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81. NYPL, Philosophy Research Guide Duquesne University Press, 1977) JFD 9218018, general Research Division A Each volumeis devoted to a modern philosopher, with a biography, a bibliography http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/grd/resguides/philosophy/background.html | |
82. Untitled provided some give a general biography of the life and times of your subjectand others will define what it is to believe what your philosopher believed. http://www.plainfield.k12.in.us/hschool/webq/webq83/ | |
83. General At Edifying Spectacle general. This is a factual, but sometimes unimaginative biography of the famouslymultitalented Benjamin Franklin Statesman, philosopher (indeed, perhaps http://edifyingspectacle.org/thanks/type_browse/mode_2375/ | |
84. Electronic Indexes / Databases By Subject Interdisciplinary see also general Select Dictionary of Literary Biography DiscoveringCollection Music Index Online NoveList philosopher s Index Poem Finder http://library.msstate.edu/resources/databases/subject.asp | |
85. Databases A-Z entries by literary critics, philosophers, political theorists Entries include biographies,author pictures and entry text for nearly 300 general interest and http://www.uwm.edu/Libraries/ris/databases/ | |
86. Philosophy: General Works following sites contain both general as well as editors have taught, professionalphilosophers, and the bibliographies (searchable by topic), biographies, and E http://www.uflib.ufl.edu/hss/medieval/Advanced Searching/PhilosophyGeneral1.htm | |
87. Biographies Leaders and Revolutionaries. Artist and Entertainers. Builders and Titans. Scientists and Thinkers. Heroes and Icons. Person of the Century. Index of biographies. Copyright 2001. Pat Elliott, Library http://www.edselect.com/biographies.htm | |
88. Philosophers - Scott's Little Corner Of The Web Roman, Middle Ages and Rennaisance Philosophers. and Medieval Philosophy (DJ Kennedy);Biography of Aquinas to commentaries, Medieval Philosophy in general, etc. http://www.tostepharmd.net/hissoc/philosophers.html | |
89. UNLV Libraries: Selected Internet Resources On Philsophy and Knowledge Sharing (http//wwwksl.stanford.edu/kst/ontology-sources.html) Includesgeneral resources, conferences, projects, etc. PHILOSOPHERS biographies. http://www.library.unlv.edu/subjects/philosophy_internet.html | |
90. SULAIR: Philosophy: Reference Works In English 8 v. B41.E5 1968. Indexes/abstracts; Individual philosophers biography,critique, bibliography; general dictionaries, compendia, bibliography; http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/philos/philref.html | |
91. IPL General/Reference Collection: Philosophy bioethics/ Contains a general introduction to nineteenth century existentialist philosopherSøren Aabye Philosophy ReferenceBiographies Keywords Dictionary http://www.ipl.org.ar/ref/RR/static/hum70.00.00.html | |
92. Philosophy | Web Links Philosophers. Adam Smith Page (http//www.utdallas.edu/~harpham/adam.htm) GeneralInfo. Adam Smith (http//www.blupete.com/Literature/biographies/Philosophy http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/076742011x/student_view0/chapter11/web_lin | |
93. Great Thinkers And Visionaries On The Net page Glass Bead Game biographies of great people Eric s Treasure Trove of ScientificBiography Scientists biographies UTNE Reader Major Western Philosophers http://www.ethologic.com/sasha/thinkers.html | |
94. The Essays Of Sir Francis Bacon the most influential scientisits/writers/philosophers of the A short but interestingbiography of Montaigne is a direct link to general classroom accommodations http://www.glc.k12.ga.us/BuilderV03/LPTools/LPShared/lpdisplay.asp?LPID=16598 |
95. Ugh! Links Online news archive Philosophy general INTEREST The 341270 aC) - Greek philosopherEpicurus Epikur - Biography, introduction, catechism, letter to Menoikeus http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Club/6166/links.html | |
96. Polity - Philosophy General Resources Sites With Original Philosophy. general Theory of Religion. Chomsky for Philosophers. Biographiesof great Edinburghers, including David Hume, and Adam Smith. http://www.polity.co.uk/philosophy/philosophy_gen_resc.asp | |
97. Emory University, Political Theory Guide 15001799 (2002) general Reference B1111 .B75 2002 Leading scholars write careerbiographies and selected bibliographies for 33 philosophers, from Mary Atell http://web.library.emory.edu/subjects/socsci/polsci/political_theory.htm | |
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