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41. Search Results entomology, including mites, spiders, and myriapods, in the fields of agriculture, forestry, and stored B, Title pest and disease management Handbook. http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/searchres.asp?Main_subject=W&Subject_List=WA1 |
42. ID-93: Midwest Tree Fruit Pest Management Handbook Horeb, WI 535720270 (800) 332-6744. forestry Suppliers, Inc. Integrated pest management (IPM) disease management guidelines for apples in Ohio. http://www.ca.uky.edu/agc/pubs/id/id93/app.htm | |
43. Subject Listings forest management; forest economics; tropical and subtropical forestry; silviculture; wetlands; disease and pest management; fire science and management;. http://www.central.agnic.org/subject-listing/disease_and_pest_management.html | |
44. Pest Management Biotech (Intro) - Great Lakes Forestry Centre developed by members of the pest management Biotechnology group used to identify and monitor the disease causing pathogenic as well as damaging pest populations http://www.glfc.forestry.ca/science/research/bugbiointro_e.html | |
45. Pest Management Conference Program Providing Solutions to pest Problems in Nursery, Landscape, Turf forestry * Robert Herrick, Ph Irrigation Water for disease management * Steve Newman http://www.safnow.org/meetings/pest_management.cfm | |
46. Forestry Division: Green Forest Resources Management: Minnesota DNR for a year or more, but eventually the tree will succumb to this disease. Forest pest identification control options. Mankato area management projects. http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/areas/forestry/mankato/forest_pest.html | |
47. Integrated Pest Management Tools - Landscape Nursery And Urban Forestry - UMass When problems do occur, the practitioner implementing an IPM/PHC approach follows a sequence of steps in the management of the pest or disease that is designed http://www.umassgreeninfo.org/fact_sheets/ipmtools.html | |
48. Integrated Pest And Disease Management For Lettuce control strategies and recommended best management practices, maximising for lettuce aphid and other pests in high Plant disease trials are planned for autumn http://www.maf.govt.nz/sff/about-projects/horticulture/02027lettuce.htm | |
49. Varroa Mite In Bees - MAF Biosecurity Transitional (2 year) Varroa management Plan PDF versionPDF 612k; Treatment options. Exotic disease and pest Emergency Hotline 0800 809 966. http://www.maf.govt.nz/biosecurity/pests-diseases/animals/varroa/ | |
50. Spanish Language Reference Publications - Landscape Nursery And Urban Forestry - sections containing information on the most likely pests. Do not expect handson details on disease and pest management information. http://www.umassgreeninfo.org/fact_sheets/plant_culture/spanish_references.htm | |
51. Mangosteen: Insect Pest And Disease Management Mangosteen insect pest and disease management. Patricia ChayProve, David Astridge Lynton Vawdrey, DPI s Agency for Food and Fibre Sciences, Horticulture. http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/horticulture/5451.html | |
52. CSFS Montrose District - Forest Pest Management XCM38, management Recommendations for Insect Pests of Trees and 5.506 *, Dutch Elm disease (spread by insect vector), 35K, 99K. 5.507, Spider mites, 39K, 84K. http://lamar.colostate.edu/~montrose/pests.htm | |
53. Gossamer Threads Links: Urban_Forestry/Planning_and_Management/Pest_Management Urban tree pest management. Forest and Insects disease Leaflets, Alphabetic List http//na.fs.fed.us/spfo/pubs/fidl.htm http://www.forestryindex.net/Urban_Forestry/Planning_and_Management/Pest_Managem | |
54. McCullough And Koelling: Christmas Tree Production Our goals are to provide an overview of Christmas tree production and to briefly discuss insect and disease management in Christmas tree production. agricultural production and forestry. Insect http://ipmworld.umn.edu/chapters/mccull.htm | |
55. Pest And Disease Assessment In Young Eucalypt Plantations, Field Manual For Usin a basis for assessment of compliance with environmental management systems and The Bureau of Rural Sciences has published Âpest and disease assessment in http://www.affa.gov.au/content/output.cfm?ObjectID=087CB62C-75B1-4556-91FFD53159 |
56. Home, Gardens: Pest And Disease Control Information and tools needed for Integrated pest management. Master Gardener Online Guide to the identification of insect and disease problems of tomatoes. http://www.combose.com/Home/Gardens/Pest_and_Disease_Control/ | |
57. Urban info each week (in season) on crops, diseases, IPM issues. by MDA pesticide and Plant pest management Div, forestry Area of Expertise Team Sponsored by MSU http://www.msue.msu.edu/msue/iac/foreurba.html | |
58. Pest Management Program pest management Program. 1990s, and the insectcarried Pitch Canker disease which has CDF s forest pest specialists help protect the state s forest resources http://www.fire.ca.gov/ResourceManagement/ForestPest.asp | |
59. Integrated Pest Management Plan, Trees & Forestry, Grounds & Waste will utilize chemical means for controlling landscape pests such as weeds, insects, and diseases. Operations Division Grounds Waste management Trees http://www.plantops.umich.edu/grounds/trees_forestry/Integrated_Pest_Management. | |
60. Trees & Forestry, Grounds & Waste Management Jane Immonen, forestry Assistant, 7643422, Jane Immonen (get to control insects, pests and diseases, as needed. Coordinates Integrated pest management program. http://www.plantops.umich.edu/grounds/trees_forestry/ | |
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