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21. Review Of `Origins Of Analytical Philosophy' Review by Mitchell Green of the book by Michael Dummett, which locates the origins of the gulf between analytical philosophy and phenomenology in some apparently minor divergences in the thought of Frege and Husserl about the relationship between concepts and language. http://www.people.virginia.edu/~msg6m/dummett.html | |
22. Personal Connections:The Phenomenology Of Edith Stein A presentation of Edith Stein's Life and philosophy by Marianne Sawicki. http://www.nd.edu/~colldev/subjects/catholic/personalconn.html | |
23. Slought Foundation: "The Future Of Theory, II (Feminism, Phenomenology, Philosop The results of your search are listed below The Future of Theory, II (Feminism,phenomenology, philosophy) Featuring Dorothea Olkowski, JeanMichel Rabaté http://slought.net/content/11143/ | |
24. Karl Jaspers A part of the Existentialphenomenology page, which explores existential and phenomenological philosophy, psychology, and literature. http://www.mythosandlogos.com/Jaspers.html |
25. The Website Of Quentin Smith Philosophy Cosmology Poetry Painting Papers on different areas of philosophy, existentialism and phenomenology. http://www.qsmithwmu.com/ | |
26. Department Of Philosophy philosophy is delimited and defined by three major schools analytic philosophy, existentialism and phenomenology, and speculative or traditional philosophy. Each tradition is represented in Fairfield University's philosophy program. http://www.fairfield.edu/academic/artsci/majors/philosop/ugphhome.htm | |
27. UW Press - : The New Yearbook For Phenomenology And Phenomenological Philosophy, philosophy. The New Yearbook for phenomenology and Phenomenologicalphilosophy Volume1 Burt Hopkins and Steven Crowell, Editors. The http://www.wisc.edu/wisconsinpress/books/2711.htm | |
28. Foundation For Applied Phenomenology Notfor-profit corporation chartered to promote the use of philosophy in everyday life. http://ereignis.org/ |
29. UW Press - : The New Yearbook For Phenomenology And Phenomenological Philosophy, philosophy. The New Yearbook for phenomenology and Phenomenologicalphilosophy Volume 2 Burt Hopkins and Steven Crowell, Editors. http://www.wisc.edu/wisconsinpress/books/2759.htm | |
30. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Phenomenology And The Cognitive Sciences Quarterly interdisciplinary journal concerned with phenomenology, empirical science, and analytic philosophy of mind. Edited by Shaun Gallagher and Natalie Depraz, and published by Kluwer Academic Publishers. Site includes journal contents and abstracts. http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/1568-7759 | |
31. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Phenomenology (Philosophy, Terms And Concepts) - Encyclo AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides completeinformation on phenomenology, philosophy, Terms And Concepts. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/P/phenmnlg.html | |
32. The Organisation Of The Logic By Jean Hyppolite Treats primarily of the Science of Logic, with reference to the phenomenology. Explores the interrelations among immediacy, essence and the absolute. http://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/fr/hyppolit.htm | |
33. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Husserl Studies An international journal which underlines the relevance of Husserl's phenomenology, both for contemporary philosophy and for the wider academic field. http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0167-9848 | |
34. Existential-Phenomenology Dedicated to the promotion of existentialphenomenological literature, philosophy,and psychology, as well as psychoanalytic theory, perennial philosophy, and http://mythosandlogos.com/ep.html |
35. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Human Studies Quarterly journal of philosophy and the social sciences, exploring the logic of inquiry, methodology, epistemology of social science practices. Phenomenological perspectives, broadly defined, are a primary, though not an exclusive focus. Edited by George Psathas, and official journal of the Society for phenomenology and the Human Sciences. Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers. Includes contents and abstracts. http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0163-8548 | |
36. PHIL 218: Selected Thinkers By Eric Steinhart, intended for students of philosophy. http://www.wpunj.edu/cohss/philosophy/COURSES/HEGEL/DEFAULT.HTP | |
37. G.W.F. Hegel Lectures on the History of philosophy (1833) selections. The philosophyof History Introduction (1837). Outlines of the phenomenology (1840). http://www.class.uidaho.edu/mickelsen/hegel310.htm | |
38. Journal.html BSP publishes papers on phenomenology and existential philosophy as well as contributions from other fields of philosophy. Papers from workers in the humanities and the human sciences interested in the philosophy of their subject will be welcome too. Space will be given to research in progress, to book reviews, and to bibliographies of use to students. The Journal will also provide a forum for interdisciplinary discussion. http://www.siue.edu/BSP/journal.html | |
39. Philosophy, Phenomenology And Psychiatry philosophy, phenomenology and Psychiatry. Göteborg, November 15162003. Ernst Josephson Strömkarlen (The water sprite, 1884). http://www.phil.gu.se/sffp/fp.html | |
40. Ideas Pertaining To Pure Phenomenology And To A Phenomenological Philosophy From Edmund Husserl, *Ideas Pertaining to a Pure phenomenology andto a Phenomenological philosophy First Book*, trans. F. Kersten http://www.mun.ca/phil/phil3920/ideas.shtml | |
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