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41. PetPlace.com - Article: The Life Span Of Some Common Pet Birds The Life Span of Some Common pet birds, by Suzanne Zweigart. Canariescan live 20 to 25 years. Once youÂve made the decision to http://petplace.netscape.com/articles/artShow.asp?artID=196 |
42. Egg Laying In Pet Birds Dangers in the home  pet birds and children  Cats and dogs  Human medications Secondhand tobacco smoke  Household toxins  Toxic non tocix http://www.mickaboo.com/egglaying.html | |
43. Do It Yourself: Birds Figure G. pet birds can be quite an investment, so it s important to care forthem properly. pet birds need to play and exercise just as people do. http://www.diynet.com/diy/lp_birds/article/0,2041,DIY_14059_2270646,00.html | |
44. Canadian Food Inspection Agency - Avian Influenza - Backgrounder - Pet Bird Move Movement of pet birds from outside the control area pet birds may enter and exitthe Control Area if owners report to a CFIA inspector* to verify that http://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/anima/heasan/disemala/avflu/bacdoc/petcome.s | |
45. Pet Birds Fishes Rabbits Hamsters Mice @ Adpost.com Classifieds pet birds Fishes Rabbits Hamsters Mice @ Adpost.com Classifieds pet birds FishesRabbits Hamsters Mice for over 1000+ cities, 500+ regions worldwide across http://www.adpost.com/pet_birds_fishes_rabbits_hamsters_mice/ |
46. Pet Bird Books Recommended By Ark Animals This page is a collection of recommended reading on pet birds from Ark Animals. CompanionParrot Handbook. The author publishes the Pet Bird Report. http://www.arkanimals.com/Ecommerce/Books/birdbk.htm | |
47. Birds2grow Articles On Pet Bird Care, Nutrition, Avian Diseases, Quarantine, Gen Cites Finches listed on by Robert Black Hot weather care for birds - Howto reduce the stress of hot weather for our pet birds by Carol Heesen. http://www.birds2grow.com/Articles.html | |
48. Bird Index: Pet Birds, Domestic Birds Bird books can be found here. More Bird Information. Housing and More. Rescues. Clubs.Marketplace. Buy this book and others like it. Free Online Quote. Pet Insurance. http://www.planet-pets.com/brdindex.htm | |
49. Cage Pet Birds - Find, Compare And Buy At BizRate BizRate has the lowest prices and best customer reviews Cage pet birds. Compareprices, find store ratings and read Cage pet birds reviews before you buy. http://bizrate.com/buy/products__cat_id--31000100,keyword--Cage Pet.html | |
50. Jw Pet Birds - Find, Compare And Buy At BizRate BizRate has the lowest prices and best customer reviews Jw pet birds. Compareprices, find store ratings and read Jw pet birds reviews before you buy. http://bizrate.com/buy/products__att259--317622-,cat_id--31000100.html | |
51. TB Or Not TB: Test New Pet Birds To Find Out-WPLG-TV Pet Center TB or not TB Test new pet birds to find out. December 19, 2001 755AM. Tuberculosis is a common chronic disease of older wild and http://wplg-tvpet.ip2m.com/index.cfm?pt=itemDetail&Item_ID=15751&Site_Cat_ID=113 |
52. Pet Food Manufacturers Association pet birds maintained on these nutritionally incomplete diets frequently showsigns of deficiencies particularly in iodine, vitamin A and calcium. http://www.pfma.com/nutritionbirds.htm | |
53. Living > Pets > Birds Living Pets Birds. DIYnet Caring For pet birds One popular bird is the macaw(figure A), which costs about $1,500 and can live 80 years with good care. http://www.growinglifestyle.com/j/55831/ | |
54. Entirley Pets Birds Pets - Prices And Reviews At DealTime Bird Cycline (Tetracycline) 250mg (60 tablets) Control of nonspecific bacterialinfections in pet birds, exotic gamebirds or racing pigeons. http://www.dealtime.com/xDN-Pets--birds-entirly_pets | |
55. Appendix B TREATMENT OPTIONS FOR PET BIRDS WITH AVIAN CHLAMYDIOSIS Appendix B TREATMENT OPTIONS FOR pet birds WITH AVIAN CHLAMYDIOSIS. MMWR 47(RR10);1314. Theyare available and appropriate for use with most pet birds. http://wonder.cdc.gov/wonder/prevguid/m0053909/m0053909.asp | |
56. FEATHER DISORDERS IN PET BIRDS FEATHER DISORDERS IN pet birds Overgrooming, feather chewing and featherplucking are common and complex problems with many possible http://shell.pubnix.net/~mhagen/docu/b_disord.html | |
57. Online Education - How To Pick A Pet Bird - How To Guide It begins with a lecture on some common misconceptions about pet birds. JoinLearn About Different Types of pet birds and Their Care. http://search.universalclass.com/i/search/3130.htm | |
58. Environmental Organization WebDirectory - AnimalsPetsPet Birds Aviary Largest all bird web site!! Birding and pet bird info. PetStation- pet birds of all types discussed at PetStation s Bird Barn . http://www.webdirectory.com/Animals/Pets/Pet_Birds/ | |
59. VIRAL DISEASES IN PET BIRDS IN ISRAEL VIRAL DISEASES IN pet birds IN ISRAEL. U. Bendheim, Koret School ofVeterinary Medicine, Hebrew University. Viral diseases diagnosed http://www.isrvma.org/article/57_3_98.htm | |
60. Simon & Schuster's Guide To Pet Birds By Dr. Matthew M. Vriends - Bird Care Book Simon Schuster s Guide to pet birds by Dr. Matthew M. Vriends The first sectionof this beginner s guide covers the history of aviculture and general http://www.avianpublications.com/items/care/item112.htm | |
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