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1. Environmental Issues Site - Information About Environmental Issues organic pesticides environment The Termite Siteorganic pesticides environment. organic pesticides environment results listed below feedpoint.net Rating 100% for term organic pesticides environment. http://environment.miningco.com/msubpst.htm | |
2. Organic Pesticides Environment needs Presents organic pesticides environment. organic pesticides environment information, pricing, and reviews. Lasater Grasslands http://www.national-hero.com/organic_pesticides_environment.htm | |
3. Pesticides: Environmental Health In Minnesota, Pesticide-Related Information: En bacteria and viruses. Pesticides may be toxic and harmful to the environment and to people if they are used improperly. At the same http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/eh/pesticide/ | |
4. Pesticides, Human Health And The Environment IPM and Policy Pesticide Impacts on Wildlife. pesticides and Water Quality. Return to Major Topics http://www.pmac.net/pestenv.htm | |
5. EPA: Pesticides EPA s Pesticide Program s mission is to protect public health and the environment from the risks posed by pesticides and to promote safer means of pest control http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/ | |
6. FADINAP PESTICIDE AND ENVIRONMENT DATABASE The Database on pesticides and the environment is the result of information compiled from 1992 to 1996 it constitutes a unique source of information on pesticides used in Asia http://www.fadinap.org/pesticide | |
7. AZ Master Gardener Manual: Pesticides And The Environment Cooperative Extension. MG Manual Home. pesticides. pesticides pesticides AND THE environment. MG Manual Reference. Ch. 6, pp. 22 26. Direct Kill. Fine mists of herbicides can drift to nearby crops http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/garden/mg/pesticides/environment.html | |
8. Measuring Pesticides And How They Transform In The Environment New Methods for Measuring pesticides and their Degradates in the environment New and innovative pesticides are being developed and are applied in the environment every year of these new pesticides and their degradates in the environment are not available http://toxics.usgs.gov/highlights/pest_deg_methods.html | |
9. Obsolete Pesticides Threaten Environment - 7/15/1999 - ENN News - Environmental Site Map. Obsolete pesticides threaten environmentThursday, July 15, 1999. Several hundred thousand tons of obsolete pesticides stored around the world are dangerous to humans and the http://www.enn.com/news/enn-stories/1999/07/071599/obsoletepesticides_4345.asp | |
10. ENVIRONMENT: Mauritania's Toxic Pesticides Incinerated In Holland From IPS World News. http://www.oneworld.org/ips2/sep/environment.html | |
11. NCAP - Northwest Coalition For Alternatives To Pesticides Home Page NCAP works to protect people and the environment by advancing healthy solutions to pest problems. Provide news and information on pesticide issues. http://www.pesticide.org/ | |
12. NCAP - Northwest Coalition For Alternatives To Pesticides Home Page Works to protect people and the environment by advancing healthy solutions to pest problems. http://www.pesticide.org/default.htm | |
13. CropLife Canada - Resource Centre - Pesticides - Environment environment pesticides protect the environment by allowing farmers to produce more food on less land. Since 1950 alone, farmers http://www.croplife.ca/english/resourcecentre/pest-environment.html | |
14. WWF | Toxic Chemicals Information from the World Wildlife Fund on toxic chemicals in the environment. Focus on endocrine disruptors, persistant organic pesticides (POP's) and agricultural pesticides. http://www.worldwildlife.org/toxics/ | |
15. EXTOXNET TIBs - MOVEMENT OF PESTICIDES IN THE ENVIRONMENT E X T O X N E T. Extension Toxicology Network. Toxicology Information Briefs possible sources of pesticides in the environment. Following release into the environment, pesticides may have many different http://ace.orst.edu/info/extoxnet/tibs/movement.htm | |
16. SOLE Shares concerns over aquatic herbicides and pesticides. Site has information on Chautauqua Lake concerning chemical applications of AquatholK (Endothall). http://bigsplat.net/organization/sole/ | |
17. Pesticides As Endocrine Disruptors Rachel s environment Health Weekly, 655, August 26, 1999, Cause for Precautionary Action. Pesticide, Fertilizer Mixes Linked to Range of Health Problems, Co http://www.pmac.net/endodisr.htm | |
18. U.S. Senate Committee On Environment And Public Works Deals with pollution, highway construction and repair, environmental aspects of the continental shelf, toxic substances other than pesticides, fisheries and wildlife, flood control, waterway and port improvements, public buildings and grounds, bridges, dams, regional development, solid waste, and water resources. http://epw.senate.gov/ | |
19. EUROPA - Environment - Sustainable Use Of Plant Protection Products (PPPs) Minimising the hazards and risks to health and environment from the use of pesticides through national plans for reduction of hazards, risks and dependence on http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/ppps/home.htm | |
20. Ontario Corn Producers' Association Information on corn uses, production, environment, pesticides, fuel ethanol, marketing, corn in the classroom, history of corn, research, biotechnology, farm policies, and finance. The Association represents 21,000 Ontario corn farmers and is one of Canada's largest farm organizations. http://www.ontariocorn.org/ | |
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