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21. Pesticides & Environment pesticides environment. Dr Mushtaq Hussain Jokhio. pesticides are mainly used to control and eradicate disease vectors of desirable plant species, which in turn improve agricultural productivity . http://www.angelfire.com/az/Sindh/envi11.html | |
22. EUROPA - Environment - Chemicals As many pesticides are deliberately released to the environment, they are also a source of surface and ground water pollution. Therefore http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/chemicals/ | |
23. UCONN IPM Promotes the use of a variety of pest control methods designed to protect public health and the environment, and to produce quality crops and other commodities with the most judicious use of pesticides. http://www.hort.uconn.edu/ipm/index.html | |
24. Environment Agency - Pesticides The levels of pesticides found in the environment are not necessarily in proportion to their usage. The environment AgencyÂs 2001 pesticide report http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/yourenv/eff/business_industry/agri/pests/ |
25. EPA: Pesticides - Rights and responsibilities when working in pesticide environment http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/safety/workers/PART170.htm#170.102 | |
26. U.S. EPA Recalls Faulty Home Pesticide Products CNN http://cnn.com/2000/NATURE/05/31/environment.pesticides.reut/index.html |
27. Pesticide Residues Seen Too High In Children's Food CNN http://cnn.com/2000/NATURE/06/07/environment.pesticides.reut/index.html |
28. Environmental Quality Program By their very nature, most pesticides pose some risk of harm to humans, animals or the environment because they are designed to kill or adversely affect living http://contaminants.fws.gov/Issues/Pesticides.cfm | |
29. Pesticide Watch Information about pesticides and the problems associated with pesticide use. Provide California communities with the tools they need to protect themselves and the environment from the hazards of pesticides. http://www.pesticidewatch.org/ | |
30. Centre For Science And Environment (CSE) Home Page 05, 2004 JPC report sets a reform agenda for environmental and public health action. confirms pesticides in 75 per cent of tested samples of soft drinks more http://www.cseindia.org/ | |
31. FADINAP PESTICIDES AND ENVIRONMENT DATABASE Commercial Products. (2naphthyloxy)acetic acid 1,2-dichloropropane 1,3-dichloropropene 1-naphthylacetamide 1-naphthylacetic acid http://www.fadinap.org/pesticide/script_arsap/list_ai_prod.idc | |
32. Imagine That! No Calls For More Pesticides -- Environment Refer this site to a friend! (click here). environment Free Market Project. Imagine That! No Calls For More pesticides. You will want http://www.freemarketproject.org/environment/2003/envir20031126.asp | |
33. A Method To Measure The Environmental Impact Of Pesticides pesticides should be used in agricultural production systems because they are naturally occurring and are perceived to be less harmful to the environment. http://www.nysipm.cornell.edu/publications/EIQ.html | |
34. Pesticides In Schools safety of pesticides and because children, who are particularly vulnerable to harmful substances in their environment, may be exposed to pesticides in their http://www.oag.state.ny.us/environment/schools96.html | |
35. The Secret Hazards Of Pesticides use of pesticides, has categorized inert ingredients into four groups substances known to cause longterm health damage and harm the environment, chemicals http://www.oag.state.ny.us/environment/inerts96.html | |
36. .::Environment & Human Health, Inc. EHHI is dedicated to protecting human health from environmental harms through Cancer Diesel Exhaust pesticides Asthma School Environments Smoke. http://www.ehhi.org/ | |
37. Pesticide Reduction pesticides were the first product group addressed under the policy they are potentially hazardous chemicals intentionally placed directly into the environment. http://www.cityofseattle.net/environment/pesticides.htm | |
38. FAQ: WOMEN AND PESTICIDES Search our database by Health Topic or enter your own keywords. WOMEN AND pesticides. DDT does not occur naturally in the environment. http://www.4woman.gov/faq/envfaq/pest.htm | |
39. Health Canada - Health Protection - Environmental Health a safe environment for Canadians, addressing air quality, water quality, soil contamination affecting food supply, toxic management, use of pesticides and http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/english/protection/environment.html | |
40. Toronto Environment Alliance - Pesticides Find out more about the environmental and health effects of pesticides, and about chemicalfree ways to have a green lawn. home http://www.torontoenvironment.org/pesticides/ | |
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