of the greatest philosophers and savantsof Bharat. it is not possible to describe His form in any specific way. http://www.freeindia.org/biographies/shankara/ | |
9. Biographies And Criticisms Classification Two specific individual categories which retain a special a) B. (except literaryauthors and philosophers). 326.92, biographies of slaves (both individual and http://gateway.library.uiuc.edu/techserv/cpac/cpacpolicies/biographies_and_criti | |
10. Biographies & Memoirs: Artists, Educators, Philosophers Artists, Educators, philosophers, Writers Browse biographies Memoirs General;Arts Literature; Collections; Regional Canada; Regional US; specific Groups; Sports http://www.unitedtradeways.com/bk-Biographies-Memoirs.htm | |
11. BIOGRAPHIES Research Guide - UCF Libraries thousand philosophers, soldiers specific work. Essays from the print edition is available in the online database Literature Resource Center ( below). Literature Resource Center. Provides biographies http://library.ucf.edu/Reference/Guides/Biographies.htm | |
12. U. Mary Online Resources - General Reference - Biographies Resources Sites Devoted to specific Authors or Library - Philosophy - SelectedWebsites - AZ philosophers. of Mathematics - Riddle, L. biographies of Women http://it.umary.edu/Library/research/reference/biographies.html | |
13. Women Fame SWIP Women philosophers Margaret s Famous Women / Women s History For moreBiography sites, visit my biographies page. For info on specific women, check http://www.teacheroz.com/women.htm | |
14. MRC Library Internet Subject Guide - Biographies Subject specific biographies Encyclopedia Character Actors Composer biographies Dr.Estrella s Gale s Literary Index Great philosophers (links) Internet Movie http://library.mtroyal.ca/subguides/biography.htm | |
15. Philosophie: Philosophes Et Oeuvres Philosophiques Translate this page Also features a useful keyword search tool, plus specific lists for Swiss and Frenchauthors ». biographies The philosophers Peter Landry. http://www.bibliotheques.uqam.ca/recherche/Thematiques/Philosophie/philosophes.h | |
16. Philosophy Research Guide Unless you are interested in searching one specific electronic journal, it is useOasis, the online catalog, to locate biographies of philosophers. http://osulibrary.oregonstate.edu/research/srg/phl.htm | |
17. Life Traces: Case 1 and at least to some extent limited by, its specific contexts My editor assures methat contemporary philosophers are avid readers of biographies of their http://www.nhc.rtp.nc.us/biography/Lavopa_1.htm | |
18. A Virtual Library Of Useful URLs - 100 Philosophy And Psychology biographies. The philosophers. Lists Best of Philosophy sites on the WWW PhilosophyDirectories, Philosophy Databases, and specific Philosophy Resources. http://www.aresearchguide.com/100philosophy.html | |
19. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Biographies by a subject specialist, a subjectspecific bulletin board, and 20000615 Island ofFreedom Brief biographies of theologians, philosophers, poets, composers http://bubl.ac.uk/link/types/biographies.htm | |
20. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Theology by a subject specialist, a subjectspecific bulletin board, and 20000315 Island ofFreedom Brief biographies of theologians, philosophers, poets, composers http://bubl.ac.uk/link/t/theology.htm | |
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