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81. Pesticides & Biocides: Department National Progress in Reducing Pesticide Risks, Individual Country Responses to Questionnaire for the 2004 Meeting of environment Ministers, 12Jan-2004. http://www.oecd.org/department/0,2688,en_2649_34383_1_1_1_1_1,00.html | |
82. Ontario Ministry Of The Environment Home Page Management, Septage, Landfill, Waste diversion, hazardous waste, pesticides. Water. Environmental Leaders, environmental Compliance Enforcement as well as http://www.ene.gov.on.ca/ | |
83. Pesticides In The Environment: Monitoring In The Environment pesticides in the environment. Monitoring pesticides in the environment. 2000. environmental Indicators of Pesticide Leaching and Runoff from Farm Fields. http://www1.umn.edu/eoh/5103/pesticide/monitor.html | |
84. PAN AP Pesticides Q A pesticides and the environment. pesticides and Agriculture. Feedback. pesticides and the environment. 1 How do pesticides harm the environment? http://www.panap.net/faq.cfm?category=Environment |
85. Online Ethics Center: Rachel Carson And Silent Spring the public s high enthusiasm for pesticides, she wrote a book called Silent Spring , which caused a major shift in public consciousness about the environment. http://onlineethics.org/moral/carson/ | |
86. NASD: Handling And Storing Pesticides An Environmental Self-Assessment practices. Protect yourself, others, and the environment by using pesticides exactly as directed on the label. Also, triplerinse http://www.cdc.gov/nasd/docs/d001201-d001300/d001239/d001239.html | |
87. PANNA: Environmental And Health Effects (resources) PANNA and San Francisco Tobacco Free Coalition background paper explores the impacts of pesticides used to grow tobacco on human health and the environment. http://www.panna.org/resources/envHealth.html | |
88. EPA: Pesticides - EPA And Mosquito Control that the pesticides used to protect public health are applied by methods which minimize the risk of human exposure and adverse health and environmental effects http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/factsheets/skeeters.htm | |
89. Non-Pesticidal Control Of Insects a number of biological and cultural options that, from an environmental and health garden will hold pest populations at a level where pesticides will seldom be http://www.ns.ec.gc.ca/epb/factsheets/pesticides/non_pest.html | |
90. Â Â Â Â PACE :Â Â DIRECTORYÂ Â Â Â Established in 1987 for people poisoned by the nowbanned pesticide, Chlordane, PACE exists to give comfort and support. Through PACE, pesticide victims provide support to fellow survivors on an all-volunteer, not-for-profit basis. Protect All Children's environment. E.M.T http://www.main.nc.us/pace | |
91. California Department Of Pesticide Regulation Home Page Our mission is to protect human health and the environment by regulating pesticide sales and use, and by fostering reducedrisk pest management. http://www.cdpr.ca.gov/ | |
92. Environmental & Chemical Causes Of Child Cancers Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology in 1993, found associations between brain cancer in Missouri children and the use of pesticides in homes http://www.chem-tox.com/cancerchildren/default.htm | |
93. Pesticides Several environmental organizations have excellent Web sites devoted to news, research and advocacy issues about pesticides. PANNA http://www.cape.ca/toxics/pesticides.html | |
94. Environmental Health Issues of this article Environmental Health Issues Asbestos Asbestos Continued Clean Water Clean Water Continued Lead Lead Continued pesticides pesticides Continued http://kidshealth.org/parent/firstaid_safe/home/environ.html | |
95. Pestfacts.org Washington Toxics Coalition v. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (WA, OR and CA Locales) Click here for more information. Why pesticides? http://www.pestfacts.org/ | |
96. Pesticide Training And Health Care Providers Initiatives approach to educate health care providers on environmental health and initiated the National Strategies for Health Care Providers pesticides Initiative. http://www.neetf.org/health/providers/index.shtm | |
97. Dekker.com - Journal Of Environmental Science And Health, Part B—Pesticide Africa). Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part BÂpesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. To preview http://www.dekker.com/servlet/product/productid/PFC | |
98. Environmental Working Group || Foodnews.org was developed by analysts at the notfor-profit Environmental Working Group (EWG) based on the results of more than 100,000 tests for pesticides on produce http://www.foodnews.org/walletguide.php | |
99. CAW DREC: Information On Environmental Issues, Labour, Cancer, Pesticides And Al CAWDREC Information on environmental issues, labour, cancer, pesticides and alternatives, pollution, emissions, water, land, toxic chemicals, recycling, energy http://www.cawdrec.com/ | |
100. The Environmental Literacy Council - Pest Control US Environmental Protection Agency Office of Pesticide Programs The EPA answers the question, What is a pesticide? and lists common pesticides on this site. http://www.enviroliteracy.org/subcategory.php/158.html | |
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