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21. Feeding Pet Birds They represent a relatively nonperishable convenience for bird owners but area miserably deficient diet for pet birds, especially the larger hookbills. http://www.ahc.umn.edu/rar/MNAALAS/Brdfd.html | |
22. Bird Husbandry General Husbandry Considerations. pet birds may be caged or allowed to remainon perches while the owner is home to supervise their activity. http://www.ahc.umn.edu/rar/MNAALAS/Birdcare.html | |
23. Feather Picking REMEMBER Illness in pet birds can be extremely difficult to diagnose by physicalexam alone as birds are notoriously capable of hiding symptoms!!! http://www.newmanveterinary.com/feather.html | |
24. Psittacosis (Chlamydia Psittaci Infections) In Pet Birds Psittacosis (Chlamydia Psittaci Infections) in pet birds. These recommendationswill help maintain your pet bird s health for many years to come. http://ianrpubs.unl.edu/animaldisease/nf28.htm | |
25. Pet Bird Page About pet birds. Since about 1989, I ve had pet birds. The regular members of thenewsgroup rec.pets.birds try hard to keep a good, flamefree dialogue going. http://www.panix.com/~bergman/birds.shtml | |
26. Bird Life Online-Resources For Your Pet Birds Information is available on different common pet birds from finches and parakeetsto large parrots like Macaws and Cockatoos and everything in between! http://www.birdlife.com/ | |
27. Pet Bird Care At Harmony Animal Hospital's World Of Pets: Laugh, Learn, Share An Library of pet bird information. There are so many different types of pet birdsavailable to us, and each offers its own special characteristics. http://www.petvets.com/petcare/birdscolumn.html | |
28. LookSmart - Directory - Types Of Pet Birds Animals Birds pet birds. Types of pet birds Learn about thehabits and care requirements of birds that people keep as pets. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317834/us163430/us170536/us929158/ | |
29. Enslaved By Ducks Author writes about his experiences owning pet birds such as parrots, ducks, geese, parakeets, doves, turkey, canaries and other songbirds. http://www.enslavedbyducks.com |
30. Pet Columns: TB Or Not TB: Test New Pet Birds To Find Out TB or Not TB Test New pet birds to Find Out. PrinterFriendly Version Pet Columnfor the week of March 6, 2000. Office of Public Engagement 2001 S. Lincoln Ave. http://www.cvm.uiuc.edu/petcolumns/showarticle.cfm?id=36 |
31. The Pet Place For Birds BIRDS N WAYS Links to everything for and about pet birds. PET BIRD FAQ - A monthlyupdate of topics for those who keep pet birds. A wealth of information. http://www.ddc.com/petplace/birds.html | |
32. Land Of Vos - Traveling With Pet Birds TRAVELING WITH pet birds. May/June 2000 WATCHBIRD. By Carolyn Swicegood.That time of year is here again. As the days grow longer, we http://www.landofvos.com/articles/Travel.html | |
33. COMMON CONDITIONS OF PET BIRDS COMMON CONDITIONS OF pet birds General Information pet birds often becomeill. Conures Conures are noisy birds but can make good pets. http://www.pethealthcare.net/html/body_common_conditions_of_pet_birds.html | |
34. Kaytee. Birds And Companion Animals Manufacturer of food for wild and pet birds, and small animals. Includes information about animal habitats, wild birds and companion birds. http://www.kaytee.com/home/ | |
35. Bird HotLine  World Wide Bird Lost And Found We have to help people realize that pet birds are as loving, caring, and intelligentas any other creature on earth, and that someone greatly misses his or her http://www.birdhotline.com/ | |
36. Exotic Pet Veterinarian - The Top Ten Bird Killers get into. But it is wise to be aware of the most common dangers toour pet birds, so that we can avoid those situations. And, of http://www.exoticpetvet.net/avian/topten.html | |
37. Pet Birds - Favorite Birds At WildBirds.com pet birds. We are unable to answer any questions about pet birds, butyou should be able to find a web site here that can help you. http://www.wildbirds.com/favorites_petbird.htm | |
38. Shady Pines Aviary - Our Pet Birds Meet the pet birds of Shady Pines Aviary, specialty breeder of Parrotletsand Caiques. The pet birds of Shady Pines. CaptainCaptain http://www.shadypines.com/petbird.htm | |
39. Glade Scented Candles Kill Pet Birds! Scented Candles Kill pet birds! Monica Sudds Certified Avian SpecialistPresident Beakers Parrot Society Iowa State Coordinator http://www.quakerville.net/qic/q_glade.asp | |
40. Bird Care Guide We now know that seed is not the only food needed by pet birds, and infact, birds on a seed only diet, are very unhealthy. Pet Bird Safety. http://www.multiscope.com/hotspot/care1.htm | |
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