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61. Landscape And Nursery Dialog December, 1997. The Fate of pesticides in the environment. Nevertheless, I think the author dealt with the issue of pesticides in the environment too shallowly. http://www.hcs.ohio-state.edu/hcs/webgarden/Land/LAND_Dec97 | |
62. Entomology Index: Pesticides And Regulations Programs The mission of EPA s Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) is to protect public health and the environment from the risks posed by pesticides and to http://www.ent.iastate.edu/list/pesticides_and_regulations.html | |
63. Health And Environment - Pesticides Resource Library information presented here has been gathered from various sources including the US Environmental Protection Agency, National Pesticide Telecommunication Network http://www.neetf.org/Health/providers/pesticides.shtm | |
64. KEEPING PESTICIDES OUT OF WATER : LOCAL ENVIRONMENT RISK ASSESSMENT FOR PESTICID KEEPING pesticides OUT OF WATER LOCAL environment RISK ASSESSMENT FOR pesticides (LERAP). This document is also available in pdf format (652k). Introduction. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/library5/environment/kpow-00.asp | |
65. Local Environment Risk Assessment For Pesticides Growers » Safe Use » LERAPs » Local environment Risk Assessment For pesticides. Print Version. Local environment Risk Assessment For pesticides (LERAPs). http://www.pesticides.gov.uk/fg_leraps.asp | |
66. Reducing Environmental Impact Useful Links. PSD. pesticides Forum Home Page. Local environment Risk Assessment For pesticides. Reducing Spray Drift. Green Code. Reporting http://www.pesticides.gov.uk/environment.asp?id=922 |
67. EPA Pesticides used on animals to control external parasites. The environment matters fact sheet What are pesticides provides further information. http://www.epa.nsw.gov.au/pesticides/default.htm |
68. EPA | What Are Pesticides? The role of the NSW environment Protection Authority in controlling pesticides is to enforce the proper use of the pesticide when this is the chosen option for http://www.epa.nsw.gov.au/envirom/pestwhtr.htm | |
69. FASE Environmental Programs pregnant women and children under 15 live, hazardous chemicalsincluding pesticides banned in is not air, soil or water, but the internal environment of the http://www.fasenet.org/environment.html | |
70. ELA Environment Directory environment AGRICULTURE pesticides also see.. §Pests§, §Nematodes§ California Dept of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) Laws, Links http://home.att.net/~gallgosp/environm.htm | |
71. Pesticides In The Environment 2. Establish coperative relationsips with other organizations working in the pesticides/environment area, including public and private institutions, interest http://www.bae.ncsu.edu/bae/programs/extension/wqg/programs/Agrpage3.html | |
72. Pesticides & Brain-function Changes In A Controlled Environment pesticides brainfunction changes in a controlled environment William J. Rea, MD, FACSCDirector environmental Health Center-Dallas, Dallas, TX. http://www.aehf.com/articles/A30.htm | |
73. Environment News Service (ENS) to Environmental Chemicals. The CDC study, released in January 2003, reported the levels of 116 environmental chemicals including 34 pesticides - in 9,282 http://www.ens-news.com/0002.html |
74. SchoolIPM - Technical Information - Pesticides - Pesticides In The Environment pesticides in the environment. Persistent pesticides leave residues that stay in the environment without breaking down for long periods of time. http://schoolipm.ifas.ufl.edu/techp11.htm | |
75. SchoolIPM - Technical Information - Pesticides - Special Environmental Concerns pesticides that are incorrectly or accidentally released into the environment either during application or during other handling activities, such as mixing http://schoolipm.ifas.ufl.edu/techp12.htm | |
76. Entomology Department Environment & Pesticides Emphasis environment pesticides. The environment/pesticides research national and international impact. environment and pesticides. http://whizlab.isis.vt.edu/servlet/sf/review/environ.html | |
77. Environmental Programs - NCDA & CS, Pesticide Section Services (NCDA CS) and NC Department of environment and Natural Resources (DENR). It was designed to focus on thirtyone commonly used pesticides, but ground http://www.ncagr.com/fooddrug/pesticid/Environm.htm | |
78. Environment California Children are not just little adults, said Yana Kucher, pesticides associate for environment California, contributor to Safer Schools. http://www.environmentcalifornia.org/envirocaliftoxics.asp?id2=9680 |
79. Environment & Resources DTU - Research pesticides in the environment. Area description. The pesticides in the environment group considers all aspects of the environmental http://www.er.dtu.dk/research/researchgroup.asp?AreaID=34 |
80. CEHN: Index Of Children's Environmental Health Resources premarket licensing) of pesticides on the basis of data demonstrating no unreasonable adverse effects on human health or the environment when applied http://www.cehn.org/cehn/resourceguide/pesticides.html | |
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