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21. Programmed Problem Sets In Pharmacology David H. Farb, Ph.D. Chairman of pharmacology Boston University School of Medicine. Theseprogrammed problem sets in pharmacology have three major purposes http://www.bumc.bu.edu/www/busm/pharmacology/Programmed/Intro.html | |
22. USD Department Of Physiology And Pharmacology Programs lead to M.A. and Ph.D. degrees. http://med.usd.edu/som/somdept/phys/ | |
23. Karger Publishers pharmacology is an international forum to present and discuss current It covers biochemical pharmacology, molecular pharmacology, immunopharmacology, drug metabolism http://www.karger.ch/journals/pha/pha_jh.htm | |
24. Welcome / Bienvenue Operates two independent clinics in Canada with a total of 136 beds for pharmacokinetic, bioequivalence and pharmacology studies. A stateof-the-art analytical laboratory offers over 100 analytical methods for clinical sample analysis. http://www.algopharm.com |
25. ScienceDirect - Biochemical Pharmacology - List Of Issues More results from www.sciencedirect.com JPET Online Perspectives in pharmacology Since January 2000. Copyright © 2004 by theAmerican Society for pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00062952 | |
26. JPET -- Archive Of Issues By Date All ASPET Journals, Molecular pharmacology, Pharmacological Reviews. Copyright ©2004 by the American Society for pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. http://jpet.aspetjournals.org/contents-by-date.0.shtml | |
27. Regulatory Toxicology And Pharmacology Journal for concepts and problems involved with experimental animal and human data in the larger perspective of the societal considerations of protecting human health and the environment. Elsevier, The Netherlands. http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0273-2300 | |
28. NEUROLAB Specializing in preclinical pharmacology testing of drugs targeting central nervous system diseases. Also provides CNS gene therapy research including transgene construction, characterization of transgene expression and in-vivo testing. http://neurolab.fr | |
29. Table_of_Contents Table of Contents. Medical pharmacology Chapters. Lecture Set 1; Lecture Set 2;Lecture Set 3; Lecture Set 4. Pharmacodynamics. Unit II Autonomic pharmacology http://www.pharmacology2000.com/learning2.htm | |
30. Clinical Pharmacology - World-class Drug Information www.brjpharmacol.org/ Karger PublishersThe search for innovative and effective drugs begins here Âpharmacology isan international forum to present and discuss current perspectives in drug http://www.cponline.gsm.com/ | |
31. Karger Publishers No. 1, January 1998. 1997 and older Issues Abstracts of articles published inthis journal before 1998 can be found in the PubMed Database pharmacology. http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Aktion=BackIssues&ProduktNr=22 |
32. BCMP Home Page Research, postdoc resources, image galleries for faculty members and contacts at Cambridge, Massachusetts. http://bcmp.med.harvard.edu/ | |
33. Hardin MD : Pharmacology From the University of Iowa, the *best* lists of Internet sources in pharmacology drug information. pharmacology. We list the best sites that list the sites . http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/pharmacology.html | |
34. University Of Cambridge: Department Of Pharmacology /searching, AZ index, Help. University of Cambridge Home, Department ofpharmacology. University of Cambridge. About the Department Undergraduate http://www.phar.cam.ac.uk/ | |
35. Rhodium - The Largest Drug Synthesis Archive On The Web Information on the pharmacology of many recreational drugs, and details about their synthesis. http://www.rhodium.ws | |
36. Department Of Pharmacology - Texas A&M Overview, faculty and staff, graduate program, courses, seminar schedule, Journal of Ocular pharmacology, links, phonebook, and vendor list. http://medicine.tamu.edu/pharm/ | |
37. Department Of Physiology And Pharmacology Contains information on staff, teaching, PhD opportunities, research, shockwave quizzes, and access to physiology simulations, recording and monitoring software. http://www.strath.ac.uk/Departments/PhysPharm/ | |
38. ´ëÃÃ¾à ¸®ÃÃø - ±âÃÃÃÃÃÃÃà ¾à ¸®Ãÿ¡ °üÃà ¿¬± Promotes and advance the science of pharmacology and therapeutics, as well as education and training, international forums, assisting and encouraging research, and establishing advisory committees. http://www.kosphar.or.kr/ |
39. Journal Of Cardiovascular Pharmacology - Home Reports on advances in cardiovascular drug research and use. Table of contents, author guidelines, http://www.cardiovascularpharm.com/ | |
40. Medical Sciences Graduate Programme, Physiology & Pharmacology Graduate studies are described. http://www.fhs.mcmaster.ca/grad/medsci/research/pp.htm | |
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