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1. Hardin MD : Prescription Drug Information & Pharmacy Prescription Drug Information Pharmacy. See also pharmacology. US Government. Pharmacy, pharmacology and therapeutics. Health Sciences Library, Univ Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/pharm.html | |
2. Clinical Pharmacology - World-class Drug Information Electronic drug reference and drug therapy management site. Requires registration. http://cp.gsm.com/ | |
3. UCLA Department Of Molecular & Medical Pharmacology This site offers general information about the faculty and the graduate program. Information about positron emission tomography (PET), among other online resources can also be found. http://www.nuc.ucla.edu/ | |
4. Pharmacology Glossary GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND SYMBOLS USED IN pharmacology. http//medwww.bu.edu/pharmacology/.Copyright 1995 by Trustees of Boston University. All rights reserved. http://www.bumc.bu.edu/www/busm/pharmacology/Programmed/framedGlossary.html | |
5. American College Of Clinical Pharmacology Membership organization offers education for medical professionals. Includes links, a calendar of upcoming meetings, and contact details for officers. http://www.accp1.org | |
6. American Society For Clinical Pharmacology And Therapeutics The objectives of the Society shall be to promote and advance the science of human pharmacology and therapeutics, and in so doing to maintain the highest standards of research, education, and exchange of scientific information. http://www.ascpt.org/ | |
7. Pharmacological Sciences - SUNY Stony Brook Congratulations to the Graduate Program in Molecular and Cellular pharmacology's newest Ph.D http://www.pharm.sunysb.edu/ |
8. ASPET Home Page MEMBERS ONLY . SITE MAP . CONTACT . ASPETMerck Postdoctoral Fellowships in Integrative pharmacology - new deadline September 7, 2004. SURF Program Evaluation Survey. Upcoming Meetings http://www.aspet.org/ | |
9. ScienceDirect - Toxicology And Applied Pharmacology - List Of Issues Articles of research on chemicals, drugs, or natural products effects on tissue structure or function, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/0041008X | |
10. Breastfeeding Pharmacology Information on breastfeeding and medications from Thomas Hale, the author of Medications and Mothers' Milk. http://neonatal.ttuhsc.edu/lact/ | |
11. About.com Search - Find It Now! Original articles, and instructions for finding more information, about specific drugs and medications. Find new drug approvals, drugrelated news, and links to additional resources, pharmacy http://pharmacology.about.com/ | |
12. Department Of Pharmacology And Toxicology, University Of Puerto Rico Information on the graduate program and research activities in pharmacology and Toxicology. http://rcm-medicine.upr.clu.edu/pharm-tox/phar-tox.htm |
13. Medical Pharmacology Medical pharmacology and DiseaseBased Integrated Instruction. SiteDedicated to the memory of Phil Ochs (1940-1976). Find out more http://www.pharmacology2000.com/ | |
14. American Academy Of Veterinary Pharmacology & Therapeutics Features newsletter, membership information, and events. http://www.aavpt.org/ | |
15. Pharmacology Research Group - Addiction Treatment Research The PRG of the HaightAshbury Free Clinics in San Francisco conducts clinical trials of medications and therapeutic interventions for the treatment of addiction. http://www.research-hafci.org/home.asp | |
16. Cp.gsm.com/fromcpo.asp More results from cp.gsm.com BioMed Central BMC pharmacology BMC pharmacology. BioMed Central. PubMed Central. PubMed. Jump to article. vol. articleno. BMC pharmacology. Welcome to BMC pharmacology published by BioMed Central. http://cp.gsm.com/fromcpo.asp |
17. Redirect.html Information about the Institute and its neuropharmacological research, including psychotropic drugs. http://www.if-pan.krakow.pl/ | |
18. JPET Online Perspectives in pharmacology. Since January 2000. View Future Titles. Through July 2004. Select an Issue from the Archive. August 1965 May 2004. Search for Articles. August 1965 - May 2004 ( Subscriptions. Advertising. Guestbook. Editors Copyright © 2004 by the American Society for pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. http://jpet.aspetjournals.org/ | |
19. BioMed Central | BMC Clinical Pharmacology PubMed Central. PubMed. Jump to article. vol. article no. BMC Clinical pharmacology. Welcometo BMC Clinical pharmacology published by BioMed Central. http://www.biomedcentral.com/bmcclinpharmacol/ | |
20. Department Of Pharmacology And Graduate Program In Pharmacology, University Of C Overview of pharmacology graduate program, curriculum, research interests, postdoc pages, and employment opportunities. http://www2.uchsc.edu/pharm/ | |
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